
Responses from steakster

Mike's Barn.
Mike’s Virtual System.  Look at how many unique views. Mike used to regularly participate in discussions here on AudiogoN in the early years - as did many other very knowledgeable audiophiles.  
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers?
I just added another Synergistic Research power cord to my system.  This one to the LPS for the streamer. 👍  
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations
@tyray Not to mention that sometimes in audio, some things come around and turn out to be giant killers, for their lesser price. For a component as important as a DAC, take your time in deciding. Generally speaking, the best giant-killer oppo... 
12v linear power supply
Fidelizer Audio just released their Aura for $219.   Considerably less than their Nikola LPS.  
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
OP: I can’t seem to read a good forum thread where the usual stuttering’/buffering problems (that we all know about) Apparently, I don’t know about it. My WiFi has been rock-solid with an 8 year old Auralic Aries streamer. No hiccups at all. Pe... 
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations
@tyray For XLR/RCA adapters, I own both this Purist set and this Cardas set.   I experimented for about a month of alternating the two sets – allowing time for each to settle-in.  The Purist adapter was more neutral, more solving.  The Cardas ad... 
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations
Or adapters like this.     I prefer them over Cardas.  
AC Power
. . . Digital & analog isolation is critical… those who recommend it are apparently correct… My first power conditioner in 2000 - A Bob Crump* designed Bybee Line Sucker - had separate analog & digital isolation. Easy to hear the differ... 
AC Power
signaforce OP One other question… can the Furman be near my speaker or interconnect cables and not cause problems? Here are my observations. Enough to hear a noticeable difference - not night & day. Compromises are made - and we do what wo... 
Raven Audio Soniquil Cables: Misrepresented Build & Tarnishing Connectors?
What’s curious is that the OP posted this complaint the same day that he joined Audiogon. His very first post. And he doesn’t have the understanding that a secure mechanical contact is superior to soldering for electrical conductivity. A quick int... 
JBL 4349 at low listening levels.
According to this db chart, your target listening level is fairly low. Full-bodied requires pressurizing the room to some degree. Difficult to achieve with small drivers and a small cabinet - at a low volume. Of course, you can still get excellent... 
Puritan 156 and Furman
There will be no electronic damage by daisy-chaining the two units. How it affects the SQ needs to be determined. My electricity is very dirty. For my source components, I daisy-chain an active balanced power conditioner with a passive power cond... 
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype
If you believe that video, I've got a bridge for sale that you might like.  It's in mint condition - just needs a minor paint job.  
My electricity is very noisy.  For my source components, I use both an active balanced power conditioner and a passive conditioner (in series).   For my amplifier, I use just a passive power conditioner (non-current limiting),  
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker?
For a big sound - neutral, high resolution - respectable bass: the TAD ME1. For a more intimate sound - textured but limited bass: Wilson Audio Tunetot.