

Responses from samureyex

Directional wires/cables
I’d like to say another thing. For the last 1,000 years, science has always been about challenging ideas, old and new. Science can give you some answers but rarely its entirety, There are 2 more questions for every answers that’s been made. That ... 
Directional wires/cables
@roadcykler "As soon as electrons become sentient and can discern differences in metal, then directional cables may be a thing. Until then, even a basic understanding of electricity would tell you it’s 100% marketing and makes 0% difference in t... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@darrinm "instruments aren’t as well separated" I know what you mean and I heard these too but slowly and surely it gets better. The Apertas (along with Argentum X) also have quite substantial bass quantity as more hrs are put in. Semi update. ... 
Need help with a B.M.C amplifier error
@blisshifi Thank you! I've talked to Carlos directly and we have narrowed down the problem. Thanks to the amp countdown from 10 to 0. I just need to take it to a technician and make sure the voltage is normal and then we can replace the suspected... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@nwres "how do you know it's the Aperta" My amp has vu meters and when there was no sound, the vu meters were playing as normal, indicating proper signal. As the problem had happened 3 times, I find, a little wiggle on the black cable of the Ape... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@nwres The morning of my last post talking about how it had happened twice, it happened for the third time that morning. I believe it has to do with how that specific banana plug work, I believe it has a mechanic that pushes outward for a tight f... 
Audio Cables: All the Same?
This is an individual's journey hobby and only your own opinion matters in your system. That said, you can really tell how experiencer someone in this hobby is based on what they say about cables, amongst other things.  
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
I’m around 105 hours. Been busy so haven’t had a chance to properly sit down and listen. Will try to do another overview the next 1-2 days. But I’m here to report an abnormaly. On 2 different occasions I have lost sound with the Aperta speaker cab... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@tubeguy80 I just reached the 100 hour milestone. Will do some serious listening and update if anything noticeably changes. The last 30 hours or so have been mostly background music.  
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables?
Around 7%. There are some amazing cables in the 500-1,000 range.  
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
I agree Argentum is great for low level listening. Thanks to being highly detailed and very dynamic.  
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@nwres They are certainly quite revealing and highly transparent. Did you notice the complete lack of bass the first 12 hours as I did?  
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
The sterling silver cable is a special one. A bit on the thinner side. Very relaxed, very smooth. Black background. Separation of every note and detail is at a level that defies belief. Thanks to the immense separation, everything else gets to shi... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
@denon1  I don't have a lot of cables. Still saving money for a streamer such as the Hifi Rose 130. Only compared it to a $80 silver plated cable, and a $200 Chinese "sterling silver" cable.  I hear you on your descriptions. The background is no... 
Veritas Cables a new brand that I found
Hour 67. Vocal is the star of the show but man... The dynamic range is absolutely incredible as well. From the mids to the highs, the shift can be quite stunning. I hope the cables can sound 5-10% smoother. That'd be perfection. I'd also like t...