Responses from kdoerner
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @bugredmachine I think at this level of quality, most people who are buying SRA have a pretty solid system and would be happy with even 10% improvement. However, I think trying to put a % on it is really difficult. When I replaced all of my Audioq... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @fthompson251 When I first bought the PC's, I had decided to get one of the cottonmouth gold PC's in addition to the signature AMP PC's. The reason, cost for one, and two, after talking with Jonny, the Cottonmouth give a warmer presentation, while... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @steakster Thats a good deal for someone. SRA also has some Demo cables on their website that are discounted. I picked up another PC, Phono Cable, and XLR's. With this Cottonmouth had been on here earlier, would have snagged it. | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @tee_dee I am not a cable designer nor do I have a background in electromagnetics (is that a word, lol). However, I had always though the cores were in place to prevent extreme lows and highs that are well above and below your audio systems capab... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing Excited for the Sale to start, 24% off if anyone is interested. I just pick up some of his demo cables from the site (Phono and a pair of XLR's). Super excited to branch off into more of snake river audios cables. Happy Holidays Everyone! | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @fthompson251 Its kind of hard to say. When I upgraded, I first put on the Amp PC and heard an immediate impact, then added the signature to the Streamer. Listened to that a while, then switched to the Cottonmouth and preferred that sound. I didn'... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @lak That would be awesome, I was hoping he was going to run a Black Friday sale but didn’t see anything. Itching for some more cables, lol. | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @fthompson251 I have the Signature amp PC on my Pass labs and wound up switching the Signature PC on my DAC/Streamer to the Cottonmouth. My system tends to lean neutral, added the Cottonmouth gave me a great balance and added a bit more warmth. I ... | |
Power cord As most have said, cables are going to be different in everyone's system. Nordost good stuff really does start at the Heimdall and above. Audioquest PC start at Thunder and above. For my system, I had Nordost Red dawn and Blue Heaven for all of m... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @westcoastaudiophile I identified "upgrade" based on sound. I have a set of songs I A/B test between the cables after they are broken in. Over the original Pass Labs PC, The Nordost added greater detail in the sound. Bass was a tighter and highs w... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @westcoastaudiophile sorry if I misunderstood your question. Yes, I can absolutely tell the difference within each of the upgrades with my current system. I would say not so much with my original McIntosh system with the Zu Audio speakers. That sy... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing @westcoastaudiophile I listed the last run of cables just on my Pass Labs Int-60 near the start of the post. I started with the Pangea cables on my original McIntosh amp some years ago now. I upgraded that to all Zu Audio cables (power, RCA's, sp... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing I'm in love with the sound. I've been moving the cables between component and finally settled into what sounds good to me. I too have had many brands of power cables. Pangea, Zu Audio, Nordost, Audioquest. These are by far the most dynamic and h... | |
Power cord upgrade I originally had Nordost Red Dawn on my streamer then upgraded to the Tornado source cable. I just upgraded from that to a Snake River Audio cables. I bought 2 different ones. One is the Signature which is a hybrid of 24K gold and silver. The othe... | |
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing This is getting off topic, Again. Please, lets leave the opinions to another (other) thread. I've started the break-in and will add a thread in the future about my impressions of these beautify cables. We can debate in that one, lol. A big shou... |