Responses from soix
Did I Expect too much? Makes you wonder how much they may have skimped on crossover components. | |
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers? @kevn Maybe you should learn how to ask questions like a normal human being rather than making things up and putting words in people’s mouths in an accusatory manner unnecessarily. In my many years here I’ve never, ever confronted someone on so... | |
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers? @kevn It’s the way you supposedly “ask a question” that’s the problem here. You pose suppositions about what @atmasphere is saying that he’s neither said nor implied in any way — you just make them up in your own mind — and then after incorrectly... | |
Klipsch vs B&W brightness @knotscott +1. Why are you even asking this? | |
Do I need upgraded power cables? I’m pretty confident these will bring significant improvements over what you’ve had to date. | |
Opinions on McIntosh MHA200? Here’s another amp you might wanna consider, and like LTA they also offer a trial period. | |
Speakers sound too bright. Is it worth changing out my Blue Jean speaker cables? I feel like some of these expensive cables are over hyped. If its suggested not to keep the Blue Jean cables, what relatively inexpensive cables would you guys suggest. You have some ver... | |
Do I need upgraded power cables? I've had the Kimber 8ts and Silver Streak about a month and things are sounding too bright. What cables/interconnects were you using before? I’d wait til you have at least 150 hours of playing time on the Kimbers before making any firm conclus... | |
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers? based on what I have read from your posts and the exchange between you and jea48, would it be safe for me to summarise that you are of belief the primary and perhaps even only issue of the effect of a power cable on sound has to do with voltage d... | |
Opinions on McIntosh MHA200? Guess they’re gonna have to find another brand to tame those aggressive B&W tweeters. | |
Getting started with Headphone system; what are the basics Just fyi, I’ve got the Arya Stealths (the model below the Organics I recommended above) and they really just do everything well. Great expansive “out of the head” imaging and soundstage, neutral but musical and very balanced from bottom to top, an... | |
Primaluna evo tube preamps with Coda S5.5 I was also going to mention the Aric Motherload, but you’d probably want the XL version that is balanced and is a little pricier than the Raven so tough choice. Both end game preamps IMHO. | |
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8? Well, given you like the Exposure (nice amp BTW) and are just looking for a little more meat on the bones you might be looking for more of a neutral sounding tube amp rather than a more conventional and warmer “tubey” sounding amp. I’d put the Pr... | |
Speakers sound too bright. To rule out a speaker being wired incorrectly internally and assuming you have your speakers hooked up correctly, just play tracks 22 and 25 from this — no need to mess with resistors and such. Left should be left, center should be center, and rig... | |
Primaluna evo tube preamps with Coda S5.5 You should be aware that VTL’s reputation for support/repairs, especially for used equipment, is abysmal. Not a small consideration IMO. Forgot to mention Spatial offers a trial period for the Raven if you’re interested in it. |