Responses from calvinj
HAVE YOU ARRIVED AT YOUR FINAL SYSTEM AND WHAT’S IN IT? WHAT ARTIST IS YOUR GO TO? @coralkong the classe cp800 brought me a lot of joy the a years I had it. | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES TRY TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN’T HEAR IN A SYSTEM? @dayglow we research the hell out of things before we buy them. My system came about because I got a home demo where it blew my other amp out the water. Started with that and kept building. | |
AXPONA AND SWAF SOUTHWEST AUDIO FEST WHO IS GOING? Would love to meet yall! Come check out the Infigo Room. We will be showing with Final Speakers. | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES TRY TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN’T HEAR IN A SYSTEM? @dayglow that’s one of the advantages I have. Synergy. Infigo dac streamer cabling. | |
HAVE YOU ARRIVED AT YOUR FINAL SYSTEM AND WHAT’S IN IT? WHAT ARTIST IS YOUR GO TO? @coralkong the cp800 classe is a great piece gear. I owned it years ago | |
Infigo audio cable Impression @mikie go to our HAVE YOU EVER HAD A CABLE TAKE TOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING OK TO GREAT THREAD. | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES TRY TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN’T HEAR IN A SYSTEM? If it makes a difference to your ear you are the judge. I just sent some infigo cables to a customer and he is extremely happy. That’s what matters your ear no one else’s ear. | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? @jafreeman thats why at Infigo we allow people to try before you buy most of the time. It’s exactly why I started the demo program. I feel like a purchase like this you ought to be able to try it out most of the time. Your system. Your environme... | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? It also depends on what your going to and where you going from | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? @mitch2 great points. It also depends how much a match they are to your system. I have had some of my customers at Infigo Audio tell me about a substantial jump in the level of their system after they tried our stuff. But sometimes it’s a matchin... | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? @mitch2 great points. It also depends how much a match they are to your system. I have had some of my customers at Infigo Audio tell me about a substantial jump in the level of their system after they tried our stuff. But sometimes it’s a matchin... | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES TRY TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN’T HEAR IN A SYSTEM? There is nothing like a guy who has never even listened to smthg tell me what I’m not hearing because I can not trust my brain not to lie to me. GTFOH! | |
WHY DO SOME AUDIOPHILES TRY TO TELL OTHERS WHAT THEY CAN OR CAN’T HEAR IN A SYSTEM? @waytoomuchstuff love your last post my brother. | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? @jas_in_phila1 different systems need different things. Glad you found something you like. | |
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? @big_greg sometimes it’s a system matching issue and synergy. Your system probably needed that cable change. I see that all the time. |