
Discussions prof has started

Ever Damage A Stylus Using Cleaning Brush?516346
Ok to substitute 12AX7 for 5751 tubes in CJ Amp?708328
A Record Collection/Moral Conundrum - What Would You Do?9518124
QUESTION about Installing "Matched" Tubes304117
Tone, Tone, Tone !827582
Black Ash.....838556
Article: History Of Ultrasonic Record Cleaning27330
What Characteristic Strikes You First About Un-amplified Music?204118
Anyone Else Here In To LIBRARY/PRODUCTION MUSIC?246714
YOUTUBE and Vinyl are gonna bankrupt me! 283415
ROON - EQ any good?46736
Have You Ever Owned QUADS?618424
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers100291480
Do You Care About AESTHETICS? What Are Your Gear/Listening Room Preferences?...434046
Placing Digital Sources under Turntable OK?17953