Responses from whipsaw
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? @wsrrsw You’re welcome. Mingus’ albums were typically very well recorded, and his music is terrific. And yes, I do the same! | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? Many excellent suggestions already, but with one qualification, I'll add a few that haven't been mentioned. The qualification is that I listen to CDs and Hi-Red streaming, not LPs. But as the master recording is the key, these should all be avail... | |
No one talks about Purist Audio Design cables. FWIW, which may be very little, I had a negative reaction to a pair of Purist Audio Design Aqueous 20th Anniversary speaker cables that I purchased (and quickly re-sold) on the used market. It may have had something to do with system, but I went b... | |
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? Al Jarreau opening for George Benson in the '70s, when I was in high school. subsequently saw him a number of times in small venues in Chicago, before he hit the big time. What a talent! | |
Movie/film suggestions. @bdp24 Thank you. I agree with the others that you mentioned, as well. All excellent films, and I especially like Tender Mercies. Another that springs to mind is The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada, starring, and directed by Tommy Lee Jones. | |
Movie/film suggestions. I tend to gravitate towards foreign films, and primarily dramas. A fair percentage might be considered "art" films, and/or off-beat, especially in contrast to mainstream films. This is a list of many of my favorites, and if you notice any that you... | |
Upgrading the Aqua La Scala MKII DAC to the new La Scala MK3? I've been using a Mk II for 2 1/2 years, and am firmly in the camp of believing that the upgrade would represent diminishing returns. To be clear, I am very happy that the DAC is modular, and that it provides upgrade options, but at the same time,... | |
IsoAcoustics GAIA Yes. I use them with my stand-mounted Fink Team KIM speakers, and to similarly good effect. Aside from tightening up the base, the reduction in "smearing", which was previously unnoticeable, has had a very positive effect. No harshness whatsoever... | |
CEC Belt Drive CD Transports vs Jay's Audio CD Transports I have been using a CEC TL5 for some time, and find it to be solid, and very well-designed. It sounds excellent in my system. Customer service is excellent (I swapped remotes). The fact that the belt can be replaced easily is also a big plus, in m... | |
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions While I can't comment directly on the comparison, I do have a few thoughts. First, @arafiq deserves high marks for his original post. If only all reviews and comparisons were so well constructed, and sensitively produced! That doesn't mean, of co... | |
Discrete R2r With Tube Output I own the Aqua LaScala that @audiotroy mentioned. It is an outstanding DAC, and while expensive, the modular design insures that any repairs or future upgrades should be cost-effective. | |
Diffusers: under what circumstances might they help when placed behind speakers? Thanks Erik. I have no complaints relating to clarity, but am thinking more along the lines possibly enhancing the depth of the soundstage. | |
Credenza or media stand for hiding away equipment When I lived in the U.S., I used a Salamander Design product, and it was superb. Very similar to this one: Salamander Design | |
Transport Recommendations I bought a used CEC TL-5, and have been very happy with it. Excellent customer service as well. It replaced a MOON 260T. | |
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers…… Thanks! I've never heard Fyne audio speakers, but they seem to be well-regarded. |