
Responses from westcoastaudiophile

Is there an 'Audiophile' Reel-to-Reel Machine for Under $1,000?
Would recommend Akai GX-4000D, which is smaller tapes machine.. in good condition, maintained, it will run for years w/o issues!   
Can you do anything to make power tubes last longer ?
"Next year maybe, I spent enough already. I would be cautious to take the sound in  warmer direction compared to how it is now” yeah, next year you will be one year older, and hopefully everything around you will be “warmer” LOL  
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?
"Dohmann Helix One is likely the best turntable out there” in terms of speed accuracy and stability?? cmon..  "Louis Vuitton” style assessment LOL   
Mullard EL34 that sounds best
atmasphere + 1 JJ tubes are built at former Tesla factory, which supplied tubes military/aviation etc.. in 80s Tesla EL34 were the best I’ve experienced, reliability performance etc. not surprised to see JJ tubes in Luxman designs, 3yr warranty i... 
Can you do anything to make power tubes last longer ?
inna, you can bias amp’s output stage for 20% less current, and use 120<=>110V step down transformer. These two steps will increase tubes life time significantly, est. 30%+.   
Vintage Japanese DD Consult and Suggestions Please
laaudionut, ls1200g power supply design covers 100..240V 50/60Hz AC, I haven’t found power board difference between diff markets targeted product, in service manual.   
Vintage Japanese DD Consult and Suggestions Please
https://hifi-wiki.com/index.php/Technics_SL-1200MK4 MK4 was an adoption of verified by DJ's hard usage design for audiophiles, with adding very expensive titanium arm, RCA on bottom of arm, 78rpm option, and heavy mat. end of 90s that table was p... 
An IEC with grip
"I have tens of thousands of dollars in power cables” - congrats to your dealer!  assuming you have high grade new equipment, what was wrong with original PCs?   
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?
kudos to Raul! +1 - analog system performance relies on all pieces, thus there could be bigger setup problems than cartridge.  Inna, buying expensive cartridge, with hope it will open analog experience horizon, is the same as buying Ferrari to us... 
More on XLR vs RCA considerations?
"None of my wire runs exceed 4 feet and most are 2 feet or less" if pre&amp plugged into the same power outlet (or strip) in your case there will be not much difference between rca<=>xlr. balanced xlr is a must for longer connections be... 
Do you agree with John Atkinson (and me)?
(again) proposal to measure sound quality for many people in $$$ is ABSURD!  
How often do you upgrade turntable ?
"How often do you upgrade turntable ?" I wouldn’t call buying 40yr old mint TT an “upgrade”! I have bunch of TTs, and  “timeless engineering marvels” regularly added to my collection.  
Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC
@stuartk don’t worry about using adapter, unless it is a junk/cheap/chrome one.. For dig input frequencies it won’t make tangible impact. Cable impedance and quality is more important, just pick the good one.   
Vintage Japanese DD Consult and Suggestions Please
@lewm +1 “JP Jones owns both and conducted a meticulous comparison test, using measurements not “I like it”. He shared some data with me, showing no significant differences between the two." I hear very small, both direction, mostly record and ca... 
Do military/industrial tubes sound better than regular ones ?
“That means less bang for the buck not more if military” +1 there was scandal in 80s, on x100 times overpriced simple 1N4148 diode for MIL use, without much of “improvement”..