

Responses from stereo5

Whats playing on your system today?
The Cars, "Panorama"   SACD Miles Davis,  "Kind Of Blue"  MFSL SACD Nick Mason, "Live at the Roundhouse Disk 2"  CD  
is McIntosh known for good dynamics?
Why not visit a McIntosh dealer with your favorite Classical music and judge for yourself?  
Bent Audioquest Robin Hood banana plugs
I would straighten them out with pliers, insert them and forget about it.   
How remove odor from interconnect?
Try Fabreze.   
How remove odor from interconnect?
Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where a valet brings Jerry’s car to him and it reeks of BO. he tried everything to get rid of the smell but it won’t go away😂  
No love for Cube Audio speakers?
Try posting it here on Audiogon. You may get a bite or two. If you aren’t posting it here because you don’t want to pay a listing fee then you get no sale. I never try to cheap out on listing something i want to sell.  I think it’s kind of galling... 
Do I need upgraded power cables?
You have a nice system and good cables.  What and why do you want to change?  
Whats playing on your system today?
Earlier today, Pink Floyd, “WYWH”.  Analog Productions. SACD PINK Floyd, “Animals” Analog Productions. SACD Yes, “The Yes Album”. MFSL CD  
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable
@malatu, He wasn’t that  wise, a blowhard was more like it. So happy he is gone, his smugness grated on me.   
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes?
Pink Floyd DSOTM.  Original first pressing, Island Records.  Bought from Muffets Music, Providence. RI. I purchased it as an import, 10 days before it made its debut in the US.   I also use the Legacy Audio Music Sampler Volume 3 CD. I picked it... 
David Johansen has passed away
@rar1, ”Frankenstein” was an Edgar Winters Group song.    
David Johansen has passed away
I saw the NY Dolls as an opening act for The Edgar Winters Group.  They were fantastic.   
Maplenoll Ariadne missing air valve for platter/ tonearm
I would contact the seller and ask.  If you can’t get an explanation, return it.   
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
Leave them alone, as far as I know, he voiced the speaker using that wire, changing it probably will change the sound.   
Trojan Warning?
Nothing here on my desktop computer or iPad.  You may be getting a false positive from your anti-virus software.