Is it just me or am I the only one that has had it with overly pushy audiophiles that push measurements as the end all be all. I’m not talking about healthy discussions on measurements but obnoxious ones that talk down to you because of the measurements of your system or equipment is not perfect for them? All cables and cords are snake oil to them if it doesn’t register on their meters? Am I the only that feels this way? 


Showing 4 responses by mclinnguy

Beating the horse which has died so many times.

And yet there are 39 posts already. Whoops, make it 40. 

I care about measurements only to the extent it helps with matching components. As someone mentioned the ohm rating on a speaker matched to the power/current of an amp or the phono cartridge to phono amp, etc. As far as other kinds of measurements … not at all interested. I listen to the sound and music, not measurements.

Well said.

I really appreciate the hard work that Alpha Audio has been doing. They are conducting the actual research that Amir at ASR only pretends to do. He is certainly not doing science, I am not sure he even knows what a scientist does.


Agreed. If Amir was in fact a real engineer he sure doesn’t demonstrate any of his scientific education. At this point he has built such a large institution if he was even shown real facts disproving his hypotheses, or rather "beliefs", he would surely deny them to keep his bubble intact.

Sad all his followers cannot get past his useless measurements and false statistics.


I wonder if one of these measurement guys could pick my wife out of crowd using her vital statistics of 36-27–38* alone.

Well now you are in trouble @newton_john , because someone told her about this post and now she is going to post a measurement of you. 

Hey, I don't suppose her name is Olivia? 



One salesperson who started talking all this audiophile jargon and went off on his own tirade rather than asking me where I was at and what I think I wanted; 

I had that once about 25 years ago; I remember it vividly. How can I demo the speakers when every 3 seconds he had something else to say? Needless to say he was never my salesman. There is that age-old saying amongst salespeople in any industry: Never talk yourself out of a deal, or talk past the close.