I am very sad. Feels like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.
My amplifier is malfunctioning. It happens. Just fix it and move on what’s the big deal? Well I’m trying. I need the company of the amp to send me the invoice so I can buy the part and start the fixing. But they don’t reply to my e-mails. It’s been 3 weeks since the last communication. The amp has been broken for 2 months. I just need them to let me pay for the part. I don’t understand what’s so difficult. I’m sad.
I’m unfortunately married to the sound of this amp. For example a person married to the Mcintosh sound or the Pass labs sound. My speakers (Summit X) are amplifier picky. They love this amp. I check my email 20x a day hoping to see the invoice. I also check the junks. They had already said the part is available for $300. I’m not even sad anymore. I am depressed.
I currently have 5 amps I could switch in. I need to sell about 4, but I wall always have a spare amp and DAC so I will never be out of music for even a day.
Now the spare amps are much, much less pricey than my main amp, but you can get a large percentage of the quality of the sound you are looking for, for 10% of the price.
And it can be fun and enjoyable to listen to a different sound. I had a Tektron (european) tube amp with settings for 300B, 2A3, and type 45 tubes, all with a different sound. I should never have sold it as it was the best backup amp I’ve even had. but a good guy really wanted it badly and I am glad it went to someone who really appreciated it.
So go to the used amp pages and buy and amp from someone who will ship it today. Then you can be patient as you repair your main amp.
I agree with @carlsbad2. Presently, I have my beloved DAC in for service, and two days ago bought a used Sony carousel player for $7.49 at Goodwill. Of course, the sound quality is not nearly as good, but I'm enjoying listening just about as much, and very grateful to have it.
@roxy54@carlsbad2I have spare amps. A schitt Aegir that sounds great on some bookies but lacking too much transparency for the summitX. Recently bought a class D gan amp. Neither are doing it for me. They make me want to turn off and do other things than listen to music. It's one of those things where you've gotten accustomed to a high level of transparency and finesse in music that makes it really hard to downgrade.
@knotscottI haven't called since it's not a native English speaking company but I might have to consider this the next option.
Email is notoriously spotty for communication. Even IF they saw your message, we’re all so inundated with emails and text messages these days - that we have a tendecy to ignore or "forget" about a certain percentage of them, even when we don’t really "mean" to.
Retry, call, and try other methods of communication. Try through people who might regularly interface with them, like dealers or other customers. Lots of small companies (especially European) also take frequent long vacations. Your message thread can easily get lost in the mix.
When you do resume communication, it might be wise to bite the bullet and purchase a couple spares, too!
Why is the amp you have a national secret? Be nice to know which company provides crap service in case anyone else here might be considering buying one.
I would bug them until I got a response - but that's just me. Once repaired, I would get rid of the amp. Gotta know when to break the relationship. If it makes you that sad - not worth it.
Perhaps they don't want you executing a diy repair. I've always had good luck with phone calls and speaking directly to company techs and/or owners, they often want to be assured you have some experience with effecting repairs.
@snsAs stated in the post, they said they had the part available and it costs $300. It looks like a RAM. Plugs in like one too. I’ve opened the amplifier and switched the modules (there are 2) for the 1% chance that it might somehow fixed the issue. It didn’t.
In case you’re wondering if they had the part and it costs $300 then what’s the issue? I’m asking the same question. Haven’t heard from them in 3 weeks despite numerous emails. I’m desperately waiting for the invoice so I can pay. Actually just send me the module. I can pay whenever, or not pay, that’s good too.
I also own their flagship DAC. I worship this company like a cult. I sing praise in their names wherever I go but this one experience has soured me.
I know of audiophiles who have ordered speakers and waiting 12 months for them to ship them. I myself, have waited 3 months for speakers and once I dealt with a very bad company and sent equipment back and forth for 2 years before I cut ties with them and sold the gear. Patience is a must in this hobby...
Does the manufacturer have a Facebook page? If they do, you might get some attention there.
I recently bought a gold bracelet for my wife from Macy's. It broke. It was defective. Several online chats and phone calls with Macy's. I was told, sorry, you're 11 days past the return period and there is no product warranty. I posted a comment on their Facebook page and shortly thereafter, they offered a full refund and paid return shipping.
You're acting like you're waiting on some life saving medicine.
It helps to put things in perspective."
To some people, music is indeed a life-saving medicine. It helps to put things in perspective. Also as previously stated, it's not the waiting, it's the wait without knowing when.
I have a lot of experience dealing with non-responsive customer service (mostly successful). You have a lot of options you haven't explored, turning this issue into a life-threatening trauma on this forum is not one of them.
Why are you protecting the identity of the manufacturer of your amp? Good and bad service experiences should be shared with your community of fellow enthusiasts as it contributes to future buying decisions.
If they have a phone number, give them a call. Many Europeans speak English. If the person who answers doesn’t speak English just keep talking until they hand the phone to someone who does. It’ll work out. You got this brother!
Call the Commercial Attache at the nearest US Embassy or Consulate. The local staff, which speaks both English and the country's language, can help you contact the company. Another idea would be to call the country's Embassy in DC or a Consulate in the U.S (probably in NYC, LA, Chicago, or another large city). Again, ask for the commercial section.
Yes, totally, call the Ambassador. And the head of the CIA. Or maybe the president of the US of A. Don't let them screw with you, they will teach them.
(I almost said, they would make the country join BRICS and slap a huge tariff on them, but they would be considered political here so I didn't say it)
This is the fourth thread you’ve started about this. So far you been ’sad’, ’depressed’, ’in agony’ (my favorite), and ’desperate’. Are you starving? Freezing from exposure? Bombs raining down on you? No, you’re temporarily inconvenienced because you can’t play your favorite amp 😫. How do you find the strength to go on? Use one of your other less transparent amps until you sort it out. Big deal. And the super secret hush hush amp is a German made BMC S1. Sheesh.
There are some things I can try to explain at my best but a few people would never understand. And they are unwilling to see something small can have a big impact.
Which company doesn't matter. They make phenomenal products and I didn't want my 1 bad experience to represent their customer service throughout the years. I don't know what's going with them, maybe some unforeseen emergency. Maybe they had a long European vacation.
My speaker is the Martin Logan Summit X. It dips down to 0.8 ohm at 20khz. Not a difficult speaker to drive loud, but a difficult speaker to drive properly. Few amplifiers can drive these speakers to their potential.
Music heals the soul. It certainly heals my soul. My biggest source of happiness is to turn on my system during the quiet night and enjoy the music. The few good things in life. Some people take vacations, some relax with their wines, some need the companion of another. Music is my companion. It's been my companion since the age of 7. I think music is the most beautiful timeless thing.
I can wait. I just need to know when...
1 or 2 people here are not understanding the situation. But they are bragging about "It helps to put things in perspective"
@samureyexIt does help...try it. You can still enjoy the music you love using a lesser amplifier with a greater attitude.
I had a hand operation a few months ago that involves ongoing therapy, and once in a while I feel a bit sorry for myself, until I remember that a former workmate and good friend found out 6 months ago that he has metastatic cancer.
.......yup, metastatic cancer will put things in perspective really quick. Unfortunately it can be game over for some. I am a cancer survivor myself and I can only imagine what they are going through as that road is very lonely and very scary. I pray everyday that the science progresses to a point where even with that sh%$ , that people can or will live long and happy lives without worry. I wish your friend peace and hope.
My perspective : I have been waiting on the repair of an Accuphase DP 1000 for almost 2 months now that only had about 4 months use on it. I bought it brand new and it was not inexpensive and pissed off .....you bet. I was told that it could be the only one in the world that has been sold that has needed repair. Accuphase gear does not break,
Pissed off ....yup. AXISS Distribution has been great and very responsive but I too have been without music ....so I do to a degree understand the OP's plight. But keeping it '' Perspective '' is very, very true.
The people teaching me about perspective doesn’t quite seem to understand what perspective actually is.
Perspective is seeing the importance of something in another person’s eyes.
To some, their car is more important than their family. To some, their children is everything. To some, their kids don’t matter much.
To some, their dog is their family. To some, a dog is just a pet. To some, a dog is mere food.
To some, cancer means the end of the road and they can accept it. To some, cancer is the most upsetting news they can get.
These are all perspectives, all different. With multiple point of view. The people that say certain situations and certain emotions are invalid because other people have it much worse is not understand what "perspective" truly is.
3 billion people are in constant hunger, millions lose family in wars. I guess none of us should have any negative emotions because these people have it much worse.
I understand my situation is not dire, it’s not big in the grand scheme of things. I have not expressed any anger towards the company. I’ve also hid the name of the company for this reason. Some people HAD to know the name of the company for god knows why. I understand sometimes things just happen that are not intentional. But to say I can’t have a certain emotion because other people have it much worse is silly and laughable. As the post above indicated. Perspective is not easily quantified.
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