
Responses from mantaman

What do/did you do for a living?
Small business owner (salvage work) govt. ins companies etc etc, never spent more than 10K on Audio past 50 years...... 
It will probably improve the (S/N ratio) IF.....mated to a pair of those 25000.00 dollar Oxygen free pure silver cables !!!!! 
Can't give up the old (McIntosh)
Was thinking of that myself, also maybe another 7100 to team up? 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
My MR80 (McIntosh) is (i think) over 25 years old and still pulls in the stations 
New upper trim level Corvette or seven year old used amps?
Toss the Amps, Toss the Vette, and get a 911, When U pass they will all be fighting over it !!! 
I have to downsize big time, any ideas on integrated amps and smaller 3 way speakers
I would go with the Harbeths, hard to beat at any price, and best of luck on your medical issues, Sir miracles do happen!!! 
$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???
Andy 2 hit it right on the head.....The value of (anything) is only what a person will pay for it.  My Lawyer's got speaker cables that cost more than (both) my cars !!! 
Do any of these interest you at all? (If you had the money)(Which I don't)
I do have the money, but none of them intrest 73 years old, my hearing has fallen off by approximately 70% (and even with hearing aids) i could not appreciate how great these speakers (must) sound.  In addition to this i have a very smal... 
A little History lesson on, "High- End" cables:
How (really) much better can a 25000.00 dollar pair sound than a 20000.00 dollar pair? 
Looking to Add to my 7100
Hiand thank you for your reply, but that's not what i asked, yes it is clipping!! 
which car is sitting in your listening room?
86 Porsche 928, 2000 Porsche 911, 63 Stude Avanti (R-2) 2018 Chrysler Pacifica, 2015 Chevy Volt, As mix and match as my Stereo gear...... 
Looking to replace my (Mcintosh)
Greetings,and thanks to all who have posted, i have decided to go with the (Mc 72 or 7300) due to physical restraints (room size) .  I might up grade my speakers (patinum audio solo, and KEF LS50) soon, what do you think would be a good match? 
Looking to replace my (Mcintosh)
Pre-amp is Mcintosh C-28 but that could change as well 
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why?
KLIPSCHORNS.......Nothing can top their "Full Tilt"   ""In your face"sound !!! 
$10k Speaker Cables??????????????
"A fool and his money are soon parted"......Some people have more money than (cents) sense, BTW, I'm not rich, but if i were, i still wouldn't give up my (Cardas) unless i heard a really appreciative difference !!!