
Responses from mswale

Adding a sub makes a huge difference!! If you tune it properly, it will totally disappear to the point you will ask yourself if it's turned on. It's something that I wish I did sooner on my system. It allowed me to move my speakers where they mid/... 
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
Always get the best recording you can find. If you get a bad recording, chances are you will not listen to it. So it's a waste. Sadly the more revealing the system, the worst bad recording sound. Yes, get the best recording you can find for the p... 
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
IMHO, internal wiring does not do all the much, that being said, I have never used any exotic wire, just OFC copper. Unless I'm putting in a new XO, usually just keep the OEM wire. Also from experience, take a picture of all the connectors before... 
Qobuz vs Tidal
Have both, on my system, they are about the same. As said, some sound better on Tidal, some sound better on Qobuz.  This IMHO is a tie App, Tidal is so much better here, but lacking compared to Spotify. Winner Tidal Catalog, Tidal TV apps, Ti... 
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ?
Kind of hard to recommend speakers when you don't say what you have now, what you like about what you have, and what they are lacking. Also the room size, placement, listening volume, music type and what you expect out of new speakers.  You only ... 
Bose 901 Review Well Done.
Apparently, they are re-releasing the 901's, they look so good! Grew up in Boston, Bose speakers wer... 
Who's winning?
Doesn't matter how much the setup cost, the one who is winning is the person who is using it!!! Have a friend who is big into audio (I got some of his hand me downs) he almost never uses his system, and is constantly upgrading it. My main system g... 
What's the weakest link in my stereo set up? I live in a townhome, so limited on space.
This is a loaded question. What is the problem you are trying to solve for? What are you lacking? What are you missing? What can you get away with? Honestly, with your current setup, the only thing you are really missing is lower bass. Not sure ... 
Has anyone tried these SnugPlugs?
For $10, I'll just buy a good outlet.  Put "audio" outlets on my 2ch and HT setups, even changed my bedroom one. The new outlets hold cords very, very well! It's hard to plug in, and even harder to unplug. Did not go crazy on outlets, they were a... 
Perhaps the most annoying myth in audio of 2025? Talking about Loudness!
Interesting discussion.  On my system, it sounds very good around 60db, that is usually my morning listening volume while the house is asleep. The sound is clean, clear, good soundstage, good dynamics.  When I turn it up, it does get louder, but... 
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?
From my experience, it's usually older people at any of the Audio stores I go to. Just turned 50 this year, feel like I'm the young guy. This was especially so when I went to my first Audio convention.  I think with the availability of music ever... 
I feel for you
Your system sounds so much better when you put all that sweat equity into it!!  But no, really, my entire system sounded so much better after giving everything a refresh of caps, diodes, resistors, and transistors.   
Dusting gear and turntable
Having destroyed a needle trying to clean my TT, got more of a hands off approach now. Also never going to buy anything Piano Black again! Impossible to keep clean.  Actually used car care products on my TT, got a ceramic spray, that I spray on a... 
Sound room humidity
Interesting, never really thought about humidity changing sound. Usually do it for comfort, static reasons.  Here in the PNW, we have had a colder winter, humidity has dropped into the 20%, my skin hates it, my plants hate it, my TT really hates ... 
Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
Used to be the power cables don't do much camp, then I tried a few power cables.  On my HT setup, I noticed that after installing PC's to my SUB's and amp, that the power draw on my power conditioner went up, quite a bit. At idle everything is dr...