

Responses from tonywinga

Soundstage and image height, does it exist?
Speakers outside would be similar to being in a hemianechoic chamber.  Good for testing but not much fun for listening.  The room has a lot to do with the imaging.  
Soundstage and image height, does it exist?
It‘s not just the speakers.  Good isolation of the components and cabling, I found helps to sharpen and focus the images.  My current system, depending on the recording will paint a 3D soundstage that goes beyond the walls- if I close my eyes or t... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
The human brain can retain & compare audio for about a fraction of a second. If it takes 5-10 minutes, or even 1 minute to swap cables, your ability to remember what you heard and compare it with what you're hearing now is effectively zero.  ... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
In the early 1990s I was working with automaker teams to reduce fuel system noise inside the cabin.  They would do DBX testing of fuel systems with 4 jurors sitting in the car inside a hemianechoic chamber.  The procedure was to run the system wit... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
The irony is that after the first drink the taste no longer matters.   
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice
Tomic601- that‘s awesome! I get ARC select tubes from Upscale Audio.  They sound good.  I have been changing the 6550WE at about 1500 hours and the 6H30pi tubes at 3200 hours.  I notice a nice uptick in the sound at that point.  Using a Ref 5SE a... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
It‘s simple.  We have trolls with no real interest in audio that make comments to the contrary apparently out of boredom.  To call someone arrogant or foolish for building a stereo system based on their hearing is nuts.  Blind testing has a purpos... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
I wonder if botrytis realizes he has wandered into a blind alley.  He has mixed up the concept of ABX testing by a panel for commercial sales with a home user selecting components for his audio system.   To put it in terms botrytis brought up- wo... 
Aries-Cerat Helene Review
Thank you for that insight phantom_av.  I find the Helene and the Antipodes K50 to be a powerful, musical combination.  On my system at least the sound of digital and the sound of vinyl have converged.  When I play a record now I am surprised how ... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
Everyone knows Red cars are faster and sexier- Oh yeah.      
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
I ACTUALLY watched the video.  Yes, the more trials the more r will converge to one.  Any statistics quoted should have an r value listed as well. DBT testing does not interest me any more than how a designer comes up with and tests his amplifier... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
I am not against blind ABX testing- when done properly.  A single person doing an ABX blind test might give them comfort and security that they are making the right choice but those results are meaningless to me.  It still comes down to that perso... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
botrytis: Don’t fear it, embrace it. We learn through failures and mistakes. If you get taken- lesson learned. But to miss opportunities because you fear it could be a ruse is a real shame. Audio is to be enjoyed- it’s all about the music. Either ... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
Are you sure?  Perhaps an ABX test is in order. Bias is what it is all about.  Some people like the sound of speaker A and some speaker B.  They both sound the same to my wife.  She is all about looks.  Looks factor into the bias even if the ligh... 
I see the issue with ABX blind testing
@botrytis With that much anxiety I‘m wondering how you sleep at night. I know all about bias.  I once was sure I had a kidney stone.  The pain was real.  I got an x-ray and as soon as the doctor told me I didn‘t have a kidney stone the pain  was ...