How can anyone want more......Just a very happy listener.

I have recently listened to the best of Genesis, Dire Straits, Krall, Sinatra, Presley, Miles, Keb Mo, Floyd, Zep, Stones, and so much more, and I am so happy with my system. Why do people need to spend 40K on speakers, and, the same on amplification. Equipment : Modified Adcom GDA 700. Luminous Audio Walker passive , Nuforce STA 200, Modified Klipsch Lascalas, and powered subs ( a secret ). There is absolutely nothing, at this particular time, that I want more of. I have Dynamics, Tone, Coherence, Prat, Imaging, the whole shebang. I sit 10 ft from the speakers, and, I am so " involved " with my recordings, that I cant imagine any one not wanting the sound that I have, for relatively little money. Thoughts ? Enjoy ! MrD.

Showing 5 responses by mrdecibel

Thank you.....And, gobs of detail ! As far as spending big monies on equipment, believe me, I have been there and have done that. Enjoy ! MrD.
prof, what ? I listen about an hour a day. I listen to the music, and my system allows me to, happily. My system seems to not be there. I have a nice chunk of change if I wanted to get more expensive gear. As I said in my post, I have been there and I have done that. I know many individuals who listen, only, to audiophile recordings. Many of the shows I attended, the music played was rather boring. But audiophile. I have some of those, but I listen to everything. My system is for the enjoyment of music, not the other way around. I hope it is the same for you. I suppose I am lucky. I read posts and threads here, and would not change a thing for the equipment that many people have. Enjoy ! MrD.
Hi all, I started this thread, because, at one time, a long time ago, I owned equipment such as Krell, Audio Research, Martin Logan, and plenty more top rated and top dollar equipment. My current system, with modifications, cables, etc., is less than 10K, and so many folks here spend that much on a single component. I sold my phono equipment and my 5000 record collection several years ago, as I just lost patience with it all ( it was musically excellent ). Same with tube equipment ( and this is with horns ). I feel that today’s high end is uber expensive, so very out of proportion than long ago, and I know you can say that about many things. My next endeavor will be streaming, as, this is the future. I appreciate all of the responses above, and agree with much of it. I have sold so much of my equipment collection lately, because, I did not need several systems worth of gear I was never going to listen to, nor put money into ( new caps, etc. ). I will miss a few pieces, such as my Ampzilla, Strellioff and Bedini 25/25 amps, my Gale 401 and Leak 2075 speakers, and my Fisher 500C, as these brought me much enjoyment throughout the years. Anyway, Enjoy everyone ! MrD.
Yes, I should have stated " I ". Kind of what I meant. I was not stating folks should own my exact system. I have heard mega buck systems, and I feel they do not present music in a more enjoyable or satisfying way than my own. In fact, I much prefer mine. I believe this was the point I was making. While folks here, on several threads, continue to post about new this and new that, I can happily say, I listen with enjoyment. In 2017, I bought the little Nuforce ( for shits and giggles ), and this year I bought the Luminous passive, and I feel these changed me as a very content individual, as I need nothing more. These pieces were, in retrospect, much less money than what I replaced them with, and I am sure the amp's excellence has very much to do with my speakers, being a very efficient and easy load. When I listen to 3 of my favorites, Roger Waters " Amused to Death ", The Pro’s and Con’s of Hitch Hiking ", and Miles Davis " A Tribute To Jack Johnson ", I am blown away ( same as much of my music collection ). These are not audiophile recordings, such as Chesky or Mapleshade. These are well engineered and mixed, and amazing pieces of music. Roxy, I have tried other D / A converters over the years, but have always came back to enjoying my 700. I know there is better, but that is not the point here. I am fortunate that my music listening is being satisfied, without looking for more. Maybe it is my 64 year old ears. Maybe I am just tired of all the constant change. I find myself enjoying music more in my CRV, through my patio speakers, and the small wall mounted speakers at my community pool ( playing radio ). I am fortunate, I suppose. But, I also know it is a state of mind ( sometimes with a bit of help, if you get my drift ). But just like all of you, it is all about the music. Have an awesome weekend. Enjoy ! MrD.