I am sad

I am very sad. Feels like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.

My amplifier is malfunctioning. It happens. Just fix it and move on what’s the big deal? Well I’m trying. I need the company of the amp to send me the invoice so I can buy the part and start the fixing. But they don’t reply to my e-mails. It’s been 3 weeks since the last communication. The amp has been broken for 2 months. I just need them to let me pay for the part. I don’t understand what’s so difficult. I’m sad.


I’m unfortunately married to the sound of this amp. For example a person married to the Mcintosh sound or the Pass labs sound. My speakers (Summit X) are amplifier picky. They love this amp. I check my email 20x a day hoping to see the invoice. I also check the junks. They had already said the part is available for $300. I’m not even sad anymore. I am depressed.



Here's the link to the imprint on their website with their telephone number in Berlin, please call them. And let me know if you run into a language barrier. If so, I live in Germany and can help.



Run to the used record store, pay $50 for The White Album, and listen to Cry, Baby Cry. 

 That's my suggestion.

 As with many words in the English language, perspective has multiple meanings. Within each meaning, we all interrupt what we want them to mean. @samureyex, you purposed a question that can be answered in more ways than one. Since this is English and not Mathematics, without further adieu;

  1. 1.

    the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.

    "a perspective drawing"

  2. 2.

    a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.

    "most guidebook history is written from the editor's perspective".  

     'A point of view' would best describe this entire discussion. We all get one.



Considering that you called @thecarpathian a "pathetic little liar" even though he wasn't even lying at all, an apology certainly seems the right - and only - thing to do here.

@samureyex ,

Forgot one:

"A big part of the struggle..."

To quote a fifth, also from this very thread.

Well, that covers every word you denied saying now, doesn’t it. You seem to be all out of straws to grasp. I’d like that apology now.

@samureyex ,

Wow. Just gonna double down and crank up the heat on the name calling, huh?

3 out of 4 that I quoted are directly from you on this very thread for all to see and verify. The ’agony’ quote is from one of the others in your initial post. As I stated, this is the fourth thread you’ve started on this same subject about your precious amp. What I wrote are direct quotes you have written using those exact words about how you feel that your amp is broken. Every single thing I quoted are your exact words copied and pasted from these threads. Go ahead, check your posts out. So, yeah. You should be utterly embarrassed and apologize.

Your nastiness is extremely unbecoming.

I also suggest you work on your reading comprehension skills, because they’re practically the same as zero.



you are aging backwards in front of our eyes (It's a compliment too, depending on your preferences)

I am utterly embarrassed and apologize to all that had to read my cringy post. As a grown man I should have more disciplined and never be sad for such materialistic things. I promise to never be sad again regardless of anything. I shall go punish myself accordingly, thanks to all those that have shown me the light.

I don’t know if you understand what you are doing.

I am in incredible pain right now and have been over the last 10 days. Over something that is way more significant than a broken amp but is still not a big deal. Then today I just learned that one of my best friend is seriously ill.

I suddenly felt ashamed that I can suffer so much while others have real real pain and problems.

I think we all try to understand you but failing. Many offered you help with contacting your amplifier vendor and you ignored them.

What was the purpose of your post?

@grislybutter This is so head-spinning illogical, I don't even know where to begin. If you have a dying co-worker, would you suddenly feel ashamed for the pain you feel for your sick friend?

I have no words. 

Now, whatcha got? Again, these are direct quotes from you I’ve pulled from posts you’ve written on this subject. No poetic license, these are the exact words you yourself have used. I don’t appreciate you calling me a liar among other less than complimentary things when clearly you are wrong. An apology would be nice.

@thecarpathian I never used those words in this thread, you are a pathetic little liar and you lie so freely and gracefully. It scares me. Find "agony, struggle" it all came from you. This is utterly pathetic for a grown man to quote something that doesn’t exist in this thread.

I hope you treat your family better than this.

Just to clarify (and I am ordering my Ferrari now) the tariff will be paid by France on that French wine, right?

Yes, but you can bet they will deviously pass it on to American consumers. Just watch!


To be fair, it's not clear whether OP fully understands the reasons why his original post was received with a backlash.

.......the OP is now taking a stance against anyone who answered this thread and has the nerve to say or imply that the situation was blown out of proportion by the members here !!!  Next time don't ask or set up a thread that will evoke or provoke responses that you may not like.    

All I know is, is we’re going to take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs, and we’re going to become so rich, you’re not going to know where to spend all that money, I’m telling you. You just watch.

We’re going to have jobs. We’re going to have open factories. It’s going to be great.

Just to clarify (and I am ordering my Ferrari now) the tariff will be paid by France on that French wine, right? Not me, the consumer. Or....... devil

Hey guys, Trump is slapping a 3000% tariff on replacement modules for inexpensive Burmester lookalikes! And violators will be deported to Canada!

Social media so reactionary, OP is sad over his admittedly relatively small loss, so he can't feel sad, depressed or whatever in short term. Do we now have to police emotions, sheesh!


As for repairs and diagnosis of equipment, I've had most success in speaking with company principles directly. I've effected various repairs/modifications with the direct help of these people, saved both of us the cost and possible damage of shipping. Part of the reason I don't purchase equipment from faceless corporations is this very thing, lucky if you can access a company tech let alone the designer/owner of firm.

@immatthewj I think we are sending every thread into oblivion with tariff talk. We created audio snapchat.

Show me the "agonizing, struggle, desperate"

Here you go @thecarpathian ! You were so wrong. He never said it literally LIKE THIS, in this combination. He might be sad, desperate, depressed or in agony. But not all of these in the same time. Who among us hasn’t been

sad OR desperate OR depressed OR in agony over audio problems. cheeky

What are we arguing about this time?  Being upset when something breaks?  CHoice of words?  

Sorry the amp broke, but of course everything breaks eventually.  That's what spares are for, to hold teh fort for a period of time as needed.

What else is there to say?   How about tariff talk?  At least that is controversial.   

@ozzy62 ,

I believe the subject at hand is how big of a self denial drama queen the OP is...

@grislybutter ,

It’s no use, grizz. I’ve explained having a perspective as opposed to putting things in perspective. I’ve pointed directly to my reasoning. My character and truthiness have been attacked over it. He’ll simply never get it.

But I will give you a chance to prove your point. Show me the "agonizing, struggle, desperate" and "hyperbolic nonsense" that makes the situation more dire than it is that contains within my opening post. Go ahead.

@thecarpathian You too. You’re straight up lying and putting words in my mouth.

Just saw this one. I’d ask you to reference the above post as evidence of hyperbolic nonsense over a broken amp. The prosecution rests. Yes, indeed. An apology would be nice.😎


"Back to the issue, why are you quoting words I never used to make it seem like I was over-dramatic in my situation? Is something seriously loose in your head?"

@samureyex ,

To directly quote your exact words;

"I am very sad. "

"I am depressed."

"Some might understand my agony"

"I’m desperately waiting ..."

Now, whatcha got? Again, these are direct quotes from you I’ve pulled from posts you’ve written on this subject. No poetic license, these are the exact words you yourself have used. I don’t appreciate you calling me a liar among other less than complimentary things when clearly you are wrong. An apology would be nice.


I find in many cases to be true, that men like to problem solve while women seek to be understood on how they “feel”. This seems similar.

What was the purpose of your post?

@grislybutter The purpose of my post was perfectly clear. I even labeled it properly in the title. I am sad because my amplifier broke. That’s it. I understood that things like this happen in life, I even mentioned it. But a broken amplifier doesn’t just mean a broken amplifier, it broke my entire audio system. Each of us has different values for different things and I value my audio system very much. Very, very much.

It means nothing to others. But it is significant to me.

@grislybutter Never, ever, EVER, have I compared my situation to another person and say mine is worse or theirs is worse. It’s not up to me to judge. What are you? I can’t even, am I living in an alternate reality right now?

I find your above post oddly puzzling. You are in incredible pain and you have every rights to feel that way. The fact that you "felt ashamed" because you’re suffering so much while others have "real pain and problem"? And somehow your pains don’t matter?

What are you doing, what is this logic? His pain does not negate yours. It’s perfectly sane to feel both your pain and the pain of his situation. This is what normal humans do. They feel pain from multiple angles with varying degree.

Decooney is the only person I remember advising me to contact vendors. And I did, and guess what, all 3 of them couldn’t help. But it was worth a shot.


I don’t know if you understand what you are doing.

I am in incredible pain right now and have been over the last 10 days. Over something that is way more significant than a broken amp but is still not a big deal. Then today I just learned that one of my best friend is seriously ill.

I suddenly felt ashamed that I can suffer so much while others have real real pain and problems.

I think we all try to understand you but failing. Many offered you help with contacting your amplifier vendor and you ignored them.

What was the purpose of your post?

instead of berating @thecarpathian for using literary license, you should thank him for improving upon your feeble English.

The question is not whether he duplicated the exact words you used, but rather whether he accurately captured the gist of your, uh, lament. And that he did.

Then don’t quote it. Just say it. Quoting it and acting like I said those words is insanely disingenuous. Calling my English "feeble" when you are defending him of falsely quoting 101. Do you see the irony?

Quoting has a very specific purpose. I suggest you go read more about what it does and its intent.

But I will give you a chance to prove your point. Show me the "agonizing, struggle, desperate" and "hyperbolic nonsense" that makes the situation more dire than it is that contains within my opening post. Go ahead.

@thecarpathian You too. You're straight up lying and putting words in my mouth. 

@samureyex instead of berating @thecarpathian for using literary license, you should thank him for improving upon your feeble English.

The question is not whether he duplicated the exact words you used, but rather whether he accurately captured the gist of your, uh, lament. And that he did.


The OP initially says he has trouble communicating with the audio manufacturer, but withholds identifying the manufacturer hindering our help and not sharing in who has poor customer service.  Also, a lot of detail was left out.  Therefore it seems more like complaining/venting than asking us for help.  

That is good news.  I hope the replacement module does the trick. Sometimes, it does take a bit of public pressure to get a company to act.  I am glad it worked out and I hope the company learned to be more responsive.

I don’t understand some people here. I thought as an audiophile to another, you’d understand. My beloved amplifier broke and my system fell apart and the company was super unresponsive. 2 months of waiting without progress. And then @carlsbad2 call me a "It seems you enjoy self-identifying as a victim"?

Do people no longer have the rights to be sad in 2025? I didn't act like the world was ending and that I demanded my product fixed right then and there. 

They are two different things. Your perspective on not being able to play your favorite amp is, to loosely quote; ’sad’, ’depressing’, ’agonizing’, a ’struggle’, and your situation is making you ’desperate’. From my perspective, it’s hyperbolic nonsense to attach words that carry so much weight to describe your situation

@thecarpathian There is something wrong with you. I let it slide the first time but you keep on repeating words that I never used. I never used the words "depressing, agonizing, struggle, desperate". There was no hint of "hyperbolic nonsense to attach words that carry so much weight to describe your situation" You are lying to further your agenda and that disgusts me. There is something seriously wrong with you. Reread what I wrote in my post. I can’t get my amp fixed and I don’t know why or how long I have to wait. And that in the end I was depressed for having waited 2 months with no end in sight. That was all. Nothing dramatic. No name calling of a company. No dragging the company through the mud. I knew there was a possibility that the company was going through some bump. Turns out I was right.

Back to the issue, why are you quoting words I never used to make it seem like I was over-dramatic in my situation? Is something seriously loose in your head?

As an update. I’ve received word from the owner that he’s had health issue and will try to get my module shipped.

Thank you to everyone that made a big deal out of this and had to make the company public.

In your communications with the company, did they agree to sell you the module and then not follow up with any further communication?  I am a bit confused as to how the problem was diagnosed and why the company would agree to send you the parts to do your own fixing.  That is quite unusual.  Most companies don't want the customer so much as opening the equipment case and have warnings about voiding any warranty if the case is opened.  

I am also a bit confused about your switching the two modules to see if that would effect a cure.  Do the two modules have identical parts numbers?  Did the amp only fail in one channel such that a swap of modules in separate channels could confirm that the failed module was the cause?  Did the company recommend this as a diagnostic step?  Did you confirm that it was safe to do the swap?  If you did this on your own, did you practice proper grounding of yourself to prevent electrostatic discharge damage?  It is not clear the extent to which the company endorsed your plan to replace the module and then failed to follow through.

I had a pair of speakers that were sensitive to source, the kef R105/3 with kube. I finally found an amp krell kav300il integrated that smoothed the rough edges in the upper mids/treble. Even with a 2nd power amp driving the woofers the krell would overheat and require service. Once the warranty ran out, the model was discontinued and the unit failed again I went back to trying different amps, but I ended up building an entire new system because I couldn't get the synergy back.

Most companies outsource the different parts in their products so you might be able to go around the amp brand and locate the manufacturer of the $300. part, might even end up only costing $150.