Responses from audphile1
CD Player Distortion? Make sure you have all noise generators away from cables - no source of EMI or RFI near these cables. Routers, power cords, amplifier transformers, etc. You can still try old cables now that you hear what was missing you might be able to pick up o... | |
CD Player Distortion? It would either be on a recording, something you never heard before due to this information being masked, or the DAC section of your cd player is acting up. Or even your speakers may be producing this effect. If you insert the old cables back do ... | |
CD Player Distortion? Wavering? Can you describe exactly what you’re hearing? | |
No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables. Yeah it’s a shame. To beat the Aqueous it took a much more expensive Audience speaker cables. | |
A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks Hahaha was just busting your chops Curious how the audience cables will sound in your system. | |
A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks I counted four dots @immatthewj just sayin’… hey so what did you end up doing? | |
Piano high notes very bright Changing speaker positioning can reduce and even eliminate this problem. If your speakers are spread too far apart and are close to the side walls it can cause this issue due to how your speakers interact with room acoustics. Try moving the speake... | |
Ethernet Filters @alan60 I recommend you try iFi into network extender then from there use a really nice Ethernet cable into your streamer. I use this iFi gizmo and I can tell you it doesn’t harm anything. In my system it doesn’t improve anything either but it’s c... | |
No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables. The Neptune power cord resulted in very dark and rolled off sound. I used to own Aqueous 20th Anniversary speaker cables for years and yes they were warm sounding but resolving and articulate at the same time. Very musical. I think the liquid shi... | |
No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables. I use Purist Cat 7 Ethernet cable. Really like it. Tried the Neptune Diamond Revision power cord and hated it. | |
DAC break-in question jaygilb 5 posts 02-21-2025 at 11:11am If your computer or microwave oven doesn't need a break-in period, then the same goes for your audio gear. I log in once a day for entertainment. This is it. | |
USB Cable Recommendations Under $500 Used AQ Diamond, Audience Studio One. | |
Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC @stuartk great news! Hopefully the DAC meets your expectations! | |
Confused about adapter for RCA to BNC @stuartk no big deal. I know you wouldn’t be using it on rca outs but thought to have an additional data point to determine the culprit…is it the Mojo rca jack or the cardas adapter that is the culprit. You don’t want to give up on your Mojo D... | |
DAC break-in question jasonbourne71 1,261 posts 02-20-2025 at 09:46am The power of confirmation bias! Try taking off those shades man. You might see the world in a different light |