Responses from mihorn
HAVE CABLES EVER TAKEN YOUR SYSTEM FROM SOUNDING JUST OK TO SOUNDING GREAT? Experiences ? OP Cables taken an OK sound system to a great sound? A system's sound can be better than before but it can't never be great. Is there anyone happy with his system sound and stop upgrade/change a component? I don't think so. "Great" means a tot... | |
Is it the gear or the ears? OP Is it the gear or the ears? It's your ears. All hi-fi systems (inc. $million) sound like the left speaker in below video. It's your ears/brain that trick you. All hi-fi & electronic sound like the left speaker because all microphones... | |
HOW DID YOU END UP WITH YOUR DREAM SYSTEM? I finally got my dream system which is the world best sound system, but I am not happy. Why? Because it sounds bad and unlistenable. What? The world best sound and "unlistenable" don’t make sense. The sound is a relative thing. Like all house wiv... | |
Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems? OP Do Audio Hobbyists Commonly Fail to Fully Utilize Their Systems? No. A’philes aren’t failing to fully utilize their systems. Rather, they put too much effort to their incapable equipment. Has anyone achieved the fully satisfactory audio sys... | |
Looking for my End Game Speaker OP Can anyone recommend any other sealed box design speakers.....or any speakers that would fit into a relatively small room FYI, all speakers in the world sounds like the left speaker in below, except Wavetouch speakers. https://youtu.be/IHf_F... | |
There Is Nothing Like the Real Thing - Our State of the Art OP What are your observations on the state of the art compared to the real thing? For those technical competent, any explanation why we are not closer? The most expensive microphones are from 1940s~50's. They sound great. The world's best m... | |
Room is way too bright. Watch this before my explanation. https://youtu.be/IHf_FSa8amE?si=hj2cK9yOqjRKA3Xv All speakers sounds/behave like above left speaker. The natural sound and Hi-Fi (un-natural) sound don’t blend. To test, you say anything (hello repeat) in front ... | |
HOW DID YOU END UP WITH YOUR DREAM SYSTEM? incorrigable Sold my late mother’s house. Oh no! I was close to it too. Then I rethink "is anyone really achieved what I want?" I concluded that I can’t be there whatever I do because no one ever was there in audio history. It was a good decis... | |
Front Row Seat Power Cord? bigtwin @mihorn It must be a burden, being the only person that knows how to make a good cable. You are right. Everything has 2 sides. | |
Front Row Seat Power Cord? bigtwin Just read the review of 27 best power cables. Laughable the $500 Morrow cable reviews pretty much the same as the $5000 cables. That’s right. No cable company knows how to make a proper power cable. The same brand and model cables made... | |
Front Row Seat Power Cord? OP a quality power cord that tends to create a perspective that is more “front row” than “mid-hall”, without being thin or overly bright. Only power cord that creates that sound is Wavetouch audio power cord. All other PCs’ mid are always far b... | |
Speaker cables with good timbre Sooner or later the audio industry might turn out to the natural sound and all current noisy and un-natural sound cables and audio equipment could be a junk. The only cable for future proof (with natural sound) is Wavetouch audio speaker cable whi... | |
Speaker cables with good timbre OP copper, that have a very good midrange, imaging and truth of timbre or faithful reproduction of instrument sound. Wavetouch audio speaker cable. Listen WTA cable how close the real voice and recorded voice below. Alex / WTA https://youtu.be... | |
When I listen to my system....... unreceivedogma @mihorn That link to speakers… In a parking lot? You are kidding me, right? I’m serious. The video shows human ears can be deceived easily with un-natural sounds and how bad un-natural sound really is. All speakers in the world ... | |
The Allure of Vintage Audio Gear Almost world best microphones (>$20k) are from 1940~60’s. I can hear they sound clear and better with little noise than modern $20k mics. Mic and speaker are same topology. They made a better mics and they made better speakers then. Since last... |