Responses from steakster
Mike's Barn. Mike’s Virtual System. Look at how many unique views. Mike used to regularly participate in discussions here on AudiogoN in the early years - as did many other very knowledgeable audiophiles. | |
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers? I just added another Synergistic Research power cord to my system. This one to the LPS for the streamer. 👍 | |
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations @tyray Not to mention that sometimes in audio, some things come around and turn out to be giant killers, for their lesser price. For a component as important as a DAC, take your time in deciding. Generally speaking, the best giant-killer oppo... | |
12v linear power supply Fidelizer Audio just released their Aura for $219. Considerably less than their Nikola LPS. | |
Wifi vs ethernet revisited OP: I can’t seem to read a good forum thread where the usual stuttering’/buffering problems (that we all know about) Apparently, I don’t know about it. My WiFi has been rock-solid with an 8 year old Auralic Aries streamer. No hiccups at all. Pe... | |
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations @tyray For XLR/RCA adapters, I own both this Purist set and this Cardas set. I experimented for about a month of alternating the two sets – allowing time for each to settle-in. The Purist adapter was more neutral, more solving. The Cardas ad... | |
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations Or adapters like this. I prefer them over Cardas. | |
AC Power . . . Digital & analog isolation is critical… those who recommend it are apparently correct… My first power conditioner in 2000 - A Bob Crump* designed Bybee Line Sucker - had separate analog & digital isolation. Easy to hear the differ... | |
AC Power signaforce OP One other question… can the Furman be near my speaker or interconnect cables and not cause problems? Here are my observations. Enough to hear a noticeable difference - not night & day. Compromises are made - and we do what wo... | |
Raven Audio Soniquil Cables: Misrepresented Build & Tarnishing Connectors? What’s curious is that the OP posted this complaint the same day that he joined Audiogon. His very first post. And he doesn’t have the understanding that a secure mechanical contact is superior to soldering for electrical conductivity. A quick int... | |
JBL 4349 at low listening levels. According to this db chart, your target listening level is fairly low. Full-bodied requires pressurizing the room to some degree. Difficult to achieve with small drivers and a small cabinet - at a low volume. Of course, you can still get excellent... | |
Puritan 156 and Furman There will be no electronic damage by daisy-chaining the two units. How it affects the SQ needs to be determined. My electricity is very dirty. For my source components, I daisy-chain an active balanced power conditioner with a passive power cond... | |
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype If you believe that video, I've got a bridge for sale that you might like. It's in mint condition - just needs a minor paint job. | |
WHICH POWER CONDITIONER IS BETTER PASSIVE OR ACTIVE WITH ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS My electricity is very noisy. For my source components, I use both an active balanced power conditioner and a passive conditioner (in series). For my amplifier, I use just a passive power conditioner (non-current limiting), | |
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? For a big sound - neutral, high resolution - respectable bass: the TAD ME1. For a more intimate sound - textured but limited bass: Wilson Audio Tunetot. |