I’m not against measurements. It’s just that I’m ears over measurement all day.
Is it just me or am I the only one that has had it with overly pushy audiophiles that push measurements as the end all be all. I’m not talking about healthy discussions on measurements but obnoxious ones that talk down to you because of the measurements of your system or equipment is not perfect for them? All cables and cords are snake oil to them if it doesn’t register on their meters? Am I the only that feels this way?
Showing 30 responses by calvinj
@hilde45 i get what you are saying. I guess I’m surprised about the intellectual arrogance that some of them have towards folks they don’t know and don’t know the level of experience they have |
@mikhailark i have a troubling room but when my system is on in it. It’s amazing. I have taken my system to shows. Still sounds amazing |
@mahler123 I agree it’s very frustrating. Because you have guys on the internet who have not heard your system in your system in your environment and then spout a bunch psychotic allegedly scientific babble about what you are hearing and not hearing in your system a system that they will never hear and combinations of equipment, components , cables and rooms that they have never heard. |
@dlevi67 all great points. But what I see is increased nastiness with the arrogance. I expect today’s young people to not have the level of respect that is expected nowadays. But some of the older audiophiles are the ones that surprise me. They make personal attacks. I have had them find out what I do as a lawyer and use that. You work for a company and use that. You sell cables and use that. You paid all that money for an amp or dac or cables when a lot cheaper stuff would have been fine and use that. You allowed a company to sell you snake oil because you are a sucker argument is the one that is used on steroids! |
@coralkong you summed it up in a nutshell. I’m tired of it too. Why do they do that. Look we invest at different levels in this hobby. I get so sick of people trying to show how much much smarter than we are because they spent less money and we are foolish because we spent more money. Jeez! |
@sns great points. All great points. |
@cleeds yup I get what you are saying. They are lonely folks looking for arguments. |
@kennymacc exactly. We all have a sound we like and we seek it out. No measurements needed. |
@dayglow agreed |
@tony1954 you are right about the way folks talk to each other. People are online thumb thuggin. Hiding behind keyboards saying things online that they wouldn’t in person |
@joshua43214 you make a lot of great points. Also sometimes it’s how the equipment, power cables, interconnects and speaker cables interact with each other. It’s all so an issue with personal preferences. If the cables enhance your listening experience then you like them. There was a guy that was a nasa engineer that made great cables. His cables had a great soundstage but extended the treble and had a bump in the the lower midrange and in some systems it was great. In other systems not so much. But to each his own |
@kennyc love your spending above measurements analogy |
@oddiofyl I definitely understand your points. |
@2psyop you make great points. In terms of measurements and equipment matching. Sensible |
@kerrybh i agree you get what you pay for. I think there is a group of folks that like to show how much smarter they are when they get great sound without spending a lot of money. Which I think should be encouraged. However, don’t crap on other folks that do spend by challenging their intellectual ability and decision making. By doing things like saying they have confirmation bias and they are not hearing what they are hearing. That’s the part that’s crazy to me. |
@texbychoice you hit the nail on the head. The snake oil comments are the ones that get me. They accuse you of promoting snake oil or you are not smart enough to even know snake oil. I have then had it devolve into personal attacks after that. Just nutty! |
@cdc i research each piece of equipment I buy and each cable I use. I do work with Infigo Audio cables on the side and I actually set up a demo program where people could try before they buy. All systems and listening environments are different. No one system that most of us have are the same and even if they are they have different cables in them in different listening environments. I like to try before I buy. I also require black backgrounds, low noise floors and good soundstages in what I use. My preferences is to always have air around instruments and the treble must be airy and extended. My amp has a black background with air and space. It also uses all Class A power but biased at 35 watts. My Infigo Method 4 dac uses the ess Sabre 9038 dac chipset with multiple dac chips with miniature heat seats around each chip to limit the heat that limits distortion caused by the heat. It has been tested to make no noise even when turned to 140db. My speakers were designed a former designer for gamut. The German high speaker maker. So my Gato performs extremely well and punches way above the 14k price point. Like all of us do. When spending your money. Do your research but try to try all you can when you have the opportunity. |
@mikhailark it depends on your equipment. The combination and the room that you have it in. But it has to please your ears in your listening environments. Yes there are basic things that it should do but ultimately. It can measure great and still sound like crap Use your ear in your room with your equipment. |
@2psyop exactly my biggest argument with the measurement group. Music is meant to be enjoyed not measured. Measurements can help for the environments they are in. But if something’s measures great but sounds like crap,to your ear. You will not be playing it. |
@hasmarto this is the main point I make. I use measurements sparingly at best. It has to sound good or I don’t give a darn. I listen for hours when my ears are pleased. Measurements don’t matter if it’s not pleasing, enjoying or engaging. |
@toronto416 exactly. Some of these reviewers and guys that don’t actually try something in their systems are absolutely nuts to me. We actually had a power conditioner negatively affect our system but actually help another system in another room. It just depends. It actually happened at a show and the audiophile junkie did a whole infigo video on it. |
@jettyfat2323 you make a lot of great points. Sometimes the measurements are not ear pleasing. In a lot of situations. |
@chillydog you have the dest quote on this thread. |
@wolf_garcia exactly I dont like math problems mixed with my music. I wanna not think and let go and let the music move me. BINGO! |
@spenav thats why I question a lot of the scientific type audiophiles. If I change materials, connectors , copper, silver, braiding , shielding amounts etc there is going to be a difference in sound. How can you be pro,science and then say you can’t hear a difference ? |
@mikhailark take care my man we agree to disagree. Wouldn’t take your advice at all when it comes to this. The music moves me not your opinion or measurements. |
@toddalin he thinks our ears lie to us even though he has never heard our systems. Lol 😂 |