
Responses from 2channel8

What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
I am surprised Oracle isn't getting more love. My Alexandria Mk III is a sweetheart, even with the modest Sumiko Premier MMT with Cardas rewire.  
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
I think it was around 1970 at Roosevelt Stadium in Jersey City, NJ. The stadium was located right on Newark Bay. We went to see Rod Stewart. The opening acts started playing in the afternoon. Lynyrd Skynyrd did the first set and just knocked it o... 
???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
My Primare I32 is it for me. They are up to model I35 now with a bunch of add-ons like built in DAC, and network player modules that boost the price to $4,500 minimum. If you don't need 150 watts the I25 lists for $3,299 new and delivers 100 watts... 
Phono preamp for a Denon 103R cartridge.
When I was running a Denon DL-301II I switced from a Schitt Mani (not 2) To an Emotiva XPS-1 and finally to a Musical Surroundings Phonomena II which I bought used for $295. I am very happy with the Phononena II and see no reason to upgrade. I now... 
Toe in is crucial
@w123ale , You are so right. I used this and it opened a whole new dimension of my system: https://isoteksystems.com/products/ultimate-system-set-up-disc/ Doesn't save time, but when you get it dialed in, WOW!  
Creativity on artists I dislike
The Dorks Long John Bawdy Billie Holiday Inn  
Creativity on artists I dislike
Bob Die Land Joan By Us S#!t Cargo Divine Scion (Celine Dione) Alanis More or Less  
Best for Classic/Progressive Rock and Blues
@johnnotkathi, I couldn't find the specs on your C735, but if it's got a little power the Canton Ergo 900dc @elliottbnewcombjr recommended should be awesome speakers. I have the 1002dc and love them in a room about your size. When I first got them... 
Dog pissed on speaker
I have no recommendadtions but I appreciate the humor. Sorry to laugh while you are in pain, OP.  
Comparison of sonic qualities of some tonearms
Here is an Analog Planet piece with links to several files comparing different SAT arms, if that helps at all. For deep pockets only. I couldn't get the files to play, but I am on a simple laptop at the moment. I hope it works for anyone intereste... 
Annoying newbie CD/SACD player question
Your Not-So-Obvious Best Fidelity LPs
Some time ago I bought a SACD player and it had a ripped copy or Mary Chapin Carpenter's Time*Sex*Love That sounds wonderful. I am sure the LP it was ripped from is even better. 10,000 Maniacs Blind Man's Zoo Peter Gabriel So Tim Buckley Happy ... 
Lowest priced MC thats better than a Premium MM?
My experience: The best MM I have is the Shure V15 VMR with a JICO SAS stylus. Very nice.  A Hana SL, $750 at the time. Very nice. And an AT33PTG/2,$549 when I bought it, but now it's $599 on the Audio-Technica site. This is my favorite by a go... 
What to do with a large collection
@rvpiano I am in the same situation, being 71 and not having cared for my most valuable material posession very well in my youth (my body). My great hope is that one of my kids or son-in-laws or any realtive will want them, as well as my system.... 
What was your first record?
I had Meet The Beatles, But I didn't buy it.