Responses from 1971gto455ho
Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada Borders are borders, seems fighting and pillage historically has been human nature. There’s always a brainless grabber in control somewhere, know any of them ? | |
Which end is which? Braided shielding is connected at both ends. Therefore there is no audible or measurable difference directionally at either end. Jasonbourne71 is vindicated !! Ignorance is bliss….Not ! Gullibility is alive and well….Sadly ! | |
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers? Such BS for the supposedly educated elderly. Perhaps marketing thinks many are lonely, ignored, and have little more than hobbies to pass their time away. So nail them with Unsubstantiated incredibly expensive BS. | |
Best Exercise To Improve Capability Of Handling Heavy Amps My amps are 136 pounds each, planned placement then had two heavy hitters put them exactly where I wanted, no sweat 👍 | |
Has anyone tried these SnugPlugs? Sounds like another 1/2 way gimmick, God knows audio has enough of them. Take the hospital grade advice.. will still give you full contact, +solving the jiggle problem. Don’t worry about any of the burn in BS or high dollar supposedly audio specif... | |
No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables. Good to hear the cable industry might be running out of swanky new and improved BS with a few moving on.., back to reality boys 😈 | |
How often do you upgrade turntable ? Never… streaming and remotes the way to go! | |
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore @dbyni Should I add listening to blowhards claiming perfected hearing after 40 odd years in an opera house and or types boasting of disposable cash. Of course their speakers to tweaks are the prettiest and best that with which they’ll push onto... | |
Furutech PC's? I DIY all speaker and power cable to shielded, sized, perfection. Fuses and other rabbit hole idea's I don’t waste my time. When I see words like nano I quit reading ! | |
BS meter is pegged! Perhaps you can clear up the wire nonsense when you’re done washing this laundry… lol Cheers | |
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles 3 sheets of good one side plywood, a $ 2500. aprox. trip to Crutchfield, 150 odd feet of zip cord, 1 gallon of battleship gray Tremclad paint. And Walla Bob’s your uncle. Of course you’ll need a shop a jigsaw screwdriver various nuts and bolts and... | |
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles Drove many a Triumph Bonneville…now it’s just Triumph’s !! Cheers | |
Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable? Talk about diminishing returns… Cheers | |
ACTUAL MUSICAL SOUND VS. MEASUREMENTS Wow, how the hate flows… If ya don’t like or believe mechanical measurements cool, if your happy with what ya hear cool. It should be simple and that is..Shut up and go with what pleasures a person. My system was put together using all forms of in... |