Responses from dynamiclinearity
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... It is the whole system which, of course, begins with the input and ends with the room. But like any chain every link matters. If any link fails the system fails. But in some ways the input could be thought of first. The rest of the system is basic... | |
Is this a new trend? yogiboy, Acoustic suspension was instrumental in the early design of small speakers but it is essentially dead these days. Thiel/Small research into the design of bass reflex speakers allowed the design of small ported speakers which are more effi... | |
Why do tube amps often subjectively sound more powerful than SS ? Primarily to only add to the discussion. I had demonstrated to me by my friend Murray Zeligman and David Berning that full loop negative feed back was deleterious to linearity(a Berning amp with variable feedback and as the feedback was reduced to... | |
A life sentence!!! My Technics EPC 100 MK4 moving magnet cartridge with bandwidth that gives any moving coil a run for the money and has enough output it can work into a moving magnet phono stage. I can only guess what it would be like if 40 years of improved knowle... | |
Audio companies in the mirror IMF - I knew Bud Fried when he was part of IMF and I miss him | |
Why do tube amps often subjectively sound more powerful than SS ? Actually you don't need a degree to design tube amps. I winder if Bill Johnson had a degree. I'm lazy so I won't do the research but I'd bet a significant number of tube amps were designed by people who learned on the job. And I bet that includes ... | |
Why do tube amps often subjectively sound more powerful than SS ? Then why do almost all the damping factors measured by Streophile fall below 10 and usually well below. And mor observationally why isn't the frequency response of amps shown by Stereophile into a simulated speaker load so far from flat? | |
Tubes and less sensitive speakers Crazy Suggestion since they are hard to find and long out of production but perhaps the 400 watt Melos monoblocks(triode output). They easily put out 400 watts(under rated, especially earlier versions) with a relatively high damping factor too(20 ... | |
Why do tube amps often subjectively sound more powerful than SS ? How many tube amps have a damping factor of even 10 into 8 ohms, especially with 4 ohm speakers(halving the damping factor) that are so common today? I can only think off the top of my head of one tube amp with a high damping factor, the old Melos... | |
Why do tube amps often subjectively sound more powerful than SS ? Just thinking out loud. Tube amps also tend to boost the mid bass and mid range (from about 1 kHz to 2 kHz or ao) due to their low damping factor interacting with speaker impedance. This could be part of the explanation for differences in ound ver... | |
a rant Themproblem is learning what you want gear to perform like and not basing your decisions and self worth on others ideas. | |
Enough of the Stereophile futuristic statements about the Focal Diva Utopia Many products have plus and minus characteristics. Many time these are not awful but you're aware of them. That makes it a bad or good product for you, nit necessarily a bad piece. There are many products I don't prefer. I don't buy them. But I wi... | |
Comparing speakers at home questions I'd do both. A few comments. When going back and forth I often notice I hear differences best when starting from my one set of speakers, going to the new ones AND especially when going back to the 1st speaker. Secondly, if the new speakers are rea... | |
One Sub or Two? The best answer is at least 3. On a speaker that goes deep the question isn't so much bass extension but countering room affects. The best place for the B&W speakers is almost certainly not the best place for the subs. Rooms have spots with ba... | |
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ? Asking for advice on which speakers to buy or listen to is useless. Even good speakers vary a lot in their plusses and minuses. First you need to know yourself, what factors you must have and which make a speaker impossible to live with. Then you... |