Power cord upgrade

I want to upgrade power cords for my streamer, Aurender A15 which currently has a Shunyata v14 digital.

And Puritan 156 which has the classic cord it comes with.

I believe in system synergy, so I am leaning towards Transparent, and/or Audioquest.

I have ARC ref5se with the Transparent Reference, and ref75se with the AQ Hurricane.

Guess my thought is the streamer and 156 PC are maybe a bottleneck. Won't know without trying, right? I am satisfied with the over all sound now, so looking for more of it. Make any sense??


Showing 2 responses by dougthebiker

Other people's advice on cables is useless.

Find a dealer (brick & mortar or online) who lets you audition them in your system, make sure they're broken in and try them in your system.

Trust your ears.  That's all that matters.

I've tried cables that sound terrible in other people's systems and not bad in mine.  And vice versa.

I used to think components were more important cables.


I now have done a 180 and am sure that cables are more important than components.


 Have a modest system compared with most of my friends in our audio club.  Many of them have spent well north of $500k on their rigs.


 Have now rotated many sets of high end power cables, interconnects and speaker cables through my sub $50k system and I can tell you without reservation that a set of $100k cables makes my system sound better than the best $750k rig I have heard.