Responses from squared80
Audiohifistore.com is a SCAM Red flags were all over this one. Come on, man. | |
ARE SUPER EXPENSIVE STREAMERS REALLY WORTH IT Nope, they are not. Just ask science. Next question. | |
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles A true audiophile who understands the science of sound and the profound power of our brains to create biases... knows that anything they purchase beyond OFC at the proper gauge for the length isn't going to change the sound. Nothing. If you want t... | |
HOW DID YOU END UP WITH YOUR DREAM SYSTEM? By first understanding the science of sound; not spending exorbitant amounts of money on boutique power cords, speaker wire, amps, etc., that don't actually change the sound AT ALL but feed into snake oil marketing that is killing this hobby. Then... | |
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords? There will not be any quantifiable difference whatsoever by swapping power cords. None. Now, what you tell your brain to tell you is a different thing. | |
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds? Tubes and no tubes. After that there's not much difference. | |
Has anyone here had any dealings with Tekton, particularly their subwoofers Tekton has horribly toxic ownership. Don't even care if I liked their speakers or not, Eric and his trash heap are dead to me. | |
If a tree falls in the forest… If a tree falls in the forest, does an expensive speaker cable still sound the same or even worse than a coat hanger? Yes. Yes it does. | |
what dacs are fast, lively, energetic? Insinuating that anyone here would be able to clearly discern if a DAC is fast, lively, or energetic compared to another one is both hilarious and sad to me. | |
Room is way too bright. Make your own acoustic treatments. Anyone can make them, and make them look professional. Very cheap to make and even customize. | |
Front Row Seat Power Cord? I can't believe a post like this is getting replies like this. I thought we were here to educate people, and not perpetuate the snake oil marketing jargon that is absolutely destroying this hobby. Anyone who thinks a power cable changes your sound... | |
Recommended amplification Buckeye Amps. | |
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables? Just get the cheapest OFC cables you can find and they'll be objectively better than any boutique snake oil brands with their marketing markups. It should be a very, very small percent of your budget, and it shouldn't go up just because the price ... | |
After 20 years, in the market for a power amp Dude, just go get a Buckeye. One of the best objectively tested amps in the emntire market, without the snake oil markup. Set for life with those. | |
CLASS D Buckeye Amps. You're welcome. |