I can't believe this.

I have had a Tascam recorder in for warranty repair since October. They claim they are backlogged and have no idea when they can look at it. They claim they are still trying to fix equipment that came in last summer.

But here is the thing that grinds me. They want, " I think they may be able to do a priority service for you, however as I mentioned, most of our service centers that do provide priority service have a fee for it".

This seems like bribery to me.



Just to provide some closure to this adventure, I just received back my unrepaired Tascam unit. About 4 months of nothing from Tascam! Except insults from the repair facilities.

I guess I just cannot express more disdain for a company more than this one.

Please be aware of this before any of you wants to buy a Tascam!

My DA-3000 Tascam unit less than a year old, that was still under warranty, is now basically a boat anchor.


So today the TAP rep calls and says, "if you leave it here for a couple more weeks maybe I can get to it."

Mind you this is after he yelled and hung up on me a day earlier. As much as I would like this recorder repaired, I said, " no, I am tired of dealing with you, please send the unit back".

So, wonder when I’ll get it back?


I think you should give up on Teac and move on its obviously junk and they won't repair it or honor their guarantee to you.



Hang in there. Thank You for posting your Tascam experience.


Happy Holidays!

I am sorry for this on-going saga, but I think Audiogon users need to be aware that Tascam does not provide any type of repair services for equipment under warranty.

I was pretty much just told off and then they hung up from the Tascam Service Rep and the Customer service.

The Customer Service says there is nothing that can be done. TAP, the service repair arm of Tascam products says it will be months before they can even look at the unit. And he told me to stop writing and calling.

I have asked for the unit to be returned to me as-is. So, we’ll see when that happens.

Does anyone know a number, email, contact for TEAC or Tascam management that can intervein? Or at least someone within their organization that cares?

So far all I have is the website contact info page that gets me back to the same people.

Man, I am stressed out over this...


The Dealer, Sweetwater has said they will provide a refund. (I’m not sure if it would be 100% or store credit) I haven’t got that far yet ...

Good for you for involving your dealer and kudos to the folks at Sweetwater for doing the right thing.

... no replacement units are available ...

I'm sorry to hear that. It increasingly looks like TEAC is beginning to have "issues."


Man, I agree with you. The Dealer, Sweetwater has said they will provide a refund. (I’m not sure if it would be 100% or store credit) I haven’t got that far yet.

But no replacement units are available.

At this point, I can’t even get someone from TAP (the authorized Tascam repair center) to return my calls and emails.


That’s a BS response. Your agreement (warranty) is with TEAC. It is its obligation to honor the warranty - it can’t simply say "no one" at TEAC can help and then blame a third party.

You need a new, replacement unit. Get your dealer involved to be your advocate. Or, seek a refund.

So, since I still can’t get any type of update on my warranty repair here is the latest from Tascam customer service. What a joke!

"I have done what I can do to help you in this situation. There is no one at Tascam that you can contact in regards to the repair status of your unit that is over at Tap Electronics. As I said before, we at Tascam have no control over the repairs at Tap Electronics."



Thanks for trying. These types (PCM 24-192hz, DSD) of digital recorders seem to have vanished. 


The Denon will only record up to 24/96hz.

Ahhhh, you are correct. How odd! (Not odd that you're correct, the 96kHzlimit is odd.)

The Denon is not available, and I wonder if the Korg is new production or just old new stock?

B&H shows the Denon will be in stock on Jan. 9. Not too bad.

Dunno about the Korg. It still shows on the company website, FWIW.


Thanks. The Denon is not available, and I wonder if the Korg is new production or just old new stock? Everywhere that I have searched shows it no longer available.


the Korg, MR 2000s is no longer available.

You can order direct.

There is also the Denon DN-900R. In stock here.


.. there are currently no HR 24/192 hz. stand-alone digital recorders that are not tied to a computer that I can find ... If you know of one, please share.

There's the Korg.


I wish I could! Thus far there are currently no HR 24/192 hz. stand-alone digital recorders that are not tied to a computer that I can find. Streaming must have killed the need.

If you know of one, please share.


Do you think Hunter is still waiting to get it back? Ozzy, it might be time to consider another recording device, then sell one or the other.

They finally returned a message. "Too late now for paying to move up the line".

They also said they have some equipment that they are working on that has been there over a year! I think my repair is just behind hunter’s laptop. LOL!



I'm the customer who asks if I can pay extra to jump the line. I don't continue to use services who won't let me jump the line. Many business problems can be solved with money. 

Thanks. I agree with you.

But it looks like my service/repair is now in the bottom group since I won't pay the ransom..


Misread the warranty thing so I deleted my last post. They should never ever charge for expedited warranty service. That is nuts. You should not be chasing the service people, Tascam should. They should be paying for it. When you took it to the first place, the warranty was in force and they did not service it. It is still Tascam's problem. I would tell Tascam at this point to take it back and pay you. Frankly, their warranty issues, no matter the cause, are not your problem any more. Pandemic is going on almost 3 years. They had time to adapt.

I am against having to pay more to move up the service line. But I do wonder how long it will take.?

I'll keep sending emails asking for repair status.


I vote with @noromance on this, one shouldn't have to bribe a vendor to do their job.  Having to return an item on warranty is annoying enough....

It almost sounds like '...if we ignore it long enough, the warranty will lapse and we can charge more...', which smacks of a cheap stall.

Tascam used to be a 'name' in its' field, or so I thought.  Wtf happened? 😒

Warranty compliance should be enforced by law. Non-compliance and the company loses the right to sell in that market.  

"I think they may be able to do a priority service for you, however as I mentioned, most of our service centers that do provide priority service have a fee for it".

That sounds like an option to me.  Nobody's coercing you to do anything.



As above, "Give me results, not excuses" Be a Tiger.


Happy Listening!

Well, I live in Michigan and the Tascam unit is now at a repair facility in California.

It cost me $50 to get it out of the first repair center, another $50 to ship it to Ca.

It would probably cost another $50 for them ship it back unrepaired, and I doubt if even then it would be shipped back anytime soon.

Best I can do I guess at this point is to let others know what I’m going through to avoid Tascam at least for repairs or warranty work.


That is a horrible way to do business.  I agree with @grannyring, get your equipment out of there.  

Theoretically, one could wait forever if not paying the extra and individuals kept jumping the line by paying the premium. Never heard of this with audio repair before, ridiculous.

Warranty work/claims are not like other services like shipping or airline seat selection. Both those are services you go into knowing there is a fee schedule,,, it will not be free. Warranty work is included and advertised as part of the product you purchase. There should NEVER be a fee scale/structure after purchase to something you already purchased. When you purchase a product with warranty, the inclusion of warranty service is a part of the deal.


Your being screwed.

Ozzy I bought a Tsakadiris monoblocks for 4K, next to me about a mile from me.Unfortunatly they close. When I thought I needed help? The guy won’t even return my email? Though I believe he sells online. I think this guy is nice but lack responsibility to help his costumers.He won’t assist me though I was told by his rep , the service is in California? None. It’s in Canada, Iam from Illinois.Thank God Tsakadiris devices in Greece are so helpful.

Thanks for all the additional comments.

I spoke to the Service Manager before shipping, and he never mentioned that they were backed up. If he had, I may have tried to find a different place to send it. I should have asked, let me remember that lesson.

Unfortunately, there are only so many authorized Tascam repair facilities and the warranty time period is now up.

This situation reminds me of how many places now expect a tip for just doing the job they are paid to do.


I can and do believe it. This won’t last forever, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary now. We waited almost 3 months last winter for an IC board so that our ductless heat pump could be repaired, glad we don’t live in Fargo. I waited a1 1/2 months for a shower door for my current job. Same job, I waited 3 months for a vinyl framed window. Previously, that window would’ve been a 2 week wait.

I just saw watches mentioned above. Last week I had to send a watch back to be repaired. It's 3 months old, under warranty. I was quoted 8-12 weeks, and told the 8 week number was unlikely.

Ozzy this experience is completely and utterly unacceptable. Most sorry. To chalk this up to “part of the new reality” is accepting as normal this sort of service level and behavior. Once we do that, then we get what we accept. It does indeed become the new normal. It should not. The excuses are getting old and tired in my opinion. We will hear the same excuses years from now if accepted by we consumers. Vote with your dollars and get your unit back. Give me results, not excuses.


What can you do? Don’t let your unit stay there one more day. Find another vendor, sell it as is…


I am building a new custom home and understand delays such as 20 weeks for windows etc…  However, this case is extreme and unacceptable in so many ways. 



Post removed 

I bought a high-end BRYSTON digital player and stablemate DAC pre-owned. I sent the player back to BRYSTON for a full software reinstall and general status look over . It went in on or about October 2021 and I got it back on or about March 2022, but only after I personally got ahold of the Service Manager.

If you guys are outraged at five months for a service, I strongly advise you not to get into the vintage watch hobby. Independent watchmakers (whose numbers are dwindling, and typically old) are often backed up for a year or more. I kid you not!

I once sent a Sony separate in and after calling for 8 months and getting the run around, they finally admitted they lost it. I still believe someone there fixed it and took it home as it was a rare piece. They did reimburse me with a check, but only for the original price. I would have rather gotten it back.

Yep, I agree with others, it's bribery to get more money for doing the job they are suppose to do, regardless of the reason. Pay more or get it back well after you've lost your hearing.

Disc drive went out just after warranty expired. Teac/Tascam doesn’t even give an email,for,service issues. You’re expected to fill out online form which I did twice with no response. Also contacted 2 of their listed service centers with no response ever. Bottom line is they are a crap company. Will never buy Teac or Tascam product ever again. 


I wonder if it’s the same place I sent my Esoteric player to in California?   They were brutally slow. 


I’m not sure where you are getting your information from in regards to “the parts situation” being “pretty much caught up” because that is absolutely without a doubt not the case.  I am in the electronics business and I have multiple suppliers quoting Q4 of 2023 for a vast range of items.  There are whole vendors/suppliers that are quite literally not shipping anything at all due to component shortages and their inability to manufacture items because of it.  We’re not even close to the end of this.

So sorry to hear @ozzy 

The parts situation is pretty much caught up, but I don’t care if it’s the burger joint on the corner or the repair places, nobody is fully staffed anymore! My wife works for a hospital and they were short staffed before Covid and now it’s even worse.

But having to pay a bribe really is BS!!