How can anyone want more......Just a very happy listener.

I have recently listened to the best of Genesis, Dire Straits, Krall, Sinatra, Presley, Miles, Keb Mo, Floyd, Zep, Stones, and so much more, and I am so happy with my system. Why do people need to spend 40K on speakers, and, the same on amplification. Equipment : Modified Adcom GDA 700. Luminous Audio Walker passive , Nuforce STA 200, Modified Klipsch Lascalas, and powered subs ( a secret ). There is absolutely nothing, at this particular time, that I want more of. I have Dynamics, Tone, Coherence, Prat, Imaging, the whole shebang. I sit 10 ft from the speakers, and, I am so " involved " with my recordings, that I cant imagine any one not wanting the sound that I have, for relatively little money. Thoughts ? Enjoy ! MrD.

Showing 1 response by roxy54

Mr. D,
I believe you, and I am happy that you're happy, but I can't help thinking that you would be a little happier (ok, a lot happier) if you were using a non-oversampling DA converter. They are so much more organic , and that Adcom may be modified as you say, but I can't believe that it would compare.