Responses from blackbag20
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead @mike4597 Loves me some Odyssey!! | |
Mike's Barn. A saw a cable riser fall outta his pants ... that's definitely MC | |
Repair for speaker cabinet I think a good furniture guy could fix that ... certainly make it look less noticeable. | |
Speakers sound too bright. I would return them and head to The Music Room .... | |
Lay sonus faber on the side? Terrible idea | |
A life sentence!!! Odyssey Kismet Amp ... it's butter | |
Favorite Albums Not in the Mainstream Found on Streaming Services For jazz fiends ... a relatively new German group, Moses Yoofee Trio. Discovered on Qbz: If Rush was a jazz outfit this is what they would have sounded. Or maybe Steve Wilson ... (I just miss RUSH, way too much) https://mosesyoofeetrio.bandcam... | |
Upscale Audio is up front with customers For sure, great thread ... I have not purchased from Upscale but will based on input. Thanks, OP! @mulveling ... always appreciate your posts; one of the few that I read every word ... thanks | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? Glad you like their work. Drummer for the trio is Noah Furbringer he has an album, "Moonwalker," which is more of the same but with emphasis on drum-work, 2022. Insane: | |
Any opinions on NAD quality? Bought a NAD 7220PE receiver before undergrad. Still going strong ... though I had to replace the power switch from too much switching ... | |
AUDIOGON and REVERB No Protection I have always found PayPal quite helpful .... | |
Fluance RT85N Reference Turntable - budget, or not ? Steve, Great discussion ... all digital now; thinking of entering the analog world. Learned a lot! Thanks!! | |
Okay, that's it -- I'm done (unless I win the lottery) @deep_333 Love it ... so true!! | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? Moses Yoofee Trio (MYT) New jazz group, Germany ... insane, not kidding ... great suggestions atop! | |
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? Sonus Faber Amatori might fit the bill ... |