Responses from calvinj
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @mitch2 great advice noted. We have to step away from needless arguments or conflicts. | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @052rc listen I have no problem with what you said. It’s not that serious. Enjoy the conversation and points of views from others. Happy listening | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @052rc i understood it. But at the end of the day. To each his or her own. Enjoy the music and what you have and the way you see things. Wish you all the best take care. | |
WHO IS ATTENDING SOUTHWEST AUDIOFEST SWAF IN DALLAS THIS WEEKEND! Sorry @randyhat i think they sent me out to get food. Lol 😂 but thanks for stopping by. | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @mahler123 i get what you saying but the surprising part for me is when it goes way past audio. I guess I’m old school I was never an habitual line stepper and I have seen a gang of habitual line steppers crossing the line when addressing another ... | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @052rc now you preaching. Listen I started out cheap as hell. Yup I have taken this high end gear a bit far but on a Friday after a long week it puts me in heaven and I’m glad I have what I have. Some do hate the high end and the fact that some o... | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @mahler123 yes I guess my caps did turn the volume up. Lol 😂 | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @immatthewj exactly. The anonymity of Audiogon gives people,courage they never had in real life to talk crazy to folks. | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @jl35 i agree 100% some just wanna argue about nothing. | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @oldaudiophile story time. I had a guy on Audiogon fake his identity call the owner of the company I work with. Disparage me etc etc. Come to find out. He lied about who he was. He was on his 8th audiophile name after getting kicked off the site... | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @curiousjim man I had a customer once was a good dude. Got mad because I didn’t send him speaker cables to demo fast enough and went off on me. Man he was a good dude till that happened. Started going bad on me on this forum and others. Man our... | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @mapman @jmera it used to be balanced and organic. Now experts pop up out of no where. | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @bigtwin if she finds this forum I’m in trouble. Lol. | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @2psyop I realized something when my best audio buddy died 6 years ago. It’s just gear. You are gone and it all gets sold at a discount and you better enjoy everything about this hobby while you still here. I choose to limit the arguing with folks... | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? @uncleang I got it discounted. I sold things. I flipped gear. I probably paid half that because of all the selling , flipping and trading for work etc. |