

Responses from squared80

Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers?
Why are you asking 'opinions' about power cables instead of just asking what science and physics say, with quantifiable facts. POWER CABLES DO NOT CHANGE SOUND. Shame on anyone who says otherwise and perpetuates the marketing lies. I'm amazed ther... 
The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam?
Anyone who believes power cords change sound, or anything beyond the cheapest 12 AWG OFC cables you can find change sound, are also scammers. Or not really audiophiles. Or both.   
Send in the Clowns
If it wasn't a tube amp, then it doesn't matter. It will sound the same as every other amp ever made. Clown.  
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired)
Kind of lame since it's totally subjective. Vynil introduces a level of distortion that is pleasing to the ears of many, whereas other people prefer otherwise. Shots fired? Ok. That's like saying country music is better than rap. It's just prefere... 
Upscale Audio is up front with customers
Newflash: A/V stores that try to sell you power cords, esp. at $5000, are not "really up front and honest." They are part of the snake oil scum that's destroying this hobby. Educate yourself before falling victim to BS marketing, and those who per... 
AC Power
Anyone who says you need to do anything with your power (upgrade power cords, power conditioning, etc.) to change or improve your sound is lying, or ignorant. It's as simple as that.  
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
Don't change power cables because doing so well do NOTHING to the sound. It's fake news. And if you've got 12AWG OFC cables, no amount of money can but any cables that will ever sound better, or different. Again, it's all marketing. All of it. Any... 
Power conditioning will not help sound. If anything, it'll be a limiter to your speaker cables.  
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
You're playing a fool's game. Put the snake oil down and start working with science and objective facts. Your expensive cables have not improved your sound at all. At. All. Changing out internal wires will also do nothing.  Shame on people here w... 
What's the weakest link in my stereo set up? I live in a townhome, so limited on space.
Ignore any of these people recommending something as ridiculous as upgraded cables and power cords. Back here in reality, where science triumphs over snake oil marketing, I think you should start by looking at your room acoustics before buying an... 
Power cables and power conditioners
Your power cords don't affect sound. At all. Scientific fact.   
physiology and psychology of hearing
If you tell yourself a more expensive power cord, lifts, or some boutique speaker cables are going to change the sound, you've built in a bias where you think it DOES sound different. But it doesn't. Not one bit. And you've spent a lot of money fo... 
Odd premise for a post. Get what sounds good to you. But at a certain point price has absolutely to do with it.   
A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks
"And I realize that there are those that don’t believe in either" It's not about believing. There are those who use objective facts, and those who use subjective opinions supported by any number of biases, realized or not. Those in the latter gro... 
Which inexpensive speaker cables...
Anyone here who tells you their expensive designer cables are wrong and ignore the science of sound. Don't by the snake oil.   The only problem with coat hangers is they're not very pliable. Go getGet ANY cheap OFC at the gauge that matches your...