Responses from ejr1953
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype) It's just me, but I am open-minded to consider buying gently-used electronic devices on the used market for items that are currently available as new, but not so for speakers (and sub woofers), as I've found it's hard to determine if they've been ... | |
Beware, scammers everywhere Another thing I've encountered is that when I've listed an item for sale on Audiogon, the communication begins on the site, but the potential buyer wants to talk and basically transitions the transaction off the site. One time I spoke with the "b... | |
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles In 1978-1980 I worked at a high-end audio shop in DC and we had one of the early "electronic" systems where we could do "A/B" comparisons with either speakers, or electronics. One of my customers took a huge amount of time comparing a McIntosh so... | |
Why bogus retail price from some sellers? I once worked with a guy who worked as a car salesman; he told me that they didn't make much on people who educated themselves on how much they could pay for the cars he sold, that they made their profit on "lay downs" or customers who got a price... | |
Do you have a perfect digital marriage? I have a Roon Nucleus Plus (mainly streaming Qobuz), USB into a PS Audio DirectStream Mk2 DAC, which sound awesome together. I also have a PS Audio PST disk unit, I2S into the DAC, which I use very infrequently, but also sound awesome. The DAC s... | |
No God No! Say it Ain’t So! We all need to "take a deep breath" and relax for a bit. The Bose acquisition is probably not going the way of the Clarion years. Bose will probably assume the HR and accounting duties, but if they cheapened up the McIntosh product, they would b... | |
McIntosh purchased by Bose...NOT an April Fool's joke. Most PE companies purchase a firm with lots of cash and/or good cash flow, drain the cash and replace it with debt, keep the investment for a few years and sell off the asset. From what I've read Highlander Partners purchased McIntosh, but was ve... | |
Roon Nucleus Titan Upgrade Offer I got an email from Roon that the trade in on a new Nucleus Titan server is being offered again. I only know of one person who bought the server and had some problems with his unit, but Roon replaced it with one that works fine. Any other people... | |
Anyone Bought a Roon Nucleus Titan Server? @audiotroy I've enjoyed a Roon Nucleus Plus server for many years now, it sounds awesome connected to my PS Audio DirectStream Mk2 DAC vis USB. I thought it might be wise to get a new piece of hardware while they were offering a good trade in on ... | |
I am just very happy with my system. Me too! I pretty much got off the "upgrade train" a few years ago, but PS Audio encouraged me to upgrade my DirectStream DAC to the MK2 model, with an offer too good to be true, and to purchase their new CD/SACD transport, that I did that to "sta... | |
Upgrade to PS Audio Direcstream Mk1 and Mac Mini? I've enjoyed a Roon Nucleus Plus server, USB into my PS Audio DirectStream DAC, now the MK2 for several years now and highly recommend the combination. Roon offers a Nucleus One for $499, I suspect it would sound awesome connected to your PS Audi... | |
Do You Have to Play a Component to Warm it Up? ...back to the topic at hand... I fully power down my equipment as I don't listen every day and to have them on "standby" in my mind is a waste of electricity. I do find that after about 10 minutes my system seems to sound a very slight amount "... | |
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ? We moved into a newly-built home 3 1/2 years ago and the developer was willing to somewhat "customize" the bonus room above the garage, resulting in the best sounding room I've ever enjoyed! This house will be an awesome place to grow old in! So... | |
Food: what does the typical audiophile eat? One of my neighbors, a cardiologist, upon auditioning my audio system made the recommendation that I install a shelf in the listening room and place various sized glass bottles with various colors and amounts of liquids in them, to improve the sou... | |
Surge protector @immatthewj I don't think it matters where in the main panel the surge protectors go, but I'm not an electrician. The electrician who wired our new house placed them in the upper left slots on the main panel. In our previous home, that electri... |