Responses from paradisecom
If your CD's are harsh, try this Hopefully after 22 years, they sorted it out. | |
budget balanced pre amp, tube or SS? Hopefully after 17 years, the OP made a decision. | |
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms I've found that the biggest contributors to lack of bass is either 1 speaker wired out of phase with the other, or it's a room-suckout where the position of the speakers in the room and the listening position are essentially out of phase with one ... | |
Acoustic Research M6 Holographic Image Series? Hopefully after 18 years the OP made a decision... | |
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers Congrats! Have fun in all your future journeys…..including the speakers! | |
cary audio sli 80 signature vs willsenton r800i Possibly. What would the Willsenton accomplish that the Cary can't? I'd keep the Cary over replacing it with the Willsenton, though. | |
Sunfire's new "Ultimate Receiver worth 4 grand? Hopefully after 22 years the OP found a solution. | |
Qualified service technicians disappearing! Recommendations wanted I talked to McIntosh about a week ago asking what their current estimated backlog is for service of out-of-warranty pieces.....1 year. Oof. I'm sure the service would be perfect but gee whiz. | |
Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment? I usually like meters. Sometimes they can be a bit overdone or underdone, but for the most part, I like them.....[typed as I stare at my MC2105.] | |
Your journey with lower-watt tube amps -- Can a kit be good enough? I always thought the Audio Note Kits looked pretty nice: | |
Package Has Disappeared in USPS System I have seen some “interesting” things happen with shipments in my industry where items get stuck at a terminal for weeks, rerouted to other parts of the country more than once, get left off trucks when they were logged as being “on vehicle for del... | |
Solid state amp that tube fan can be happy with? The only solid-state amp I have owned that has come the closest to my tube amps is my MC2105. It's pretty dang good. | |
Krell 200 amp, Krell KRC Preamplifier for repair You could contact some place like Audio Classics to see if that's something they could repair. They're not too far from NJ. | |
Ideas for a compact kitchen receiver? Rega Brio or Io? | |
REL G1 Subwoofer Problems Hopefully after 6 1/2 years he figured out a solution. |