
Responses from kdoerner

Power cord upgrade
I originally had Nordost Red Dawn on my streamer then upgraded to the Tornado source cable. I just upgraded from that to a Snake River Audio cables. I bought 2 different ones. One is the Signature which is a hybrid of 24K gold and silver. The othe... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
This is getting off topic, Again. Please, lets leave the opinions to another (other) thread.  I've started the break-in and will add a thread in the future about my impressions of these beautify cables.  We can debate in that one, lol. A big shou... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@vthokie83 appreciate you.  I completely agree, is a cable that is half the value of the streamer really going to make a difference? Not sure. I'm a strong believer in system synergy. When I first upgraded my streamer to a Nordost Blue Heaven PC,... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
You're also kidding yourself if you don't think those reviewers get paid. Steve Huff pushed a $20 amazon speaker cable. Its sales went up 1000%. I even bought a pair.. Did it sounds the same as my Zu Mission cables? YES. Did it sound as good as my... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@lordrootman you are proving the point. 2 different cables, 2 totally different sounds. So how can anyone say cables don't matter?  Just because, to their ear's, they preferred one over the other, how is that wrong? At the end of the day, there wa... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
Look, at the end of the day. I agree, 110v is 110v. It will all travel the same through a conduit (PC).  However, this is saying a knife is a knife, "it cuts".  Wrong! Metallurgy is a thing in case you've never heard of it. Like knifes, different ... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@ktarver I appreciate that. I'm all for discussions, I just know this is a heated topic and I really just wanted to show off the skill and care Jonny over at SRA put into his craft.  Once the cables are broken in, I'll create a proper impressions ... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@baylinor LMAO. The SR purple sounds amazing with my Pass Labs.  
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@tkrtrb125 so true, lol  
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
Lets stay on topic folks. This is about the unboxing of the SRA cables and how much time Jonny spends to handmake every single one of these. Lets keep the utility & PC opinions in other threads. Please!  
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@ktarver I believe in my ears. Again, you should find someone who has a highly resolving system to A/B test factory cord vs a premium cord. You will understand. As for the wall socket, I hear what you're saying. In every system, the weakest link w... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@squared80 you clearly do not have a system that is resolving enough to hear the difference cables can make. You should find someone who can A/B test for you and you’ll understand.  
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@baylinor what you described is the same when I added the Signature Mamushi XLR between my stream and amp. Bass was deeper and more controlled, the highs were articulate, and the sound was expansive. This was coming from Nordost Heimdall (v1) XLR'... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@ibmjunkman lol, he did include a "spud" candy bar.  
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
@steakster you bring up a good point about trying cord rolling. I'll give them a try on different components to see how they do. I agree, class act operation.  I got hooked after buying some Signature Mamushi XLR from TMR. Made an immediate impact...