Large room with low budget for speakers

Hey everyone I have been having issues finding the right kind of boxed speakers that would work in my room well that won’t be too dry on the bass region my set up has an array of Rel woofers my budget is 30k but all the speakers that would be big enough would be around 60k and up I have looking into brands like Focal, Rockport, and Wilson audio but none of the smaller speakers from these brands are very impressive in my room 


My advice:  get yourself some big Maggies, or the largest IMF transmission line monitors available (used).  The a really powerful amplifier to drive them.  You'll get all the sound and sound level you could want.  Hi-fi, sound, not just sound!

Sorry guys the dimensions are Audio room: 33x20 sq feet and 7.5 feet high my amps are fine it’s just the speaker if it can handle the room anything big horn fan got first gen advant garde speakers UNOs fills the room easily but the second duos are over my budget looking for horn company’s with similar philosophy’s in reproducing sound and size does not matter bigger is better for my room than small

Interested to read responses, but mainly curious in what world $30k is considered low budget.

If I had that kind of money I would look at what others have mentioned, Volti Audio. You would be the kind of customer to work out a deal for the Vittora and that’s like heaven. Klipsch are nice but I would go for the Vittora and bass module. Winner,winner.....chicken dinner, Dancing all night long.

Don't overlook what Magnepan can offer. They circumvent the complications of cabinets and dynamic drivers and save expense and you might like the planar sound.



3,097 posts


Give GIKAccoustics a call and see if they can help you sort out your room before you spend that $30K.


You should create a Virtual System page on Audiogon. It will also help if you call GIK.


Best info given. 

It’s probably not the speakers and more your room at this point and budget. Is the room treated?


makes it a bit tricky to reply when we don't have the dimensions of your room.

The bigger the room the more powerful amplifier you're going to need.

If you like the sound of them, an ideal speaker for a large room are the Klipsch Horns, 103dB, 8ohms impedance. Purchased used, you'll have lots of money left over to buy good amplification!!!

The nice thing about the used Klipsch Heritage speaker line is this. Years after the initial purchase, and your ears start to critique a short coming in the speaker (they all have them), there are plenty of upgrades for not a ton of money. Check Bob Crites, or Volti Audio for upgrades.

In other words, they maybe lifers.

Enjoy the voyage.

High end Magnapans.  They can fill any room, and don't cost an arm and a leg.  If you can't afford new, go back a few years.  Even more of a bargain.  Big, enveloping soundstage!  Instruments and voices that sound "as in the room" if speakers positioned correctly through experimentation.


I'm not sure of the price in dollars, Bowers and Wilkins 802 D4s work well in large rooms.

I have the Volti Audio Rivals in a large room (just over 5K cu. ft.) & they fill it easily at loud volumes w/ maybe 20 tube watt peaks. Sound very good & more like live music than most. They don't have the super extended, pristine high end that only bats will really appreciate but its very clean, a super dynamic, great, spacious & open midrange & a big low end that a good, big woofer can be capable of.  

And, w/ about half of your budget leftover, you can afford a solid retainer for a good divorce attorney should you wife decide the music is simply too loud to stand. 

Something has to be off about the room, like you are sitting in a null considering your comment about the need for more bass. Have you taken any measurements at your listening position? Have you played around with speaker/sub placement or shifting the listening postion?

I run a pair of Focal Kanta 2 and one 15" sealed sub in a room twice the size of yours and have no issues with output unless I’m going for rock concert levels. I’d take some measurements and play around with positioning...speakers and listening. You might also want to look into room treatment. In another room, adding bass traps greatly improved the bass response of that system.

Regardless, I have a hard time believing there are no speakers in your budget range that can give you what you want when paired with a REL array. So long as you have addressed cancellation effects.

Give GIKAccoustics a call and see if they can help you sort out your room before you spend that $30K.


You should create a Virtual System page on Audiogon. It will also help if you call GIK.

I heard some Legacy speaker models in the past and I always thought they were very loud.




I would definitely look for  room acoustics problem. I think a 22’ x 22’ or there about room… while generally large… is not so large to sound like out doors.


I agree… I would look at bass loading as a possible problem. 

Have you heard ANY speaker in that room that did not sound strained? It may not be the speakers  and it may just be the case that the room itself is being overloaded.  Unless you are trying for extreme volume levels,  the Rockports, Focals, Vivid, etc. should be fine and I would being to suspect you have room issues.  Everything is a matter of tradeoffs, and if you insist on rock concert volume levels, you may have to settle for speaker built for high volume that will not sound so good at more reasonable levels (Zu Audio comes to mind).

My room is 56 to 60 sq meters I have demoed a few speakers in that budget most of them don’t get loud enough before they start to sound like they are being strained although speakers like vivid or estelon are too small for the room my amps are pass labs XA 160.8 power isn’t an issue for me at all

I calculated that your room is 31 feet deep by 21 feet wide by 8 feet tall. Of course those measurements could vary some. That is a big room. I suggest horns and at your budget you could hit the best of Viking Acoustic. 


A pair of Revel F328 Be with your REL array should have enough cone area to make you happy without introducing the colorations of horns into your sound. Another one…Ohm Walsh 5s.  Either is half your budget.

The OP seems to have gone missing but let me say it would be hard for me to recommend anything, you need to do a little shopping for yourself. I think with your budget a good dealer can put you in the right direction. A good working relationship with exceptional dealer really can help you get going and help with any problems along the way.  

Magico A5 looks like it wouldn’t disappoint in the base and they’re under budget at about 25k.  Or you might be able to get into a REL stack and speakers for under 30k.

Volti, Classic Audio, Viking Acoustics, Klipsch Jubilee.  These are all efficient and won't take monster sized amps.

That's not so big of a room that you can't find speakers.

What about some of the big Tannoys or Klipsch La Scala?

A 20 x 30 room with 8' ceilings is 4800 cu. ft.. Most average to large speakers should be able to fill that room with sound if the acoustics are reasonable.



5000 square feet is not a small room. My whole house is 1100 square feet!!! What do you live in, a palace?

GoldenEar Triton Reference. Built in powered woofers, 1800 watts rms. Stereophile class A rated. $11,000. I have 26'x32' room. They sound great.

Mornin.  What I’ve found effective for my 30x14 x15 room has been a system using double advents. On all our 5 channels  with your subs on the front 3 channels.. just mAke sure the 10 speakers have the “ fried egg tweeter”.  Original woofer if possible , ..   gonna need 3 channels of  amps for fronts .. powered subs also .  All this should be possible within your budget. .. let me suggest odyssey 3 channel outlaw receiver for surrounds .. preamp outs for front.  Speaker level to drive 3 subs… provides the 5 full range you need for sacd.  Read Harry  Pearson  double advent review in one of the first “absolute sound” issues

Sounds like a troll post.  $30K budget is low?  Definitely a first-world problem.  No dealer willing to work with you on that budget, or do you just like trolling forums to stir the pot a bit?  If you've really got an array of REL subs, why are you worried about low bass response on your mains?  Get serious.

I would think the Rockport Cygnus would be able to handle a large room with ease 

Magnepan mg20 with FM accoustic cross over.

Pass labs amps of gryphon and no SUB.


My room is about 5000+  Cu Ft.


So it's approximately 500 square feet with 10 foot ceilings?

take a look at the monitor audio platinum 500 Gen 2 it's only $32,000 US and it's way better than magico and Wilson.

What size is your room and please tell us more about your REL, sub array?


I was going to suggest JBL Everests, like the DD6700, but then realized you’ll need to save your lunch money a bit longer for those. How about a pair of CVs to tide you over?:



Johnto, magnepan mg30 or 20 with subs?? You destroy the low of the maggies.

Hoe stupid you can be to put maggies with a sub, the most cleanest low had magnepan. Evrything depence wich amp!

I’m with that. To those with the means though more power to you though I say. 

To some, 30k is low budget for a pair of loudspeakers.  To me, 30k is 5 times of my total spending on two 2-channel systems.

OP has not listed his room size, partnering equipment, music selections, using room correction, subs?  etc etc etc . 
kinda pointless responding. Also 30k new only or used on the table? If used can get a mutha F U ka of a speaker although you can get near SOTA for less than 5k used. 

low budget of 30k 😆

Cornwall IV’s.  They work in my 20x37 room, though I only sit about 16 feet away from them.  

Look at Spatial audio labs with upgraded Xover around $10 k and open baffle perfect for your setup ,don’t underestimate these.

Just sit closer to the speakers… Any normal sized speakers will work at 10-12’ away. 

Amphion Krypton3, I own a pair of their Argon7LS and the bass response is unreasonably good for the size of the speaker. The Krypton3 is their flagship and supposedly even more impressive.

I think that you are totally under informed . For one the Acora for 37k would supply more than you need in terms of SPL and bass? How big is your room?

Have you tried this ? We can put something together for you that will shake the entire house. Try the CONFIGURATOR

It is important to know the size of the room… but then I am curious what the shortcoming of less than huge speakers are. The constraint is typically the acoustics of a too small room. When a room gets too big… we’ll the small room problems go away. 

If you build a 9’ triangle away from the front wall, side walls, and back wall… this is ideal. I guess unless the room is 100’ x 100’ x 12’ or something that begins to be more like out of doors. My Sonus Faber Amati Traditional are about this cost and my room is mid-large… sounds great. From my listening position. Bigger would overload the room. 

So, after typing this, I realize I just have never had this problem… always the opposite.



Lol, not me....that's a ton of dough to have on hand just for speakers, life must be good...