Responses from mswale
Streamer Recommendations Put all your music on a USB hard disk, then plug that into a Cambridge Audio streamer. All your music, in one place, that is easy to control. streamer with hard disk (iPad controlled) - Mac- speakers. | |
Has this ever happened to you? Happens to me all the time. When it just hit you, I star at my rack (thinking it's speaking to me) then get lost in the music. Everything disappears but the music. It can be very emotional at times. Other times it transports me to another time a... | |
Turntable Mats for Technics Grand Class, "G" Series My TT doesn't have a mat, never used a mat, am I really missing something? | |
Subwoofer with center channel You do not want a sub on the center channel. Male voices will be sent to the sub, and it will smear, distort, be hard to understand. Usually you cross the center over 100hz. The HT receiver will divert all bass to the subs, no need to add an extra... | |
How often to you clean vinyl and the needle? Records get cleaned before first listen, even new ones. Needle gets ultrasonic cleaning when needed, brush it only on occasion when I see something on it. The less you touch the needle the less chance you have to ruin it. Have killed a needle ... | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Listen to radio every morning, sometimes in the evening. Usually 4hrs a day is on radio, with my tuner. Have my local, and couple favorites saves from SF & Boston, but honestly, streaming radio is lo-fi. It sounds like crap compared to my tu... | |
Hegel hum? all transformers humm, some very much so. Usually they are bolted in tightly, or have some elastomer in the bolt to quiet the humm. You may have an issue where the transformer has loosed up, and is being allowed to vibrate. If it has elastomer i... | |
Need a little help ------sub NAD----splitter ------ amps | |
SPEAKERS THAT SOUND ALIVE & DYNAMIC AT LOW LISTENING LEVELS There is so much hate for Klipsch. I get it, the lower end stuff is defiantly made on a budget. They do require a little bit of modifying to get the best out of them. Having said that, I have Forte's, every morning I'm listing to the radio aroun... | |
Subs? Was just in this same situation. Went out and auditioned the JL subs, they KICK! If you only get one, get the bigger one, if you get 2 get the smaller ones. They will put out way more bass than you think, or even need. However, the bigger sub do... | |
Can I assemble a decent system out of these components That is some great gear to get dropped on you. Don't think you can go wrong with any of it. Honestly, set it up, play around with it, and keep what sounds best to you. Obviously your Dad really cared about music, and got some good stuff. TT-pr... | |
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms Obviously there is something going on. It does sound like phase thing, this is easy to test. Play some bass, move the balance full left, listen, then full right, does the bass go up at each extreme L/R? If so, it's a phase issue. Next thing w... | |
What does your Virtual System page say about you? Haven't checked what I did. Not sure it matters to me. I'm always trying to find the synergy with my system. Think for most of us, our virtual systems are just a moment in time. They are constantly changing and evolving. My speakers get swapped ... | |
Class A bias, speaker sensitivity, watts...? Yeah, you are still in class A. Unless you have really inefficiant speakers, or a very big room, most of us are only using a couple watts for normal listening. Around 80db at my listening spot is also around a watt. 10w is vibrating the house, 1... | |
Power supply for ethernet switch? Think everyone needs to read this, to get a fundamental understanding of how ethernet works. It's so different from an audio signal, noise can not piggyback on a packet. Ethernet jit... |