@thecarpathian You made me laughed for bragging about perspective without understanding it.
I am sad
I am very sad. Feels like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.
My amplifier is malfunctioning. It happens. Just fix it and move on what’s the big deal? Well I’m trying. I need the company of the amp to send me the invoice so I can buy the part and start the fixing. But they don’t reply to my e-mails. It’s been 3 weeks since the last communication. The amp has been broken for 2 months. I just need them to let me pay for the part. I don’t understand what’s so difficult. I’m sad.
I’m unfortunately married to the sound of this amp. For example a person married to the Mcintosh sound or the Pass labs sound. My speakers (Summit X) are amplifier picky. They love this amp. I check my email 20x a day hoping to see the invoice. I also check the junks. They had already said the part is available for $300. I’m not even sad anymore. I am depressed.
Putting something in perspective: "to compare something to other things so that it can be accurately and fairly judged:" Who doesn’t understand? You may want to look it up after you look up your odd choice of the word ’bragging’. Regardless, I’m glad I could make you laugh and give you a moment’s respite from the sad, depressing, and agonizing tragedy you’ve been enduring. |
@thecarpathian You need to find another dictionary. |
@thecarpathian You cannot "accurately and fairly judged" something based on perspective. Perspective is entirely subjective. Find another dictionary. Try accurately and fairly judged something in perspective. Go ahead. |
A fresh reminder why I switched approach past few years acquiring amplifiers built within 1-2 hours drive time from my residence. I need to try and stick to that when I start rubbenecking again for the next amp. Big iron costs more in a few different ways it seems. Sorry to learn about your costly shipping experience - but at least you got it fixed. Good for you. |
I am in full agreement with @thecarpathian this time, for once. I have disagreed with everything he said in the past though. Somehow in this thread he found thruthiness. |
@grislybutter I’ll accept your answer too. Try "accurately and fairly judged" something in perspective. In fact, I challenge every person that had used the word "perspective" and prove to me you understand what it actually means. |
Nobody said that you can’t have an emotion. We have simply suggested that you realize that your situation is comparatively minor next to war or serious illness for example . Your definition of perspective is faulty and incomplete. Sometimes it takes the perspective of others to put us back on track. Think about it while you listen to some music. |
@roxy54 Your definition of perspective is faulty and incomplete. As I’ve stated back in page 1. When perspective is in the equation. One person’s problem can be big, and the same problem can be small to another person. 1) You accidentally kicked the couch and broke your pinky, does it ease your pain knowing someone else has lost an entire leg? How about the person who lost their leg, does it ease their pain knowing someone else has lost both? 2) Someone with chronic migraine, vs someone with stage 4 cancer. Who’s had it worse? Does it help the migraine person knowing that someone else has it worse? What if the person with cancer is ready to go. And the person with migraine is actually the one with the worse problem? 3) What about war? Which one is worse, a war, or 3 billion people in famine? How can you quantified these things? 4) Does worrying about war or famine somehow get my amp fixed? To some people, war and serious illness are minor problems. To them, losing the country, is a much bigger problem. Are you going to tell these war-torn people with serious illness that their problems are minor, they still have their country? To conclude. people perceive values differently, this is perspective. Not your "get over it with your minor problem" perspective.. I’ve never claimed my problem to be big or severe or anything more than it is. A guy with a broken amplifier that can’t get it fixed. |
I can relate to OP in that I had a $18k amp completely destroyed by a tech, and when the laser mechanism in a great cd transport died. Amp shows up at my door after two years gone missing, open up box, chassis absolutely destroyed like someone took sledgehammer to it. I actually cried at first sight of that amp, and this after waiting for two years.
Sometimes perspective changes with time, for the two years amp was lost I contacted law enforcement, attorneys, damn thing nearly always on my mind. In the immediate aftermath of receiving beyond repair amp I was certainly depressed. Over time the memory of these losses has faded, perspectives change. |
@sns That is devastating. I'm sorry to hear about your amp. A big part of the struggle is not knowing when or if you'd receive it. How that amp found its way back to you after 2 years is... I don't have a word. |
What the heck, I’ll try one more time... You’re confusing having a perspective with keeping things in perspective. They are two different things. Your perspective on not being able to play your favorite amp is, to loosely quote; ’sad’, ’depressing’, ’agonizing’, a ’struggle’, and your situation is making you ’desperate’. From my perspective, it’s hyperbolic nonsense to attach words that carry so much weight to describe your situation. Take your last post to @sns where your perspective of his amp being destroyed is ’devastating’. My perspective is it’s unfortunate and it sucks it happened, but keeping things in perspective, hardly ’devastating’. You see the problem? It’s your choice of the massively exaggerated words you use to convey your thoughts, like when someone hears something they think is mildly amusing and declares it to be ’hilarious’. Such weighty words should be used where the situation warrants it, and from my perspective, your situation in no way does. So with keeping things in perspective, yes war is devastating, famine is devastating, cancer is devastating. A broken amp, no.
This, is a blatant contradiction of your own words. You’ve absolutely claimed it to be so. OK, now I’m done. Maybe.
I knew this day would come..! |
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Like I said perspective changes with time. If I had started a thread on the day my destroyed amp had arrived I would have used words like devastated, depressed, traumatized. Perspective very much tied to context, so in the context of time I can emphasize with @samureyex .
Context could also include a disease called audiophilia, this hobby can often feel like an obsession in which case emotional emotional connection to our equipment can arise. Not being able to see the forest for the trees is a common affliction of humans. |
+1 @jetter @samureyex Enjoy your misery. |
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.....okay as per the OP, a person's perspective is purely subjective. Then why does the OP protest that he is right and the rest of us who have answered this thread are wrong or don't know the true meaning of ; '' perspective ''. I had noted in this thread that I had cancer a few years back and it was thankfully caught in the very early stages but it really made me think about my priorities in life. The things I used to worry about then seem soo trivial now. I still do not have my Accuphase DC 1000 transport back yet after over 2 months in repair. Years ago I would have been out of my mind really mad about the situation but now, I realize it is not fatal and I will not die from this . That my friends is Perspective to me ! |
@samureyex It seems you enjoy self-identifying as a victim.
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I certainly get the desire to have that which you cherish working and fully functional again. How about this perspective. Losing your home to fire and everything of value in it, save for a few less desirable pieces. I can still listen to music via streaming sources, but all the media and most of the equipment accumulated over my 72 years is gone...forever...I will eventually get to move back into a rebuilt house if I live long enough, but I have no idea when that will be. It is the not knowing when that is the most troublesome...I have no clue how long the insurance company is going to drag its feet delaying the process even further than the usual construction delays associated with multiple subcontractors schedules. Let alone when I will be able to start buying new gear in earnest. This has dragged on 11 months with no end to it in sight. So I have a real good understanding of what it means to wait for something with no clue when the waiting will be over. |
@livinon2wheels God bless you. I hope this works out for you soon. |
@kerrybh +1 that is perspective! |
@kerrybh Thanks for your kind words. Its a good thing they haven't outlawed liquor in VA yet. :). There are many days that end with 2 or 3 stiff ones. The wife is taking it better than I am and it helps me to see someone a bit calmer about it all than I am. She is a keeper even if she does drive me right to the brink sometimes. :) |
@livinon2wheels , I remember a while back ago on a thread regarding the California fires you mentioned that you were getting the run-around from your homeowners insurance company. If you do not mind me asking, what exactly is the hassle related to? I am only asking because I am a paranoid and neurotic individual and if there are any preemptive actions I should consider with my own homeowner's company or policy I would be interested in finding out. |
@grislybutter , I guess that's one way, but I know for a fact that I do not have flood insurance (as it stands now, 'now' being an operative word, I am well out of the flood plane), and I'd prefer to have my homeowner's cover whatever happens. |
@immatthewj I had so many jokes, this was the least terrible. Imagine the rest! |
You are killing me, @grislybutter . Absolutely slaying me. |
so you can empathize with someone whose house burned down @thecarpathian but dismiss the pain of a fellow audiophile forced to live without his favorite amp. Got it.