Is it just me or am I the only one that has had it with overly pushy audiophiles that push measurements as the end all be all. I’m not talking about healthy discussions on measurements but obnoxious ones that talk down to you because of the measurements of your system or equipment is not perfect for them? All cables and cords are snake oil to them if it doesn’t register on their meters? Am I the only that feels this way? 


Showing 2 responses by kerrybh

I believe measurements can be useful in making buying decisions but they certainly don’t dictate what I do. Ive bought higher-end cables, etc. that the objectivist would scoff at. With that said, this is not a one-way street. I have read quite a few vicious personal attacks made against objectivists on this site. i’ve noticed that people get very emotional about this hobby and a great number of them are intolerant of views that differ from their own.
If you think that cables, don’t make a difference, buy inexpensive cables. On the other hand, I don’t understand why the objectivists create so much anger for those who believe that cables, etc. make a difference. After all, people like amir cant dictate how you spend your money. He has an opinion. No reason to take it personally.

I think you generally get what you pay for in audio just like with most products. Those who believe differently are certainly entitled to their point of view. Why should I be offended by that? Buy what makes you happy. No reason for agitation at others who have a different point of view. This is listening to recorded music, not a Titanic struggle of good versus evil.

with that said, a good cable debate can be pretty entertaining, even though there is no chance it will add to the sum total of our knowledge on the subject




I agree with you. There are some things that I have taken a pass on, like expensive switches, because I tried them in my system and couldn’t hear a difference. But if someone else does hear a difference, it’s not for me to say it’s their imagination. By the same token, if someone chooses to drive their purchasing decisions entirely by measurements, it’s their money and their choice and that’s OK by me. I know there is such a thing as confirmation bias and it’s possible that I have been affected by that when I bought certain cables, etc. I’ll admit that I don’t do state-of-the-art, juried, double blind tests with every purchase I make because this is a hobby, not a colonoscopy. I’m a lawyer too, and know a little bit about arguments. Generally, when it gets to the ad hominem stage, it’s because that person has run out of logic.

I do take with a grain of salt those who say price doesn’t matter. There are certainly products that offer high value or poor value for the money. As a general rule, however, it’s very unlikely that a well thought out $10,000 system is going to perform as well as a well thought out $50,000 system, which is not to say that the less expensive system can’t still be highly enjoyable. As I’ve said before, I think the whole deal is to get the system that brings you the most joy for the resources that you are willing and able to devote to that purpose. Any time we find ourselves calling somebody names on a forum like this is probably a time that we should engage in a little self reflection