
Responses from prof

Tone, Tone, Tone !
Well, certainly the spendors Don’t have the scale, slam and drama Of the big Thiels.  But speaking just on tone, the Thiels are also Fantastic.  I think they are more neutral, but also let through the Golden tone of my CJ tube amps, The end resu... 
Thiel Owners
Here’s one of my dream tweaks for my 2.7s replace the front baffle, Which I think is MDF, With a thicker constrained layer damped aluminum Baffle.     Also, I’d like to hear my Thiels with the grills off, However I am allergic to the look of ... 
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
cool. Thanks for the further details. I’m glad you found your solution.   Coincidentally, I spent a long time experimenting With various heights and materials underneath my When making a platform for them to stand on. Changing the height an... 
End of a long quest to vanquish sibilance.
So, I will reiterate : "Everything matters" actually does mean every thing!     ^^^^  Actually, everything probably doesn’t matter. And it’s probably just that mindset that led you to take two years to figure out something that probably could’... 
Toe in is crucial
@fynnegan  I raised my Joseph audio perspective speakers up several inches on footers and a marble platform, and the result was a wonderful Increase in height and overall soundstage scale.  
JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2
@tjraubacher I’ve owned both Joseph, audio speakers and Harbeth. I’ve got a good bead on their sonic qualities. (You might also look up Herb Reichart’s review of the Joseph pulsars’s As he compares them to the Harbeth monitor and he nails the ... 
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
Thanks!  That’s what I figured. As I mentioned, I’ve heard the Harbeth 40s And my descriptions would be similar. Unfortunately, my room situation is complicated and wide speakers Won’t work well in the room.   However, I’ve got my Joseph perspe... 
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
@arafiq    bumping my question to you above :-)  
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
@arafiq       I forgotten you were the one with the thread comparing the Joseph audio perspectives to the Harbeth SuperHL5+. And you went with the josephs.   How interesting that you have now swapped the Josephs for the Harbeth 40.   I’d ... 
Townshend Pods under TT Don’t Do
I use the Townsend pods under my turntable and I’m very happy.   Several years ago, I bought a high mass turntable  - a trans  rotor fat Bob S - and I had a flimsy small Lovan rack sitting on a sprung wood floor to work with.   The combinat... 
Borresen X3 vs Harbeth 40.2 -- my impressions
Wonderful comparison!  Very well done.  This is the kind of stuff I come to these forms for. Your description is what I would pretty much have guessed At beforehand.  
Thiel Owners
Wow, great new info from @tomthiel and others! I still love my 2.7s.    I wonder what they would sound like upgraded :-)  
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
I’m certainly not saying that the “Magic“ isn’t there in the mid range of many of these British speakers. I absolutely adore the sound of my spenders speakers and loved the Harbeth speakers as well.  I still think In someways both Vocals in a ... 
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ?
As someone who owns Spendor, And has owned the Harbeth SuperHL5plus, and now Joseph Audio Perspectives 2 I can attest to what @helomech wrote.  
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better
Whatever the technical advantages in active designs, I’ve yet to hear a paradigm changing moment, listening to an active design. To me, they just sound like “yet another speaker” - They sound very good but not wow this is something new.   I au...