Responses from bluethinker
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option? @audiojan - Over the last five years I’ve tried to listen to as many amps as possible. One amp that stands out in my mind is the Audio Research I-50. I originally ordered one when we were first coming out of COVID. Unfortunately, supply chains wer... | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative” @ezstreams - I’m surprised it’s not been mentioned, but the Linear Tube Audio Microzotl 40 watt integrated could be a solution. The LTA is a tube amp but without a transformer. The tubes last a really long time because the Microzotl circuit is les... | |
Review on Linear Tube Audio Aero DAC @davernk @dan31620 - Mitch wrote a pretty extensive review of six dacs including the Merason Dac1 Mkii and LTA Aero Dac. It’s a great read. Search for “Six Dac comparison.” I also have a Merason Dac1 mkii and was curious about the sonic signatures... | |
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables? @jayctoy - Thank you. I'd be interested in your recommendations on Audioquest cables. Are there specific models that worked well in your system? And have you used any connected to a power conditioner? I use the Puritan 156 which has worked really... | |
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables? @decooney - Thanks again for the advice. I really like the CJ Classic 120 with the EL34 amp. I'd set out for a warm and relaxing sound, but now realize our tastes evolve over time. In the future, when it's time to replace those Mullard EL34 tubes,... | |
Pass XA25 for my system @sfpeloton - Thanks for sharing how the new amp is working in your room with your other components. Sounds like the Heritage Specials are a good match with the AudioNet amp and LTA? Great news! | |
Innuos Pulse Incoming @john1629 - Congrats on the Innuos Pulse. I have an Innuos ZENith mkii I’ve been happy with. Can’t help with question regarding connecting to your McIntosh. For Ethernet, I use the Revelation Audio Labs Prophecy CryoSilver cable. It came highly re... | |
Benchmark LA4 vs Linear Audio Tube microZOTL Preamplifier (Level 2) @thriftyaudio - I’m happy you are enjoying the LTA preamp. I really enjoy mine. The company is always a pleasure to interact with when I have questions, which is a nice bonus. Let us know how the preamp continues to burn-in and how the new tub... | |
Final Touch Sinope USB? @fthompson251 - Thank you for the suggestion! @audphile1 - Stealth is now on the list for consideration. Thank you! @kennyc - I learn a great deal from contributors on this board. It broadens my perspective by hearing about the experiences o... | |
Vacuum Tube Preamp for Solid State Power Amp Pairing @terenthia @audioman58 - I also recommend the LTA Microzotl level 2 preamp. It’s really a marvelous piece of equipment. You get spaciousness and detail wrapped in a subtle tube tone. Since purchasing it, I’ve lost interest in considering other pre... | |
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables? @decooney - Incredibly helpful. Thank you! I'm somewhat new to the audio equipment world. I've often read that one's taste will evolve as one tries different equipment over time. Initially, I'd set out to build a relaxed and somewhat warm soundi... | |
Cardas Clear Speaker Cables? @ghdprentice - Thank you! That makes sense. I suppose part my curiosity on upgrading speaker cables is to possibly bring a bit more drive/energy/incisiveness to my tube-based system. The Gryphon has a compelling sense of drive. I was very intentio... | |
Experience up-leveling streaming with USB cables? @v-fi - Here is the thread for the six Dac comparison: @luvtubes69 - Thanks for the link. Very apt read for me right now! @jeffreyw - Than... | |
Experience up-leveling streaming with USB cables? @v-fi - Totally agree. I’ll find the link to Mitch’s “Six Dac comparison” thread here on Audiogon. It’s actually here on the digital forum. I think you might enjoy the read. It’s a fun read exactly because it’s from the perspective of an enthusias... | |
puritan psm156 @xcr33pshowx - I believe Jaguar Audio out of Seattle might provide trials on the Puritan units. BTW, I highly recommend the Puritan product. Without question it improved the quality of two different systems in my home. |