World's Best Stereo System ?...

The Steinway Lyngdorf Model B Stereo System đŸ€”đŸ€”


Steinway Lyngdorf Model O Starting at $7800.00 

Steinway Lyngdorf Model B $38900 each

Steinway Lyngdorf Model D  $449,999 for system

Not worrying about it; priceless.


@wsrrsw Some Dealers will give you 25% to 40% off Retail Prices and maybe more than that on their Demo Speakers and Gear from the Shows

I have to say those were two interesting video clips for two very different reasons. The first didn’t give me a lot of technological info but I got some really good demo music material along with the basics of the system. The second clip I found fascinating from a technological perspective, and I found Peter’s comparison of our aural acuity versus our visual acuity to be very interesting among all the other insightful info he provided. All I know is I’ve always been a fan of Lyngdorf Room Perfect and I’d love to hear the Model B some day because it does seem really special albeit at a really special price as well.

Post removed 

Who are these people?  Perhaps should stick to building pianos?

The first video could not convey any superiority for this system.  The second just had the designer claiming insights without evidence.

Is OP connected with this company.  Sounds like a shill to me.  $500k doesn't buy the best system any more anyway.

AMTs’, yet again.....funny how they keep ’appearing’ in hi-end systems...

I think I’ll keep mine. *G*

That, and a room correction system that many unplug after awhile?

Sounds like 'keeping the day job' to me.  If you 'do' pianos, stay there.  'Audio' is way too fractious a crowd to wander into.....unless it's just the $s' are just too compelling to avoid playing to the 1%....*shrug*

The "world's best stereo system" is my own.

A. It does what I want it to do. No more, no less.

B. It sounds great to me. Better than ever thanks to some advice from Audiogon members.

C. It's paid for and I could afford it without taking out a mortgage.

To DSP or not to DSP that is the question. 

To me their DSP is tempting. They no longer make just a DSP unit or pre amp w/ DSP but rather have RoomPerfect room correction with their amps and processors.

Until there's a 'perfect' system(which may be never) there will be arguements about which is the best system and the arguments are valid.

@fertguy ....Yep, nice if you’ve got the means to get to ’there’. *S*

I don’t, nor do I begrudge the late Ken for...calling it a ’system’ kinda falls short. *L*

Being able to ’roll ones’ grille...’ ’Cloth’?! ’Screens’?

Strands of rubber wrapped in thread.....

*shrug* One wonders what became of it all.....

Rent the room out to 'select individuals', ensuring there's a plastic marble pan underneath the listening chair, water-, stain-, and generally damage-proof (but tastefully selected for the space)....

"You will be strapped into place in this chair for the duration of your listening 'event'.  Do not attempt to escape.  Moaning, screaming, or fits of laughter will terminate the 'event'.  You Will Be Humbled.  Therapists are on-call if necessary."

You will hate your 'stuff' afterwards.

I'll stay home. ;)


Fertguy, I really enjoyed that video. That’s my kind of guy.

By the way, a month or two ago, someone posted a link to a what he termed a bit facetiously to something like the "worlds greatest speakers?". The linked contained a video of the speakers playing which sounded wonderful even on my small computer speakers. I’d like to listen to these speakers at an audio store, but can’t after searching twice, find the post on them. They were floor standing, possibly German made speakers in the $20,000+ range. Does anyone remember this post and could point me to it so I could find the manufacturer and model of these speakers. They did sound exceptional enough to want to search them out even if they arent really affordable to me.. Thanks,


@clearthinker  Who determines what the best system is anyway? It's not based on price, unless you're of the misconception that more expensive = better. 

Is that thing even audiophile quality? Looks likes like it belongs on a sound stage rather than in someone's home. Do you really want the sound bouncing off the wall behind it as well as coming directly toward you? Can't imagine how it would sound.

@rick2000  Lyngdorf isn’t “the best” : Maybe for the lovers , and not hearing other things.; For me , (and a lot off friends) : cd-driver : CEC / Ear acute 3/ Audio Note/ Metronome Technologie Kalista ,AQWO /
 ; Turntable : Thorens 124 td II, Denon MD101 , EMT,
;prĂ©amp: DaniĂ«l Hertz M6L, Audio Aero ,EAR Yoshino,
; Dac: Metronome Technologie Le DAC,
 ;poweramp: VAC , Mal Valve 2, Luxman. (Tubes),Trilogy, Ear 509,
 Speakers : Ilumnia Magister MK2 ( probebly the best speakers on earth). 

@randym860 ,or yours now...until it doesn't.  We've likely all have had those... ;)

@lukaske and thanks for the Illumnia tip, as an omni-dipole sort....and that 8" *woof*!  Way interesting... 👍😊

@fertguy *G*  As intended. 👌  The Ritual to launch that system likely is where mine may approach, so I'll take it as a warning of sorts...*L*

@jeffseight , too true that figure certainly takes into account the more rarified versions available now.  I began doing it in the mid-'80s', certainly have continued to, and has never needed to approach that figure.

At this point, I've in need of a better and simple space to be within to correct. *G*

Yeah's a push-up contest...extreme high end items will (seemingly) always sell regardless of their actual relative value, which is great news for the people marketing the stuff. Luckily in audio there are lots of options for those less inclined to value extremely expensive shiny objects, and those who are willing to figure out for themselves what sounds great at whatever price point that works are likely to be personally rewarded to the same or even a higher degree as the extreme high end customer. 

There needs to be a separate difference between most expensive stereo system and best “sounding” stereo system. Just because it is that expensive does not make it the best and being the best does not have to be the most expensive!

I agree with previous posters who stated that their stereo was the best in the world.  In my case with DIY horn speakers and DEQX DSP if it didn't sound great to me it would be my fault.

The best for who? R we talking about some standard universal approach here? For that matter we all need to have standard universal personality, hearing, taste. Isn’t it nonsense!?

Funny isn’t it, from reading all of these posts regarding the performance

Of Steinway Lyngdorf audio systems one would think all of them had 

Auditioned them.

The reality of course it is obvious that none of these contributors 


I have been an audiophile (read music lover) since I was 18, now 64.

over the years I have been fortunate to own and enjoy many high -end

Systems with kit from Linn, Meridian, Raidho and Lyngdorf audio including 

The highly acclaimed Millenium Mk4 amp.

The gentleman in the first video is Rob Sinden the main UK distributor
For SL and Lyngdorf products, where I bought my Steinway Lyngdorf

Model S, it is without doubt one of the finest audio systems I have 

Ever experienced let alone owned, 

I am not suggesting that it is the best stereo that money can buy

As such a statement is asking for trouble, however having listened

To many systems that include the most of the big names that

Lukaske mentioned I have yet to hear one better than the system

I own.

If the purpose of a audio system is to deliver realism then SL does

That better than most.

The unique patented technologies that all SL system's use are 

Extremely effective at dealing with the main problem that limits 

The performance of any audio system no matter how good or

Expensive it is , the room itself.

Also these are systems and not a concoction of separates, this means

SL have control of the entire audio chain with one single digital 

conversion just before the speaker terminals, no preamp no 

Crossover’s and no amplification in the conventional sense.

All you need to do is add a source component, I use DCS and

Rega TT with Dynavector Karat 17D3 cart and Dynavector 

P75 mk4 phono preamp and a Nordost power loom.


As for the Steinway piano connection SL is joint venture between

Lyngdorf audio that was

Based on the fact Peter Lyngdorf the man in the second video

Made a promise to the Directors of Steinway & Sons without 

Doubt the Worlds most prestigious piano brand that he could 

Demonstrate that he could produce a system that even 

Steinway’s own pianists and tuners would not be able to tell the

Difference between it and the real thing, that was the ÂŁ240K

Model D and this Peter Lyngdorf achieved.


I have heard the Model B which is stunning if you have the

Room and can afford it, I sadly can’t.

Steinway & Sons committed the Company to the joint venture 

and insisted that the Steinway name and logo was the only one

Visable on the front of each component.

You might ask why doesn’t SL normally feature in HIFI magazine 

Reviews or many high end audio shows? It’s because they don’t 
See there Company as fit for the audiophile interest, rather they

Aim at the well heeled professional musician and discerning cinephile and 


If you love music, do yourself a favour and arrange an audition.





@phoneman33   I am truly non-sarcastically happy for your find for you.  However, it feels a bit like a James May pedantic vortex.  Hope you enjoy the wit in that.  I do so love James May.

In total agreement that so many with so little have just so darn much to contribute. My vote on your observation there.  But then verbal incontinence has always troubled man.

So far everybody here has the best stereo system. Except for two people, and one of those is dead.


The dead person reminded me of this sage screed from back in the gramophone days 


Ladies and gentleman skinny and scout 
I'll tell you a tale I know nothing about
The admission is free so pay at the door
Now pull out a chair and sit on the floor

On one bright day in the middle of the night
Two dead boys got up to fight
Back to back they faced each other
Drew their swords and shot each other

The blind man came to see fair play
The mute man came to shout hooray
The deaf policeman heard the noise 
And came to stop those two dead boys

He lived on the corner in the middle of the block
In a two story house on a vacant lot
A man with no legs came walking by
And kicked the lawman in his thigh

He crashed through a wall without making a sound
Into a dry creek bed and suddenly drowned 
A long black hearse came to cart him away
But he ran for his life and is still gone today

I watched from the corner of the table
The only eyewitness to facts of my fable
If you doubt my lies are true
Just ask the blind man, he saw it too

It can't be the world's best stereo system because I have the world's best stereo system.

+1 pcrkhr sonic preferences are subjective.  People have different priorities values realism, warmth, detail, soundstaging, dynamics,  etc. tempered by their finances.   Audio chains are imperfect facsimile of live events.

A man and woman are sitting at opposite ends of a park bench.  So as not to scare off the woman each time he moves the man closes just half the distance.  The mathematician says, “alas, he will never reach his goal because of his asymptotic” plan.”  The pragmatist refutes the mathematician saying that the man can certainly get close enough for all practical purposes.

Point is, stereo systems can get close enough to sounding like being there for all practical purposes- and in many cases better than being there.

btw- I have the best sounding stereo in my neighborhood.  But then not one neighbor even cares

I know of a lady that bought these on the assumption it will sound exactly like her Steinway piano.  The system sounded pretty average to me  

@tonywinga : that's Zeno's Paradox! I too have the best stereo system in my neighborhood - and nobody cares!

@phoneman33 Thank you, I'm considering a Model D system but have never heard one, I have a Lyngdorf processor and it's great I have a Spiro Steinway Model B piano. I really appreciate you taking the time to list your thoughts.