
Responses from roadcykler

Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan
At 68 with tinnitus, depending on the level of that, the chances of actually hearing a difference is kind of minimal. You may believe you're hearing differences, but chances are, you won't be.  
Which inexpensive speaker cables...
Monoprice or Blue Jeans cables.  
A cable too perfect?
Cables don't objectively change the sound, regardless of the cost or what the manufacturers try to sell you.   
Where do I go from here?
These days automatic turntables are as good and sometimes better than belt drive but a lot of people are stuck in their ways and don't believe it. Buy what you can afford and what you'll use. If it's too much of a pain to set up and play records, ... 
System advice
If you believe the music has suffered after buying all the Naim stuff (which is very good equipment) you can either get all new electronics or different speakers (which will make the biggest difference in what you hear). Going the speaker route wo... 
RCA Interconnect recommendations
Of all the cables that don't make an objective difference, interconnects are those but what absolutely does make a difference is expectation bias.   
Where's the next weak link in my analog chain?
None of those wiring items will objectively change the sound so the obvious choice is the cartridge.  
Would you rent a $14,000 DAC for $75 per day?
The odds of me doing that are the same as a cable maker admitting their products make no difference in objective testing.  
If you believe that more expensive = better by default, you've already succumbed to the fallacy of "you get what you pay for."   
Am I crazy to upgrade?
You absolutely, 100% do not have to upgrade everything else, in fact, it's ignorant to do so until you know how the new speakers sound with your current setup. That being said, I'd bet you'll think it doesn't sound that good and will buy all new s... 
Why Do ~You~ Still Play CDs?
I don't have a streamer and don't spend enough time listening (unfortunately) to justify buying one but still have lots of cds to listen to when I can.   
Will an Amp change improve my system ?
To answer your question, no, an amp will not significantly improve (or hurt) a system regardless of what the sufferers of expectation bias will tell you.  
How do you decide what to listen to? Same old stuff?
I get a couple of emails a week from various sources talking about new songs and/or albums. I also read a message board about a former band (Rush) and there are frequently threads about new music. Plus I do a lot of reading about all kinds of stuf... 
A list of efficient speakers at ~$5K a pair.
It's amazing that so many people, some of them supposedly audiophiles, don't grasp that speaker sensitivity is simply how loud they'll play with 1 watt of power. Also, 91-92 is considered the low end of high sensitivity. Look it up.  
The end of physical media is neigh
Hogwash. There are and will almost certainly be used cds and stores to sell them. Every time I go to the music store I see plenty of people buying physical media of all sorts. Mostly LPs but cds too. My Oppo UDP-205 player still works great (just ...