Responses from stereo5
Whats playing on your system today? The Cars, "Panorama" SACD Miles Davis, "Kind Of Blue" MFSL SACD Nick Mason, "Live at the Roundhouse Disk 2" CD | |
is McIntosh known for good dynamics? Why not visit a McIntosh dealer with your favorite Classical music and judge for yourself? | |
Bent Audioquest Robin Hood banana plugs I would straighten them out with pliers, insert them and forget about it. | |
How remove odor from interconnect? Try Fabreze. | |
How remove odor from interconnect? Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where a valet brings Jerry’s car to him and it reeks of BO. he tried everything to get rid of the smell but it won’t go away😂 | |
No love for Cube Audio speakers? Try posting it here on Audiogon. You may get a bite or two. If you aren’t posting it here because you don’t want to pay a listing fee then you get no sale. I never try to cheap out on listing something i want to sell. I think it’s kind of galling... | |
Do I need upgraded power cables? You have a nice system and good cables. What and why do you want to change? | |
Whats playing on your system today? Earlier today, Pink Floyd, “WYWH”. Analog Productions. SACD PINK Floyd, “Animals” Analog Productions. SACD Yes, “The Yes Album”. MFSL CD | |
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable @malatu, He wasn’t that wise, a blowhard was more like it. So happy he is gone, his smugness grated on me. | |
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes? Pink Floyd DSOTM. Original first pressing, Island Records. Bought from Muffets Music, Providence. RI. I purchased it as an import, 10 days before it made its debut in the US. I also use the Legacy Audio Music Sampler Volume 3 CD. I picked it... | |
David Johansen has passed away @rar1, ”Frankenstein” was an Edgar Winters Group song. | |
David Johansen has passed away I saw the NY Dolls as an opening act for The Edgar Winters Group. They were fantastic. | |
Maplenoll Ariadne missing air valve for platter/ tonearm I would contact the seller and ask. If you can’t get an explanation, return it. | |
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring Leave them alone, as far as I know, he voiced the speaker using that wire, changing it probably will change the sound. | |
Trojan Warning? Nothing here on my desktop computer or iPad. You may be getting a false positive from your anti-virus software. |