
Responses from soix

If Steely Dan had a different vocalist
Just thought I’d share this song I recently found (although it’s almost 30 years old!!!) by Sonia Dada called “Lester’s Methadone Clinic” cause it’s a pretty cool song that to me has that elusive SD vibe/feel/groove and even some Dan-like lyrics. ... 
Is there a clear definition of what "Integrated" means?
but what constitutes the "pre-amp"?  Who cares???  If you have an amp that has a volume control it’s an integrated amp. It matters not if the preamp section is active or passive, it’s still an integrated amp.   
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
So the ATC and Proac models wouldn't be loud enough?   ATC has excellent dynamic capabilities, but you also need an amp that can supply the power it needs.  What amp do you have?  
Is there a clear definition of what "Integrated" means?
A preamplifier (passive or active) and amplifier in the same box.  All the rest are just options.   
Solo streamer
I am very comfortable with others having different views to mine.  I do not have an insatiable need to fill some existential void in my soul @mdalton Nor do I, but I do enjoy greatly helping people avoid obvious potholes when they’re thrown in ... 
Solo streamer
@mdalton Hmmm.  Sure seems like your link to expectation and confirmation bias was targeted at the OP, but whatever.  I don’t pick fights, I just respond to the material being given.  You have your opinion and I have mine, and thankfully the OP ha... 
Solo streamer
@mdalton So your contention is the OP is just fooling himself, is that it?  It’s really sad that you’re unable to hear differences between streamers, but that you keep trying to tell others there’s no difference is tiresome and remains utterly poi... 
Solo streamer
At last, all components are in perfect sync.  Can’t imagine set sounding sweeter. Congrats!  And Goodonya for sticking it out despite all the naysayers.  Given all the back and forth that went on with @mdalton @mikhailark @lanx0003 and others ... 
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
If you’re open to used here’s a pair of Wilson Duettes that were designed to work in compromised placement situations.  
Where Do I Go from Here?
What I would like to achieve is a little greater 3-dimensionality, a little greater accuracy in those faint sounds (such as a gently struck triangle at the back of the orchestra, better definition of singers in a massed chorus (e.g., Carmina Bura... 
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
The ATC SCM19 is a sealed bookshelf design so no ports to worry about and great sounding speakers. Available here with a 30-day return policy and a 10% discount if you submit your email that would put them around $3000 so well below your budget. T... 
Focal Celestee
I think you’ll be much happier with the Clears and look forward to your thoughts. I was going to recommend the Singxer SA1 amp that I drive my Arya Stealths with as I think it would deliver the sound characteristics you’re looking for without brea... 
Where Do I Go from Here?
The possibilities are vast, so what specific improvements would you be looking for?  At that price level I’d hit an audio show or two (even if it requires a flight) to hear several contenders that interest you to see which ones really “do it” for ... 
Focal Celestee
It’s hard to say, but using the headphone output from an entry level preamp is not likely doing you any favors. That said, your Focals don’t seem to be voiced to be the last word when it comes to detail/air, so I’m guessing that’s a lot of what yo... 
Innuos Statement vs Zenith Mk3 + PhoenixUSB
My question would be if the Phoenix is really worth $2500 more than something like the Denafrips Gaia.  Call me skeptical.