I can't believe this.

I have had a Tascam recorder in for warranty repair since October. They claim they are backlogged and have no idea when they can look at it. They claim they are still trying to fix equipment that came in last summer.

But here is the thing that grinds me. They want, " I think they may be able to do a priority service for you, however as I mentioned, most of our service centers that do provide priority service have a fee for it".

This seems like bribery to me.



Showing 18 responses by ozzy

Thanks. I totally agree, it sure seems that way. I am very disappointed in Tascam.


Tascam evidently outsources the repairs. And they admit they have little control over the service centers. And believe me when I say they are very independent!

The first place I took it to bad mouthed Tascam so bad that I didn’t feel comfortable taking it there. There is more to the story, but I’ll leave it like that.

Where it is today was highly recommend by Tascam and the service manager is/was quite cordial. But once in possession of the unit he is non-committal as to when he will even be able to look at it.

I'm not sure I feel comfortable forking over doe to what seems to me like a bribe to get it moved up the service line. This may be why things are so backed up. "Pay the fee or no work for thee?"

Yeah, I understand covid (that was 2 years ago!) but warranty work should be performed timely. Otherwise, warranties mean nothing.



Thanks for all the additional comments.

I spoke to the Service Manager before shipping, and he never mentioned that they were backed up. If he had, I may have tried to find a different place to send it. I should have asked, let me remember that lesson.

Unfortunately, there are only so many authorized Tascam repair facilities and the warranty time period is now up.

This situation reminds me of how many places now expect a tip for just doing the job they are paid to do.


Well, I live in Michigan and the Tascam unit is now at a repair facility in California.

It cost me $50 to get it out of the first repair center, another $50 to ship it to Ca.

It would probably cost another $50 for them ship it back unrepaired, and I doubt if even then it would be shipped back anytime soon.

Best I can do I guess at this point is to let others know what I’m going through to avoid Tascam at least for repairs or warranty work.


I am against having to pay more to move up the service line. But I do wonder how long it will take.?

I'll keep sending emails asking for repair status.


Thanks. I agree with you.

But it looks like my service/repair is now in the bottom group since I won't pay the ransom..


They finally returned a message. "Too late now for paying to move up the line".

They also said they have some equipment that they are working on that has been there over a year! I think my repair is just behind hunter’s laptop. LOL!



I wish I could! Thus far there are currently no HR 24/192 hz. stand-alone digital recorders that are not tied to a computer that I can find. Streaming must have killed the need.

If you know of one, please share.



Thanks. The Denon is not available, and I wonder if the Korg is new production or just old new stock? Everywhere that I have searched shows it no longer available.



Thanks for trying. These types (PCM 24-192hz, DSD) of digital recorders seem to have vanished. 


So, since I still can’t get any type of update on my warranty repair here is the latest from Tascam customer service. What a joke!

"I have done what I can do to help you in this situation. There is no one at Tascam that you can contact in regards to the repair status of your unit that is over at Tap Electronics. As I said before, we at Tascam have no control over the repairs at Tap Electronics."



Man, I agree with you. The Dealer, Sweetwater has said they will provide a refund. (I’m not sure if it would be 100% or store credit) I haven’t got that far yet.

But no replacement units are available.

At this point, I can’t even get someone from TAP (the authorized Tascam repair center) to return my calls and emails.


I am sorry for this on-going saga, but I think Audiogon users need to be aware that Tascam does not provide any type of repair services for equipment under warranty.

I was pretty much just told off and then they hung up from the Tascam Service Rep and the Customer service.

The Customer Service says there is nothing that can be done. TAP, the service repair arm of Tascam products says it will be months before they can even look at the unit. And he told me to stop writing and calling.

I have asked for the unit to be returned to me as-is. So, we’ll see when that happens.

Does anyone know a number, email, contact for TEAC or Tascam management that can intervein? Or at least someone within their organization that cares?

So far all I have is the website contact info page that gets me back to the same people.

Man, I am stressed out over this...


So today the TAP rep calls and says, "if you leave it here for a couple more weeks maybe I can get to it."

Mind you this is after he yelled and hung up on me a day earlier. As much as I would like this recorder repaired, I said, " no, I am tired of dealing with you, please send the unit back".

So, wonder when I’ll get it back?


Just to provide some closure to this adventure, I just received back my unrepaired Tascam unit. About 4 months of nothing from Tascam! Except insults from the repair facilities.

I guess I just cannot express more disdain for a company more than this one.

Please be aware of this before any of you wants to buy a Tascam!

My DA-3000 Tascam unit less than a year old, that was still under warranty, is now basically a boat anchor.
