Power cord upgrade

I want to upgrade power cords for my streamer, Aurender A15 which currently has a Shunyata v14 digital.

And Puritan 156 which has the classic cord it comes with.

I believe in system synergy, so I am leaning towards Transparent, and/or Audioquest.

I have ARC ref5se with the Transparent Reference, and ref75se with the AQ Hurricane.

Guess my thought is the streamer and 156 PC are maybe a bottleneck. Won't know without trying, right? I am satisfied with the over all sound now, so looking for more of it. Make any sense??


Although suggestions and recommendations form others are always welcome and sometime very helpful, at the end of the day, they aren't worth a hill of beans when it comes to you finding the right cable that will synergize with your particular streamer best to your liking.  As already mentioned, trail and error is the only way.  All you can do is to bring in as many power cables for auditioning in your system as possible, and hope for the best.  Eventually, you'll find the perfect cable.  Happy listening.   

I got a synergistic research power cell and euphoria cables.  But the biggest difference will be plugging your DAC into a portable power station like the ecoflow delta 3. That will give you far more bang for the buck.

get a power cord that has OCC single crystal wire in it, OCC single crystal wire is far superior to anything OFC on the market and any price, OFC is the cheapest wire made it has 500 crystal barriers per foot which are little fractures in the wire I can't believe companies like transparent charge $70,000 for that cheap crap.

You'll never know what has the perfect "synergy" without trying every power cable available (but none make an objective difference). Happy hunting.

dont throw money away  - try Ice age audio Frankencable power cord or used Triode wire labs Obsession.

Other people's advice on cables is useless.

Find a dealer (brick & mortar or online) who lets you audition them in your system, make sure they're broken in and try them in your system.

Trust your ears.  That's all that matters.

I've tried cables that sound terrible in other people's systems and not bad in mine.  And vice versa.

I have the N200 and recently switched to a Clarus Crimson cord and it seems to have cleaned up the sound. I noticed it in the bass and midrange the most.

All the best.

@mclinnguy Interesting. I just removed the ultimate cord and inserted the classic back into the PSM156 because I thought this comment was quite odd. I certainly don’t get any etched highs, if anything it is smoother and easier to listen to than the ultimate. Less resolved, less detail, less refined and not as nice sounding, but not terrible by any means. The worst part of the classic and the part I noticed the most was the bass was bloomy and very much uncontrolled with the classic vs. the ultimate. But I suppose the Shunyata is that much smoother by comparison? Which Shunyata cord is it?

Yes, it was definitely surprising that the Classic+ seemed to be the source of my issues. Substituting the Shunyata (it is just a Venom model) changed everything. I still plan to replace the Shunyata, as I think it is limiting. The only other time I had to remove a power cord from my system was when I used an unshielded cord on my amp and had similar results. I have no explanation for this phenomena, but it is pretty apparent and seems to be addressed with shielding.


For kicks try a diy solid core with hospital grade Hubble and Marino iec

in Europe use a 3x1.5mm solid and in US a 16awg (for source or 14awg for amps)

synergy? These are the cables in your wall


you might be amazed….


I have tried a host of power cords and Furutech DPS is by far the best sounding in my system; it's on all of my components to include the Puritan PSM156.


I’m a fan of Nordost Hemdall 2. Remember, some manufacturers have recommended lengths. As an example, Nordost recommends 2m for their power cords. If possible, purchase a cord you can return if you don’t like it. 

I got the best result with Puritan PSM-156 from using a ZenWave PSR-11 than a AQ Dragon HC. On the other hand, Dragon serves my Grimm MU2 better than Zenwave. Simply put, I like the synergy better. 

@audioman58 Could you please clarify that statement, that the Tornado is perfect for that? Perfect for the streamer dac?

AQ Tornado source is perfect for that a bit more money but better suited the the HC version.

@classicrockfan Don’t wast your breath, the Force is strong said Darth Vader, old age, disposable coin, hearing loss, gullibility, marketing, some of the powers at hand !! 


There's no such thing as upgrading power cords so don't waste your money NO REASON.

(if money is no object to you... then... )

@skids - My experience was a little different than Audphile1. I also have the Puritan 156 in my primary system which absolutely up-leveled the quality of my listening experience. I upgraded to their Ultimate Power cable and used it on the Puritan 156. In my system it was a definite improvement leading to deeper and more propulsive bass and more meat on the bones for the music. 



I know the Puritans take about two weeks to break in, but after five days of painful listening with terrible, etched highs, I had to swap out the cord for 20A Shunyata I had laying around. This quickly resolved that problem

Interesting. I just removed the ultimate cord and inserted the classic back into the PSM156 because I thought this comment was quite odd. I certainly don’t get any etched highs, if anything it is smoother and easier to listen to than the ultimate. Less resolved, less detail, less refined and not as nice sounding, but not terrible by any means. The worst part of the classic and the part I noticed the most was the bass was bloomy and very much uncontrolled with the classic vs. the ultimate. But I suppose the Shunyata is that much smoother by comparison? Which Shunyata cord is it?

@skids I wish I could try the Hurricane HC in the Puritan but it is not a C19.

Won't know without trying, right? I am satisfied with the over all sound now, so looking for more of it. Make any sense??

Yup, makes total sense. I feel the same about my system right now, leaves nothing to be desired, so I have a C19 Sigma V2 on the way to see if I prefer it over the Ultimate.  We are audiophiles, right? wink


I had a Anticables PC on my Aurender N150, I thought it was good, I use Anticables speaker wires and they blew away my Wireworld Equinox and Audience AU24...

But I use Acoustic Zen on everything else, interconnects are AZ Absolute etc, and I love Acoustic Zen Krakatoa power cords.. well I scored another Krakatoa and replaced the Anticables Power cord and it was like buying and new price is gear, totally opened up and smoothed out everything,  bass way more subterranean...


@skids: I tried an AudioQuest Hurricane source, and a AQ Hurricane high current (along with various other AQ PCs) power cable in my audio system on different components, and after much trail and error, and out of all the AQ power cables I tried, I ended up using an AQ Hurricane high current PC on my AQ Niagara 3000 power conditioner only. I absolutely love the AQ Hurricane HC power cord on my power conditioner, which it will remain for the foreseeable future. As far as AudioQuest power cables are concerned, I found only their upper tier power cables to be to my liking, as I also use an AQ Firebird source power cable on my streaming DAC.  A totally phenomenal AQ Firebird source power cable, although very expensive, would work wonders on your streamer.  Otherwise, you’ll just have to keep on experimenting with different power cables until you find the right one. Happy listening.

I’d recommend a Transparent Reference. That is what I have on my system components with a Hurricane on my power amp.

I’ve been impressed by reviews of some direct sellers that are worth exploring as they offer high value and generous free trials.  On the lower end there’s the Ice Age OFC “Frankencable” and on the pricier side there’s the Snake River Signature both of which seem to punch well above their respective price points.  Best of luck. 



Using the Shunyata Denali 6000 v2 I have had great success with both the Shunyata Sigma v 2 and Kubala Sosna Elation power cables.

Also, OP…don’t buy the puritan ultimate cord without ability to return it. I tried it, gave it few weeks of break in and sold it. It was harsh, thin and fatiguing in my system with all pass labs amplification at the time. I eventually got rid of psm 156 as I found it to be an overall bad fit for my system and I only ran source components off the puritan. 
good luck

OP Iam not surprised the Heimdall and Frey will work in favor of AQ . I used AQ storm series on amp and preamp.

When I had PSM 156 I swapped connectors on classic cord with Furutech rhodium plated FI-28 and FI-32. Made a really nice improvement. 

Try a WireWorld Silver Electra on your streamer, they are well liked for that purpose.

I just received a Puritan PSM156 last week and have been breaking it in with the Classic+ cord that came with it. I know the Puritans take about two weeks to break in, but after five days of painful listening with terrible, etched highs, I had to swap out the cord for 20A Shunyata I had laying around.  This quickly resolved that problem though it will not be my final cord for that unit. I suspect that the Classic cords are not shielded and that was the issue. So, yes, I would agree that the cord may be holding you back. I was planning on getting their ultimate cord, but now I am a little concerned that I might have the same experience. 

I had AQ Tornado on my Aurender N200 and didn’t like it - too dull, narrow stage, mushy. Using Nordost Heimdall 2 now and also tried Frey 2. Both are better to my ears and in my system than the AQ. 
I would go with Transparent or Nordost especially if you already have the Hurricane on the amp unless you like soft and dark sound.