Responses from big_greg
How to find local audiophiles This is a good place to start. I've met a number of forum participants in person and some have a local music club where I live. If you don't have one in your area, consider starting one. You can use Facebook or Meetup to find like minded individua... | |
Mike's Barn. If anyone can explain why one might intentionally have two turntables, I'm curious. I currently have two turntables in my main system. One costs about ten times as much as the other. I use the "nice" turntable and cartridge with my better recor... | |
Mike's Barn. Rich people have different barns than me. Aint life grand? Calling it a "barn" is unfortunate. It may have been mentioned in the video (I didn't watch it), but Mike bought the property because of the barn. Not to speak for him, but from what ... | |
VANDERSTEEN dealer in Tacoma WA has reopened under new ownership Victor is a great guy! He has visited our local music club on a couple of occasions and I know that he has helped at least one of our members with setting up his gear for optimal sound quality. I visited the store recently and he's done a nice j... | |
Mike's Barn. Thankfully I've experienced it in person and didn't have to watch the video. Mike is very kind and gracious and has hosted our local music club on a couple of occasions. His system is the best I've ever heard and I learned a lot from him. I bel... | |
Class A, A/B vs Class D amp Soundstage What you describe is not a characteristic of the good Class D amps I've owned. I'm currently using PS Audio M1200 monoblocks and they are fantastic. Of course those are 3 times the cost of your integrated amp. Cheap Class D devices may sound c... | |
Is the "improvement" real or imnagined? Cup your hands behind your ears while listening. You'll notice a dramatic difference in the sound. The reflections off your chair will have a similar, but less dramatic effect. Dampening the chair with a heavy blanket should affect the sound. It's... | |
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype I've come to the conclusion whomever believes most things ASR says doesn't have a very resolving system. I've come to the conclusion whomever believes most things ASR says doesn't have ears. | |
Recommendation for an HDMI cable under $200 for audio only DH Labs would also be my recommendation. I bought one for my Rockna server/dac combo. I later tried a RAL cable. Both units have 2 i2s connections, so it was pretty easy to go back and forth between the two cables. At first I thought I heard an... | |
HDMI cable to utilize I2s Connection from LAIV uddc to Denafrips Terminator 2 DH Labs Silver Sonic .5M cable is nice. I compared this to a much more expensive cable of the same length and at first thought I heard some difference, but I think I learned something about confirmation bias that day. I did some later A/B compari... | |
Sub repair or new sub? If the driver is in good shape, you're unlikely to find a better sub than the one you already have with the replacement amp for under $500. | |
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype So much fail in this thread. "It's all ones and zeros". That's like saying "it's all just grooves in the vinyl" and that all cartridges sound the same. In both cases there are a lot of important parts and design choices between the input signal an... | |
Streamer Advice If you're going to use a DAC you already like, just get the BS Nano. I did not participate in this, but three of my friends recently got together to A/B/C compare the Nano, a Roon Nucleus, and the Airlens (which is what my friend was using for st... | |
One Sub or Two? For a room of that size, consider two (or more) Rythmik F18 or G25HP subs depending on what budget and room (and wife) constraints allow. | |
Streamer, no DAC please? I don't want to be that guy that is "hey, it's all 1s and 0s man, it doesn't matter what you stream from", but... I went from a Bluesound Node to a Roon Nucleus to a Rockna Wavedream NET server. Since I was using the DAC in the Node, it's hard t... |