
Responses from sns

I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment.
Already purchased my big ticket items last year with the anticipation this all could take place. Another option is purchasing used items from private sellers.  
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
On the wifi thing, neglected to mention rfi issue on receiving end. You have receiver and antenna creating noise and the wifi converter itself clearly inferior to a quality hard wire receiver/converter such as my JCAT NetCard XE. If streamer is re... 
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms?
Power lines buried in my neighborhood as well, still, I presume strikes on power lines somewhere else on my grid could have effect.  
Ever heard Rockpile?
Switchboard Susan is a real rocker. Speaking of pub rock been doing some listening to Dr Feelgood lately, another band that could really rock.  
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
I should also add every single one of my streaming components powered by lps which is in turn plugged into my power conditioner fed by 20 amp 10 guage dedicated circuit. Switching power supplies contaminate your entire household AC, neighbors SMPS... 
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
Wifi  grossly contaminates your router with RFI, noise is the enemy of maximizing streaming potential. Obviously its isolated, this not the issue. The issue is every link in the streaming chain needs to be optimized. Noise in streaming components ... 
New Klipsch Klipschorn AK7 & La Scala AL6 will be active DSP Crossover
Call me a skeptic on the active/dsp option, I'd have to hear it in direct comparison to the passive. I have both HQPlayer and Roon dsp to play with prefer no dsp with my considerably modified Klipschorns.   I do like the direction Klipsch Herita... 
Mike's Barn.
Found it completely unwatchable, may be worst camera work ever. Camera jerking all over the place, can't focus on the equipment as he describes the setup!  
And the biggest influence on sound quality is...
The room and the system are what they are, recording quality easily the greatest variable. Now, one  can manipulate and change audio components and room treatments, same doesn't hold true for any particular recording.  
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
Somewhat surprised someone hasn't entered discussion claiming all this nonsense. So for any novice or disbeliever, streaming chain tweaks and the ability to discern them first requires a highly resolving audio system. Second prerequisite is both s... 
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity?
Nostalgia can bring out golden memories. I recall bitter arguments and name calling from early days of social media and this site in particular. No doubt there has been change, likely mostly in me in that in my learning phase I used this forum as ... 
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
@debrajray Looks very nice, presume you'll be using LPS with this. Let us know your results.  
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
@debrajray My thought along same line in a router, simplify the setup. Why do you need 2.5gb lan, you have super high speed internet provider? While I haven't checked lately, always on lookout for audiophile router.   My issue with SFP in router... 
Wifi vs ethernet revisited
@debrajray Like the idea of router with no wifi/SFP cage. My only issue is not all fiber conversion created equal, I've tried generic products, my Sonore OpticalModule and OpticalRendu superior transparency/resolution. The Sonore has optimized iso... 
Oh no, say it ain't so.
Far too many zero sum games today, simple minds affix labels and completely miss the idea of complexity. Stupidity is a valuable commodity in the social media marketplace.