How can anyone want more......Just a very happy listener.

I have recently listened to the best of Genesis, Dire Straits, Krall, Sinatra, Presley, Miles, Keb Mo, Floyd, Zep, Stones, and so much more, and I am so happy with my system. Why do people need to spend 40K on speakers, and, the same on amplification. Equipment : Modified Adcom GDA 700. Luminous Audio Walker passive , Nuforce STA 200, Modified Klipsch Lascalas, and powered subs ( a secret ). There is absolutely nothing, at this particular time, that I want more of. I have Dynamics, Tone, Coherence, Prat, Imaging, the whole shebang. I sit 10 ft from the speakers, and, I am so " involved " with my recordings, that I cant imagine any one not wanting the sound that I have, for relatively little money. Thoughts ? Enjoy ! MrD.


Contentment is very elusive.

And as said, it's largely a state of mind.

Some people say that a real problem with the internet is that can create two significant negative feelings. One is pride - which comes from comparing yourself and situation and saying "I have or am better than that", and the second is envy - which says "I don't have that but I want it." If you can overcome pride and envy you are well on your way to contentment.

Glad to hear you have found that 'happy place' MrD.  

Eddie,   you always want more.   Don't kid yourself 
Let's get that right 
Hi Mr D. My system is 13Gs and it’s simple and I love it. I have Mac integrated and an Oppo Cd dvd player and two SVS subs and ultra towers and 10,000 albums but they on on a small Node 2 streamer that sounds fine(Tidal) . I don’t buy and sell, I buy preowned carefully and and keep. I have a wife who doesn’t get it and although I have dollars, I need to live on them(67 years old and retired) I also have another expensive passion, Porsche’s. I have to pick and choose. I want to leave my kids money also. 
I love that you are happy, I’m happy too when I park my 911 and hit the tunes. Jazz and blues are alive and well.  Jmy 
The first step is always admitting that you have a problem..............;-)

Seriously, my goal is to be happy with my gear and addicted to music. My wife is perplexed with the constant flow of used CDs into our mailbox.
 It's really very simple. Some of us are addicts. I'd estimate that when we get to the point of reading forums like this, at least 75% of us are looking for a vicarious fix. I remember the first time I got high smoking marijuana. It was awesome; but I never got a high that good again no matter how hard I chased it. And believe me, I tried!

It was the same thing the first time I heard Stax headphones. There was a WOW I am still pursuing. I've gotten similar rushes since then, the first  audition of a $3,000 Primare integrated, replacing a Linn Basik with an Oracle Alexandria, etc. But I'm still chasing that first aural high.

I'm a junkie, and I don't plan on going to rehab.
I'm with you. Having spent many years chasing SQ, I am finally happy with my system. Actually two systems in different rooms. I'm not saying there is no room for improvement. The only reason I am happy is because I was able to modify some speakers which will remain nameless. Now I have two pairs modified and "stacked for" for more bass. The rest of the system is average at best, a modest belt driven TT, a AT-OC9  MC cart, run of the mill separate pre and power amps.
Like most of us I went through quite a few amps, speakers and TTs.
Full range stats, JBL studio monitors, tube amps, 
I had more than I could use and more than I cared to take with me when I retired early a few years ago. Most of the 10,000 records had to go.
I just could not handle it anymore. I called it downsizing. I can hear the difference in all the amps I had and still have. They were all terrible, tubes or SS. did not matter they all have sound of their own that I could not live with. But the most offensive in my opinion was the speakers. I believe once you get speakers you like, then it's not too hard to find the rest, assuming a certain level of quality. I know many say "front end" matters the most. 
Now that I have speakers that do what is important to me, low distortion, deep 3D soundstage, let me hear all the instruments distinctly. The bass is so clean, but I admit not that deep. But then if that bothers me I go into the living room where I have an all Focal vintage 3 way system with 15" woofers in large enclosures. I swap out power amps mostly as I still have a few to choose from. Being retired, I use what I have, which is enough for now. 
Never heard of Vienna Teng. Wow!!
Great vocals and instrumentals. 
Thanks David and Tomic. 
@tomic601  Gorgeous image. Foggy but warm and humid start to the day here in the New Orleans area. I feel much better now that I have a 20 mile bike ride checked off. 

I think you meant Vienna Teng. Just started streaming Warm Strangers.
 @mrdecibel  Some might say all the gear and music you went thru are just essential steps on YOUR journey:-)

 @david_ten  I have Vienna Ten playing on Radio Paradise-California staring out at the beach and fog creeping in....
life is good

Post removed 
Yes, I should have stated " I ". Kind of what I meant. I was not stating folks should own my exact system. I have heard mega buck systems, and I feel they do not present music in a more enjoyable or satisfying way than my own. In fact, I much prefer mine. I believe this was the point I was making. While folks here, on several threads, continue to post about new this and new that, I can happily say, I listen with enjoyment. In 2017, I bought the little Nuforce ( for shits and giggles ), and this year I bought the Luminous passive, and I feel these changed me as a very content individual, as I need nothing more. These pieces were, in retrospect, much less money than what I replaced them with, and I am sure the amp's excellence has very much to do with my speakers, being a very efficient and easy load. When I listen to 3 of my favorites, Roger Waters " Amused to Death ", The Pro’s and Con’s of Hitch Hiking ", and Miles Davis " A Tribute To Jack Johnson ", I am blown away ( same as much of my music collection ). These are not audiophile recordings, such as Chesky or Mapleshade. These are well engineered and mixed, and amazing pieces of music. Roxy, I have tried other D / A converters over the years, but have always came back to enjoying my 700. I know there is better, but that is not the point here. I am fortunate that my music listening is being satisfied, without looking for more. Maybe it is my 64 year old ears. Maybe I am just tired of all the constant change. I find myself enjoying music more in my CRV, through my patio speakers, and the small wall mounted speakers at my community pool ( playing radio ). I am fortunate, I suppose. But, I also know it is a state of mind ( sometimes with a bit of help, if you get my drift ). But just like all of you, it is all about the music. Have an awesome weekend. Enjoy ! MrD.
For about five years I was on the upgrade path, swapping out one component at a time, fortunately each swap was an improvement, but am now happy with my equipment and am pretty much "done" with hardware upgrades.  It's now time in my journey to shift my concentration from the equipment to the's a more-relaxing time in my journey.
It’s all relative. If you’re worth 10m and spend 100k on a system it’s the same as a guy who makes 100k and spends 1k on a system. If you have it, go experiment with the Uber expensive stuff. I’ve heard some crazy expensive stuff and it was impressive. To each his own wallet. 
A simple question deserves a simple answer.  You don't know until you hear the differences for yourself and then you have to decide if the differences that you heard are worth whatever that cost may be.

Happy Listening. 

"How can anyone want more..."

Perhaps, better framed as ’I [mrdecibel] am HAPPY and I [mrdecibel] do not want more...’

Here’s a thought, let go of ’the’ "people want more [or] need to spend 40K." You will be happier and your system will sound even better.

Happy for you!

Listening to Dexter Gordon's Go! at 7am on a Saturday morning while the family still sleeps. I'm happy. : )
@mrdecibel  You question is not just about sound, is it about life.
you fall in love in you  gear, and you dont want look around.
to change you mind  you have to listen you gear with different element,most important to build the sound ---speakers, if you live close to NYC or NJ i can bring my Tribeca-001. just to compare
*G* Sounds like another case of "Ready Player One"...enhance/enhance/enhance/ad infinitum -or- until you realize that either the fascination was in the pursuit itself...or,,,perhaps, it's just You.

It's OK....we age, and the final link in the 'system' can't be enhanced or upgraded.  The carrot will continue to dangle, tempting, calling "...maybe Here...(or is it Hear...*smirk*).

"Run what you brung."  The old street-racing comment...there's Always going to be Something that's going to leave you at the light...;)

Have a good weekend,, y'all.

No problem.  Sorry, I was just pulling your leg a little. I'm sure you listen to a wide range, and even if you didn't it wouldn't matter - it's no one's business to tell us what we like to listen to.  (I listen to some stuff that other people would find horrendous, or cheesy).

It's good to see a satisfied audiophile though.  Pretty rare occurrence. 
Hopefully it lasts for a while :)
Hi all, I started this thread, because, at one time, a long time ago, I owned equipment such as Krell, Audio Research, Martin Logan, and plenty more top rated and top dollar equipment. My current system, with modifications, cables, etc., is less than 10K, and so many folks here spend that much on a single component. I sold my phono equipment and my 5000 record collection several years ago, as I just lost patience with it all ( it was musically excellent ). Same with tube equipment ( and this is with horns ). I feel that today’s high end is uber expensive, so very out of proportion than long ago, and I know you can say that about many things. My next endeavor will be streaming, as, this is the future. I appreciate all of the responses above, and agree with much of it. I have sold so much of my equipment collection lately, because, I did not need several systems worth of gear I was never going to listen to, nor put money into ( new caps, etc. ). I will miss a few pieces, such as my Ampzilla, Strellioff and Bedini 25/25 amps, my Gale 401 and Leak 2075 speakers, and my Fisher 500C, as these brought me much enjoyment throughout the years. Anyway, Enjoy everyone ! MrD.

My Grandson still has my AR-3a speakers, and is more than satisfied with them.  
N80, you're right. Whatever floats your boat, is right. It's all subjective cause no two ears are the same. (After processing of course)  It's just so fun and interesting to hear, read, and listen to what other folks find so intriguing about other  products. That's why I'm here. To learn and absorb from more experienced audiophiles than me is so cool. 
Mr. D,
I believe you, and I am happy that you're happy, but I can't help thinking that you would be a little happier (ok, a lot happier) if you were using a non-oversampling DA converter. They are so much more organic , and that Adcom may be modified as you say, but I can't believe that it would compare.  
There are also people who just like equipment. That want to have, hold, look at and admire high quality gear regardless if it is hi-fi, guns, cameras, you name it. And often these same folks don't ever use this gear to the potential it was designed for. That's not my style....but I get it and have no problem with it at all. Whatever floats your boat. 
Different strokes for different folks. 80% of the world's population lives on less than $10 per day. Even the most modest stereo system would seem an obscene investment to them -- forget $40K speakers.

Stereos are just like cars, which are just like almost any other object. Some people have the money and want a constant flow of new toys in their life. Some get expensive stuff to impress others. Some are fine with the most basic item available which accomplishes the task at hand.

The key is that you are lucky to have enough money to have a system that makes you happy. So enjoy!
Problem with audiophile-ism is that most people are always looking for ways to make what they're already happy with, better.........If you have endless money....I don' can stay on that merry-go-round forever............My system is relatively modest, by AUDIOPHILE standards, although for the price I could have bought a nice new car. 

I know that there are better, probably way better systems out there, but mine makes me happy. I enjoy the music, with all the appropriate boxes being checked............I may entertain sub woofers if I can find a nice pair, used......although my current speakers can shake the foundation with the right maybe not. :)

If you're happy with what you HAVE, stop thinking about it and just enjoy
I thought the same thing until i heard Krell and B&W 8's, however its all realitive, 30 years ago i was very happy with A.R. 3A's, HH Scott Amp and Teac A6010s
Mr D, you've been helpful with some of your previous posts. I have vintage gear and have had ADS floor standing speakers since 1983. Figured I'd never change out. But, I finally bought LaScala II's, with no audition. I've wanted them for over 50 years. My family and I knew right away that they were special. They are now our main speakers and the ADS, which I'll never part with, are in another room. We did a/b comparisons and it was unanimous. 
Our taste in music is similar so I assume we're close in age. I understand chasing the next latest and greatest, but in audio that's not me cause I'm content. My wife and I listen every evening to whatever suits our mood. Sorry for the long post but I get what you're saying. 
Klipsch speakers are polarizing. There's almost no grey area. You love 'em or hate 'em. So we just listen in complete contentment cause we love 'em. 
Perhaps.... now you can look past your equipment and keep enjoying the music. Many people here will keep their focus on GEAR and never get to that point.
mrdecibel, a lot of people would consider what you spent on your system to be an obscene amount. That's where the argument gets kind of circular. I personally would never spend the kind of money you spent and would never have purchased the system that was given to me.

Having 'tasted' the pleasures of hi-fi with my current system I would be sad to lose it. And if I did I would probably limit myself to not more than $2000 to replace it. And some people would be justified in saying that $2k is nuts. It would not be possible to duplicate it for that amount but I'd have to do the best I could.

Could I spend more than that on hi-fi? Yes. I could spend more than what my current system costs. But I wouldn't.

Contentment and satisfaction are bad words in an economy and culture that is driven, even obsessed by newer, bigger, better, more. And it works from an economic standpoint. But constant discontentment and desire for more, is not, I think, good for a culture. There is no endpoint. It is like a drug.

As I've gotten into this hobby I hear so much about this and that equipment and this and that level of listening nirvana. I briefly considered going to a local hi-fi showroom to see what I was missing and what all the buzz is about. And then I thought 'why in the heck would I do that?'

I have a free, powerful, well reviewed system that I love to listen to. Why on earth would I want to go and find a reason to be dissatisfied with it?

Like you, I am lucky that I am very content with what I have and am amazed at what I'm hearing everyday........I'm also listening to pretty much exactly the same music as you........
prof, what ? I listen about an hour a day. I listen to the music, and my system allows me to, happily. My system seems to not be there. I have a nice chunk of change if I wanted to get more expensive gear. As I said in my post, I have been there and I have done that. I know many individuals who listen, only, to audiophile recordings. Many of the shows I attended, the music played was rather boring. But audiophile. I have some of those, but I listen to everything. My system is for the enjoyment of music, not the other way around. I hope it is the same for you. I suppose I am lucky. I read posts and threads here, and would not change a thing for the equipment that many people have. Enjoy ! MrD.
Because its a hobby and they can.
If I had unlimited funds and time to do nothing much else, I might even be crazy enough to do it but meanwhile I sweat out every dime I spend because like you what I have fits my quite demanding needs in most every way these days and its hard to justify spending more what with a kid to still go to college and all.
Still it did take me many years and over 5 digits invested in hifi gear total to get to my current happy place, so there you go.

Because we are all different? And have different musical and listening criteria, different financial means, etc.

I have a friend who feels exactly the way you do about his system. But it does very little for me at all.

BTW, that’s a pretty classic audiophile line up of music you listed. Are you sure you are listening to the music, and not using the music to listen to your system? ;-)

Glad to see you are happy, though.
Mr.Decibel.....what are you doing on this website??  You've achieved what none have done here..... satisfaction?   what's that!!  
I'm looking for a total-immersion experience. I'd like my system to totally override the reality which is my room and replace it with the artists vision. In my current dwelling, this is not going to happen without chemical assistance. May have to move back to Nevada.
Thank you.....And, gobs of detail ! As far as spending big monies on equipment, believe me, I have been there and have done that. Enjoy ! MrD.
Different people have different expectations.
Some of my friends are happy with their $5 earbuds or sound docks.

But it is always a GREAT feeling when you have achieved what you were searching for. Looks like your have found your nirvana. Enjoy your music MrD!