
Responses from soix

B&W 706 S3 vs 705 S3
Hey man, I’m just trying to help. If you like the B&Ws go for it man. I’ve heard the B&Ws against lots of other speakers and they just ain’t all that given what else is out there. But if you’re sold on B&W then just go for it. If it ma... 
B&W 706 S3 vs 705 S3
  your opinion of “Best Buy sucks” is really not relevant to the conversation or my original question. Yeah, the speakers aren’t set up perfectly but ALL of them are set up the same so it’s comparing them in a like environment even if it isn’t i... 
B&W 706 S3 vs 705 S3
Nothing wrong with Best Buy. My nephew just purchased a pair of Marten Logans from Best Buy and he could not be happier. BTW, many moons ago I tried B and W and I found them boomy in the base! @yogiboy There’s so much wrong with this. First, i... 
B&W 706 S3 vs 705 S3
Because Best Buy absolutely sucks.  I worked at Magnolia for a bit.  They don’t know what they’re doing, their speakers are all pushed up against a wall not cause that’s where they sound best but because it’s easier for them and are hooked up to l... 
B&W 706 S3 vs 705 S3
A Pioneer receiver???  Where were you that they didn’t at least have a decent integrated amp to demo those speakers? That’s embarrassing. Lemme guess — Best Buy? 🙄 Find another store.   
Pure Silver Wire
Wire is wire. Resistance is all you need to worry about, so save yourself a lot of money and buy some low cost speaker wire of the appropriate gauge. Not a single person in this thread could discern a difference in a proper test. @jaygilb  So, ... 
USB Cable Recommendations Under $500
For about $150 I think this USB cable from LavriCables is hard to beat.  It’s made with 5N silver and has separate legs for data and power, and both of these features are rare or nonexistent at this price point.  They do offer two more expensive c... 
B&W 706 S3 vs 705 S3
Neither.  For near that money just buy these.  I heard them directly against the 805 D3s and the JA Pulsars outclassed them on every level and will annihilate the 705s.  Read the reviews — the Pulsars will be a huge upgrade for not all that extra ... 
Are Headphones Fit for Serious Music Listening?
I enjoy both but prefer my big rig because headphones can’t produce the scale of a performance in a room like a good 2-channel system can.  But I chose my HeadFi setup to have the same sound characteristics that I value in my home system and enjoy... 
USB Cables: beginning the rabbit hole
I see no reason to engage further with @soix due to him obviously being a legend in his own mind. I will add one thing to my original post, as long as the cable you are using for USB service can pass the bandwidth of data being transmitted, it’s ... 
USB Cables: beginning the rabbit hole
I don’t appreciate being told I dont know what I am talking about. I have likely done more with audio than you have and for quite a bit longer as well. The original poster asked for opinions and I expressed mine. It’s within my rights here as a m... 
USB Cables: beginning the rabbit hole
Save your money, if the cable does not have physical defects, there will be no difference whatsoever in the sound quality. @livinon2wheels You have no idea what you’re talking about, and if you can’t hear differences between cables then either... 
Considering the BMR Philharmonic Monitor speakers
Just get these and be done with it. 😜  And I think they’re in the gorgeous Sapele wood finish, so there’s that.  
Pure Silver Wire
It’s a good question.  You’re showing 4N silver cable I think, but better silver goes up significantly in cost that'd obviously drive the cost of those cables up a lot.  I have this theory that manufacturers largely use copper cables/interconnects... 
Paradigm or Rotel or MHDT DAC?
Get these speakers.  Next level entirely.