
Responses from ghdprentice

is McIntosh known for good dynamics?
@wrm57  +1 Correct.  Mac is highly regarded. Their house sound is very midrange and bass heavy. Just great for rock and roll. But not know for nuanced sound, certainly not microdynamics and detailed. Without well balanced top end, then it might ... 
Koetsu cartridges. They must be something special.
@larryi  +1 Nailed it. This is why I own a Koetsu Rosewood Signature. My dealer bought several when he found out they were closing down shop.   
800 Matrix
I bought five B&W 805 Matrix speakers (one is center channel), and 2 - 800 subwoofers long ago... 1990’s. I have had the subwoofers retaped and the amps in the subwoofers serviced, but they are doing great in our home theater.  
How to find local audiophiles
By my nature I am a recluse. I don’t think this is uncommon among audiophiles. While working, I had more than enough interactions with people (senior executive) so that being alone was a real privilege. Having retired. I’m still a recluse. Howeve... 
Is this a new trend?
I would think you may have inadvertently clicked on a bookshelf speaker ad and the search engine then flagged that you looked at bookshelf speaker and then started barraging you with bookshelf speaker adds. If you triggered and interest... then it... 
Do vacuum tube test values reflect sound quality?
There are actually a number of test values that can be measured with a good quality tester. Although I am not sure any have sound quality correlations.  
Suggestions for Preamp Tubes
I find that AI can be good for a starting point with sound characteristics. It often can point in the right direction. I’d recommend trying your own searches. But here is the results of a quick one I performed.     The sonic characteristics of ... 
Speakers sound too bright.
Sorry to hear your first reaction. But, you really need to get them broken in. I would put them pointing at each other and play them 24 hours a day for a week. As loud as possible without disturbing you.  The most likely problem is breakin. Then ... 
Lay sonus faber on the side?
As long as the finish is protected, this shouldn’t damage speakers.    But as mentioned above… it will completely screw up the sound. I used to own a pair of Olympica 3. They need distance behind and on both sides… and definitely be upright. The ... 
Oh no, say it ain't so.
I love music the most, but check a few of those boxes.   And that is the headphone system I used to travel with before I realized in noisy environments Bose Quiet Comfort noise cancelling headphones simply sounded more like music... and quieted ... 
Do I need upgraded power cables?
You ask good questions. Your system seems pretty well balanced. Looking over your system. I think the biggest bang for your buck would be a good quality power conditioner... I recommend Shunyata or Isotec. It has the advantage of improving much o... 
New split AC System impact on sound.
OP, That is great. Congratulations on such a great long run. We sold our last house with an ancient heat pump.   You are in for a treat. The new heat pumps are unbelievably quiet and efficient in comparison to older technology. Out exterior uni... 
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home for Mixed Genre?
Congratulations. That is how I got hooked on Sonus Faber. I found a used pair of Cremona M and purchase them as an experiment. They would be ~early 2000s. I loved them and knew that the newer were still very musical but more detailed. Within a co... 
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype
My favorite and current is the Audio Research Reference 9… well I have the CD9SE, which also has a transport, both tubed.   
New split AC System impact on sound.
I’ve had heat pumps for at least 35 years. The heat pumps have been very reliable. The condenser on my last one not so much (the external radiator core).. only lasted 11 years. I simply have a maintenance contract with the company that installed i...