Is it just me or am I the only one that has had it with overly pushy audiophiles that push measurements as the end all be all. I’m not talking about healthy discussions on measurements but obnoxious ones that talk down to you because of the measurements of your system or equipment is not perfect for them? All cables and cords are snake oil to them if it doesn’t register on their meters? Am I the only that feels this way? 


Showing 2 responses by bassbuyer

I hear what you’re saying.  I find it depends on the site.  One of the reasons I like this site is people can share their experiences and perspectives without ridicule for the most part.  (I’ve real opened myself up with that comment lol).  I like reviewers that balance personal listening impressions with measurements since I find both helpful.  

Good question.  I’m like Groucho, I would never want to belong to a club that would have me as a member.