Standmount speaker suggestion


I have B&W 705 s3 Signature speakers paired with a Pass Labs INT-60. While imaging and soundstage are great, I find the speakers a bit bright. What should I try next, and what would be worthy of being mated to the Pass integrated? I will buy used but keeping in line with the value of the amp, the budget is around $5000- $8000 new.


I realize speakers are very subjective. Just want some direction to go. 

Appreciate it.



Absolute best sound speaker - Wavetouch audio Antero speaker.

Compare Antero sound to Magico A-1, Focal Sopra No. 1, TAD Me1 below

Alex/Wavetouch audio


    Magico - Jay’s voice is perfectly natural. So, this is honest A1 sound.

    Focal - People’s voice sound great in recording. So, this is real Sopra sound.

    TAD - Accuphase + DCS.

There is a dealer listing here for a mint pair of Harbeth Super Hl5 XDs for $4250.00. I own those and I doubt you would go wrong with them. BTW, the dealer is also selling matching TonTrager stands.


$9500 for a plywood box (semi-finished?) and some off-the-shelf drivers?  Wow.

I'm also curious about how they got 92dB sensitivity from a bookshelf with a 5.25" woofer and a claimed 44Hz low frequency range.  

Hi @ullogu1,  I am familiar with the B/W speakers, having owned quite a few some years ago.  I recently acquired a pair of Dynaudio Contour 20i stand mounts.  I am blown away and smitten!  In fact so much, I am already moving up to the Dynaudio Confidence 20s.  But the Contour 20i's, with their new Ester 2 tweeter, are resolving and SMOOTH.  Dynaudio was never on my radar, as I just did not the look of their older speakers.  But I think the Contours (and Confidence) are beautiful.  I am running them with high end gear in a large room, and their ability to scale and play loud astonishes me.  My wife is super excited that they will be the new speakers in our family room!  The Contours are right in you price range, the Confidence a bit more.  Yes, B/W are bright, ever since they 'upgraded' their tweeters from the old and wonderful N or Nautilus line.

Joseph Audio Pulsars should definitely be on your list.  Best of luck. 

Post removed 

Alta Alyssa seems to be a leader in the standmount passive speaker class. If I were in the market at $5000 or so, I would start with those and force myself to justify spending more.

The JBL 4349 is a "standmount," but not in the conventional sense. It is heavier than most monitors and the stand is a riser frame that lifts the speaker up about 9 inches. The NPP is at the higher end of your listed range, but new-condition pairs are easily had toward the lower end of your price range.

I am assuming you plan on using a subwoofer.

The B&Ws tend to be lively up top.  But before I you start switching speakers make sure that your room is optimized as much as possible.  If the room is too reflective most speakers will sound a bit bright.

Whatever you do, just don’t buy JL Audio. I personally should have taken that advice I was given here before dropping 11k on broken subs. 

Sonus Faber for more natural musical

DynAudio for more detailed.

Totem for more punchy relaxed.

Yes Dynaudio are detailed...but smooth and listenable.  I also think they have impressive bass for their size..controlled not boomy.  :)

Revival Audio Atalante 3 monitors

Like you, I've been through speakers trying to find one that isn't bright, that sizzle or etch the sound, drawing attention to themselves and these fit the bill, for me. They're well under your cost limits but don't let the price fool you. 

All the best,

@paradisecom Wrote:

$9500 for a plywood box (semi-finished?) and some off-the-shelf drivers? Wow.

I’m also curious about how they got 92dB sensitivity from a bookshelf with a 5.25" woofer and a claimed 44Hz low frequency range.


+2 JBL 4349's


Thanks for your replies. 


Room is treated.

Room is skinny 11ft. Long side is more than 20'. Speakers point the long way.

I sit about 7ft from speaker and the speaker is 3ft from wall.

I have tried Alyssas. Sound great but bass overpowered the space.

Had Dynaudio Confidence C1- may be a bit dark but that was with a different amp

Many are recommending Pulsars. What kind of sound do they produce? Or better asked, what would the Pass + Pulsar produce?

Jay's Magico A-1s sound really awesome but he has insane gear and room correction so there's that. 

The best I have heard in your price range are:

  1. Vivid S12.  Clear, natural, but not fatiguing.  Fast.  Meat on bones imaging and excellent depth.  
  2. Sonus Farber Olympics Nova 1:  Relaxed but detailed.  Sweet but natural timbre.  Natural staging.  More forgiving of poor masters while still being neutral and detailed.  Notice how many times I used the descriptive “neutral”. 
  3. Vimberg Ames:  Fast and clear like the Vivid.  Probably flatter treble response than Vivid and Sonus, but that will lit you know when you play a poorly mastered recording more than the first two.  Hard to find and over budget.  

My ears like the Vivid.  Yours may differ.  Any of the three near world class bookshelf/stand mounts sound quality at or near your budget.  They all have a different palette.  Add them to your audition list.  

Many are recommending Pulsars. What kind of sound do they produce? Or better asked, what would the Pass + Pulsar produce?

They are neutral and very natural sounding where nothing in particular sticks out and everything is very refined and balanced. They provide more bass than you’d think given their size with an expressive midrange, and their imaging, 3D soundstage, and ability to disappear as a sound source are among the best. As they’re very transparent and pretty much a blank canvass, sonically I’d expect them to pass through the natural warmth and musicality you probably value with your amp without adding anything of its own while allowing all your amp’s other formidable capabilities to shine to their fullest. There’s a reason the Pulsars are so highly regarded. Incidentally, although the Graphene version does seem to offer some marginal improvements they’re nowhere near as significant as with the Perspectives (and some even seem to prefer the original Pulsars), so if I’m you I’d happily buy the original version knowing you’re not missing much if anything and save $$$ — you should be able to find a nice pair in the $3500 - $4000 range.  Hope this helps.


I tried the same B&Ws with the matching stands.  Beautiful and well made but too bright for me too.  After trying several different brands I went with Revel M126Be with beryllium tweeters.  Smooth top end.  Not harsh at all.  Good mid bass and kick drums have a great snap.  Best standmounts I’ve heard.  Retail for $4400 a pair but often on sale or you can buy used.  I have a pair in gloss black and a pair in walnut.  Highly recommend. 

Fritz.  I have Rev 7s that I love.  The Carrera is outstanding as well.  I would say they are neutral to warm but have very good detail.

You're right about the brightness of B&Ws. KEFs and Spendors to my classical and jazz music tastes sound well. Piano with Spendors are their high hard one.

It's been a while since I heard Joseph speakers. But over the years I have been super impressed that EVERY time I heard them(usually at shows where there are often room problems) I have always found them to sound smooth and yet detailed if you listen for it. I have NEVER been disappointed and that's totally absurd. That kind of consistency can only come from exceptional speakers.

ullogu, first thank you for giving your price range!

Joseph Audio Pulsar Graphene, Alta Alyssa, Fyne Audio F1.8, Sonus Faber.....but my first choice would be the Joseph Audios. I've heard them many times, and they've been brilliant each time.

I just got the chance to hear a pair of Arendal 1528s, and was very impressed....but need to hear them a few more times and with gear closer to mine

@ullogu1 they are very similar.  They both use the same Scanspeak Revelator woofer but the Rev 7 I have uses a ring radiator tweeter where the Carrera uses a beryllium tweeter.  I believe the latest Carrera uses a soft dome tweeter.  As far as presentation they are very similar with similar specs regarding sensitivity and frequency range.  IMO one of the best price for performance deals in speakers.

My universal recommendation for excellent stand mounts is Fritz.  Bargain prices and just really musical and natural.

Preowned all the way: KEF Reference 1, Totem Element Fire II, Focal Sopra 1, SF Guarneri Homage or even the Cremona Auditor M not in any particular order.

Just my opinion...

@OP. As others have said, the B&Ws are forward sounding. For Sonus Faber, you could start with the Minima Amator. The Franco Serblin Accordo Goldberg is in a similar vein - both lovely sounding speakers. ProAc tend to fly a bit under the radar these days but are still excellent speakers.

Yeah, Accordo Goldberg are $15K... not in the OPs budget although the most visually striking speaker ever produced, in my eyes anyway

I really wonder if you people recommending absolutely obscure brands have ever heard these brands and more importantly, heard them in your own rooms or at a dealer who has attempted to optimize the setup?! Should the OP just take your word for it?! How can he possibly audition some of these WAY out-there brands without wasting his $8K?!….

I have a Pass Labs XA25. Had it paired with Harbeth 30.2 40th anniversary mounted on TonTrager for the past 5 years. Just changed to Dynaudio Contour Legacy. The Harbeth were absolutely fantastic. The midrange and voices in l’articula are second to none. I was really hesitant to let them go. 
another option could be the Dynaudio Heritage special, which are raved by many. A bit more dynamic speaker but not as good on the mid-range I found.

good luck and keep us posted

Throwing in my suggestion for Legacy Audio "Studio HD" stand mount speakers.
I haven't heard the more expensive Calibre, but the Studio's I have are amazing for the size. 

Legacy Audio Studio HD Bookshelf

I have a pair of Fritz carbon 7SE Mk2 bookshelf's  that I will never sell. In a smaller secondary set up, with a SVS SB 3000 sub, Meitner DAC  ATI 6000 2 channel AMP. Streaming Qobus     Strictly Rock and Roll, mid 80's to low 90's spl. You have to hear them shine.   Robert TN

I’ve had great success with Dynaudio special 40, PS Audio Fr5, and Buchardts. I have a Pass 250.