
Responses from dynacohum

And the biggest influence on sound quality is...
Back in the early 80s I sold, delivered and set up a system for a customer who was an opera nut, was well off financially, and was beginning to realize his mortality…he had an illness soon to be known as AIDS.  He lived in a brownstone on Commonwe... 
Lay sonus faber on the side?
Sell them and replace them with something better suited to your new use case.  If you are having built-in cabinets constructed, get speakers that will perform properly in that context.  MoFi Pointsource or KEF, Fyne, or Tannoy all make “coincident... 
ICs with slim RCA Barrels?
Audioquest Mackenzie, Nordost Leif2  
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
No particular order…Technics, Well Tempered, Oracle. I pick Oracle for their aesthetic beauty and their perfection of the sprung subchassis concept.  Well Tempered for innovative thinking and practical application, and Technics for a lifetime achi... 
Bose Chucks Mac
McIntosh has at least 3 tiers of dealers. The Magnolia stores, Crutchfield, and Music Direct are the lower tier, with a small assortment available. The top tier get everything including the reference products, and the middle ground, most dealers, ... 
Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread.
Speaking for myself, I have had a 50+ year career in the mines of audio retail, and have been an active hobbyist as well, but never wealthy, so my experiences are of little interest to the big spenders on this site.  Furthermore my hearing is no l... 
Potential relief for tinnitus?
“Moderate your intake of alcohol and caffeine” Gee, that hissing sound doesn’t seem so bad after all!  
Fluance RT85N Reference Turntable - budget, or not ?
I post on Reddit r/turntables, and the Fluance line is extremely popular on that site. The Orbit Theory does look to be a strong contender in the next level up category, but so are the AT-LP8 and Technics SL100C. The middle ground between them is ... 
Unipivot tone arms
One of my favorite turntables was an LP-12 I got used in 1975.  This was before they added electronics to it…just a Scottish AR or TD150.  My roommate was in the UK on a fellowship so I asked him to bring me a Keith Monks arm for it.  I mounted it... 
Advice on turntables
If you move on from a WTT/TA, you may regret it.   I did when mine started showing its age after over 30 happy years, and my first attempt to “improve” on it was not successful. I now have a Technics SL100C I am happy with, but it leaves my “esote... 
Is there an 'Audiophile' Reel-to-Reel Machine for Under $1,000?
I have used Pioneer, Sony, and Revox machines, and all were excellent, (and the Revoxes were not better than the others). These were all 10.5” reel machines.  The Technics direct drive models have an excellent reputation too. I doubt any of these ... 
Somebody Please Make This Already...
No one comes closer to offering this functionality than Parasound, to my knowledge.  But a few observations…you start by specifying all analog, like a purist passive preamp, then throw in active circuitry, which means op amps, then a full electron... 
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ?
No one has mentioned Revel F228 Be so I will.  They list at $10K but have been on factory authorized sale and used….could hit your price point.  Very capable, accurate and musical across genres.  
Bose 901 Review Well Done.
They came out just as my HiFi journey began, in 1968.  I was initiated in the AR/KLH/Dynaco sector of the audiosphere, and went to the Grand Central listening room to hear the 32Hz organ pipe (overtones) of Also Sprach Zarathustra played in a room... 
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.
I no longer have the listening acuity that I once had, so my days of having firm opinions about one thing sounding “better” than another are behind me…like a wine snob with COVID whose sense of smell has gone away.  But as a person retired from a ...