Holographic DAC With Air And Decay

Like the title says what’s your vote for favorite Dac when it comes air, decay and three dimensional soundstage?  Looking at 3k or less used. I tend to prefer R2R and, or tubes.  I suppose I'm open to other options as long as it sounds smooth and refined. As always I look forward to all your input, thanks!  


See if you can demo the Lab 12 DAC 1 Ref or order the LTA DAC with a 14 day trial period.  

I own the Lab 12 and like it a lot.  Used ones are out there for $2200 or so. New they are $3300.  The LTA is more than your budget but is supposed to sound great.  

I'm not sure  you can buy air by the pound. Can I ask how you arrived at 3K? We all live in a budget I realize but are you looking for the last DAC you'll ever buy or just an interim DAC until you're financial situation improves? 

If I'm just voting I really liked my PSAudio Mk1.  They can be had for less than 3k used and were originally a 6K DAC.  There are better DACs I'm sure but just for the money they are hard to beat.

@brylandgoodman - I recommend looking at the Merason Dac1 Mki. You might be able to find a used unit at roughly that budget. @mitch2 - Recently completed a review of six dacs where he reviewed the Merason Dac1 mkii, which has the same - but improved - general presentation as the mki. 

I've had that Dac in both versions and feel it's very musical and feels it's relaxed nature focuses on air and decay vs. the leading edges of the notes. 

There are some used Mytek Manhattan dacs out there in this price range, Stereophile Class A+ recommended.  They sound incredible. Benchmark DAC3 is great too in this price range. 

Look for a preowned BRYSTON BDA-3. You will see one go up every now and then. 

I am a member of aBig Audio club , I Sell Denafrips R2R dacs and products ,I hear most everythung out there ,that’s why I took on this line excellent sonics and value.

 this New Pontus  Gen-15  dac. Retails  for only $2k and built better then Anything at $3k , don’t take my word for it  look at this $3k Venus ,then the Pontus 15 

the Pontus is  exactly the same build ,they discontinued the Venus , with a better Venus coming out in Nov , dual decks 2 Big independent 80VA transformers for the D&A conversion ,not just one . 005 tolerance resistors , dual TCOC clocks 

very expensive white Evox capacitors from Japan. The sonics and build are without peer at its price point  just compare several rave reviews coming out soon .

Denafrips has certainly been "the" DAC for the last two or three years.

It might be fact of the sheer number of them in the field but there

always seems to be an abundance of used models for sale. I'm trying 

the Mhdt Orchid which is quite a pleasant listen.


This forum.....

When the pundits post "try ________" I am reminded of an Arby's sign advertising "try our new New York corn beef Reuben". 

The truth; it is not the role of a DAC, nor is it realistic to expect any DAC to provide holography, air, or decay. Those attributes come from two things-the recording and the loudspeakers. Everything in between can only screw it up. But add it? Nope. Btw, most DAC's do screw up decay due to the necessary time domain filtering. So if you don't want to SCREW UP decay, look for a non-filtering DAC. And remember, there are always compromises in the pursuit of recreating music in the home, regardless of price. 

As I preface, personally the R2Rs I have heard are too laid back.  Many like that  presentation.  To each our own.  That said, consider auditioning a used Wyred4Sound 10th Anniversary DAC or used Bricasti M3.  Read the pro reviews on the ability of these two units to reproduce imaging and sound staging.  More important to me is image density.  Both excel here.  In addition, both units are emotive, not sterile.  I use a 10th Anniversary in a high resolution system. I recently compared it head to head to the Bartok Apex, Mola Mola Tambaqui, and Bricasti M21 and M1. Note each system was different.  My process was to have a lengthy listen to my 10 Anniversary in their system, then their DAC, with the same set of recordings.  I also was able to compare the 3 Bricasti DACs in the same manner.  All of these DACs were better … better at detail retrieval, imaging, and staging, but not 2 to 5 times better in relationship to cost.  Where the 10th was competitive was image density or, in other words, organic palpability … and the quality of being emotive.   I am currently saving pennies to reach for a used Bricasti M21 or Tambaqui.  DCS is more sterile IMHO.  However, the 10th Anniversary and M3 will get you very close.   In conclusion, I recommend you aud a used 10th Anniversary or a used M3.  Good luck. 

Sorry, I did not address air and decay.  Both the 10th Anniversary and M3 have the ability to produce silent backgrounds.  Both are excellent at reproducing micro as well as macro dynamics.  Both are excellent at detail retrieval at their price point.  Air, ambience, secondary harmonics and decay are well reproduced if the recording engineer has done his job to record them.  Listen to any of the recordings from 2L, Stockfish, or simply put on Dire Straits On Every Street album.  

It is a $1000 above your price point but I think it is worth the stretch.  I compared a slew of DACs this past year and the Holo May KTE was the clear winner.  Used price with a bit of bargaining ought to be right around $4k.  Huge stage with depth, air, dynamics and tonal density.  It easily beat out the PS Audio Directstream MK2, Berkeley Ref 2, Gustard R26, Eversolo A8, and ANK 4.1x LE.  I have also owned the Pontus II, Aries, and Gustard X26 and they are simply not in the same league.  If you are on a tight budget the Eversolo A8 is a very respectable DAC and an excellent streamer.

Denafrips Pontus II fed by an IRIS in front + Klipschhorns powered by a good SET.

@fsonicsmith +10!!!

it’s not really about the dac as you correctly state. I have an old Topping D50 that lets the air through very nicely if it is present in the recording AND coupled to the right speakers

thoughts on the Geshelli Labs Dayzee? Going to Capital Audiofest and excited to have a listen...

It probably depends on the custom build, but the boards are socketed, so you can roll op amps like you do with tubes to (hopefully) create the sound you're looking for.

I will keep it simple and encourage you to do your own research regarding this DAC. Consider a used Lampizator Amber 3 or 4. 

Fsonicsmith +1, my Ares denafrifs 1 dac and Yamaha s 1000 as transport did not do holographic sound until I started using marigo apparition digital cable and Audioquest diamond Xlr.OP many dacs are capable it’s the audiophile job to find the right match.

I highly recommend one the the Ayre Acoustics DACs.  You won't be disappointed.

Another Denafrips lover here. I have had the Pontus ll for a few years now and it still makes me smile.



Starkrimson PecanPi+ Streamer Premium


I have basic version whiich sounds pretty good even compared with Chord Dave and Mscaler combo.



The Gustard X30 was just announced in June and became available on the market this August. While I haven’t heard it myself, it has received top ratings for soundstage size, to the best of my knowledge. I just wanted to bring it to your attention.


I agree with @fsonicsmith1 and am going to add an observation.  Yes, holography, air, and decay are in or absent from the recordings and should not originate or be manipulated by the dac. In my experience you want to prioritize resolution over analog like musicality. I would look for a well implemented Sabre dac, like the Musetec 005, 006, or Gustard X30, which are musical and have amazing resolution, not an R2R dac.

++++++1 Denafrips Pontus II (latest edition). I have had mine for a few years, and it is still one of the most musical and enjoyable DACs I've ever heard.....and for the $2,000 cost, is a ridiculous deal. I run mine out of a Denafrips Iris DDC (another great deal) via I2S, which takes the whole game up another notch.....you'll notice a bunch of us use the Denafrips Pontus/DDC combo

Yes there are better DACS, and yes I will upgrade the Pontus at some point, but that will be with a DAC 3 to 5 times the cost.

I think there are multiple factors that go into a holographic sound with air (aka ambient cues).

  1. The acoustics of your room have to be right. Uncontrolled stray reverberation can reduce the sense of air as can rooms that are too acoustically damped.
  2. Speakers have to be set up correctly for better resolution in the sweet spot.

In terms of DACs, I have a Denafrips Pontus II with the original firmware version. It conveys air and ambient cues in an organic sounding way. I’ve heard both the dCS Bartok and Rossini. Both sounded somewhat synthetic in tonal quality to me while the Pontus, though not the last word in resolution, produces music that sounds like its produced from blood, sweat, and tears. As crazy as this will sound, I wouldn't take either one of the dCS DACs I heard over the Pontus.  If I step up from the Pontus, it will be to the Linn Organik DAC in one of their network music players. That takes the organic sound that the Pontus offers to the next level of resolution and presence.

Here’s some ways to make the air and 3D soundstaging from the Pontus be even more audible in order of increasing price.

  1. Audioquest Jitterbug if using the USB input: This ~$50 device increased the clarity of the sound and reduced digital edginess.
  2. Power cable: I’ve tried 11 power cables including a basic $15 Tripp-Lite Heavy Duty power cable up to a $1400 Shunyata Research Delta XC (admittedly for power conditioners but not DACs but it was loaned to me for free by a friend). My DAC sounded best with $95 Supra LoRad power cable. Beneficial effects from the perspective of making "air" and 3D soundstaging more evident were:
    • Quieter background
    • Better separation and placement of instruments and voices
    • Better resolution of low-level detail

  3. Power conditioner: I got an Audioquest Niagara 1200 this past July. Effect of the power conditioner were more of the same as produced by the Supra power cable.

Topping E70 Velvet. Even when level-matched (which most comparators fail to bother with), it sounds a fair bit better than many costlier options.

DAC technology is completely mature. Dacs like the Benchmark DAC3 and Bryston 3 are old news. One reason for this is that DAC technology has largely mirrored the evolutionary pace of other consumer electronics such as TVs and smartphones. The same can’t be said for the likes of 2-channel amps and large speakers. A $300 DAC made today meets or exceeds the performance of $3000 DACs of a decade ago. And no, I’m not saying that as a zealot of the ASR forum cult. I say that because it’s true in my personal experience.

If you want more “air and decay” from your system, in 99/100 cases, the best route is to upgrade your speakers, especially to models that are phase and time aligned and incorporate truly high end drivers. That or invest in room treatments.

In terms of DACs, if you’re convinced of the alleged superiority of R2R, then I recommend going with one of the only couple brands that manage to employ that topology and still manage high resolution: Holo or Denafrips.


I would definitely look at the Wyred4sound 10th anniversary DAC, one of the reviewers put it up against his VPI turntable with a $5,000 Japanese cartridge and he said it was every bit as analog sounding, on that review I decided to buy it and try it and I totally agree it is so smooth and detailed but not analytical, best DAC I've had in my system and they also give you a 30-day trial period if you don't like it you can send it back and get your money back I obviously didn't, this dac has also gone up against DAC's double and triple the price and beat them from many other well-known companies.

Since you mentioned you prefer R2R DAC’s maybe look into the Dutch made Metrum and Sonnet DAC’s.

Depending on the model the price point for new or used would be within your budget.

@fsonicsmith wrote:

The truth; it is not the role of a DAC, nor is it realistic to expect any DAC to provide holography, air, or decay. Those attributes come from two things-the recording and the loudspeakers. Everything in between can only screw it up. But add it? Nope. 

The truth, you say? Why would a DAC that contributed notably to holography, air, etc. do so as an "addition" rather than expose what other DAC's might not be able to, and by doing so more readily reveal what's actually in the recording? Moreover, from my chair removing the passive crossover of a speaker and replacing it with a high quality digital crossover/DSP situated prior to quality outboard amps actively will most surely aid the resolving and micro/macro dynamic capabilities of such a speaker, and thus make for a more transparent solution to reveal what goes on on the DAC side of things (and prior to it with the source delivery).

A specific recording statically is what it is, and the source delivery --> DAC (+ amp to speaker interface) can definitely more or less "conceal" what's entailed in it; opening up that potential isn't an addition to what a recording is but rather unfolding it into something more uninhibited/less concealed. 

Having said that: personally I wouldn't hunt down a DAC that über excelled in the areas mentioned, as I find it can be at the expense of tonal authenticity, texture and density of presentation (say, rather than a Mola Mola Tambaqui perhaps I'd go with a Weiss DAC1). Preference and all that jazz. 

Btw, most DAC's do screw up decay due to the necessary time domain filtering. So if you don't want to SCREW UP decay, look for a non-filtering DAC

That seems presumptive. Do you know that as a fact? 

The Abbas Audio DAC 3.1 stands out as the most captivating holographic DAC I’ve encountered, renowned for its exceptional air and decay characteristics. This DAC exudes a romantic quality that’s truly unparalleled. To paint a picture: imagine if Claude Debussy had pursued engineering instead of music - the Abbas DAC 3.1 would likely be his masterpiece.

Crafted in Ukraine by Mr. Abbas, this DAC is a harmonious blend of vintage components and modern technology. Its gold circuit board, hand-crafted transformers, and unique wiring - utilizing air isolation and copper strands sourced from vintage radios - all contribute to its distinctive sound signature.

In my experience, the Abbas DAC 3.1 has outperformed several high-end contenders, including my previous Lampizator Big7 and Ear Yoshino DAC4, as well as the Audio Note 4.1. I’ve had the opportunity to compare it against renowned references such as DCS Vivaldi, MSB, Aries Cerat Cassandra, Totaldac, and Playback Design. While these are all exceptional DACs in their own right, none quite capture the imagination like the Abbas.

Listening to music through the DAC 3.1 is a transcendent experience, often inducing a trance-like state. It reminds me of Lucasz’s comment about Tim de Paravicini’s DAC 4, which he dismissed as "just a toy." Interestingly, I still prefer the DAC4 over any LampizatOr, but the Abbas DAC 3.1 surpasses them both in my estimation.

I’ve recently acquired the DAC 3.2 as well, which shares many similarities with the 3.1 but presents a slightly less romantic and more analytical sound. However, it’s worth noting that it’s still new and may evolve after a proper burn-in period, potentially matching the dreamy qualities of its predecessor.



+1 fsonicsmith. In my experience, the non-oversampling, non-filtering DACs have sounded more like real music to me with fewer digital artifacts. I'd consider LTA, Border Patrol, and Aqua DACs.

"The OP seems to have disappeared" - Seems to happen quite a bit recently, wonder if it's click bait to keep engagement up.

+1 @fsonicsmith 

For your pricepoint, you might take a listen to a Mark Levinson 360S. Yes - quite old, but in my experience very nicely carries forward the air, decay, and details already in the program material...

I’ll add another vote for the Wyred4Sound Anniversary DAC. I previously used the Pontus II + Iris combo and liked the laid back and natural tone very much. The W4S DAC was a big step up, improving the clarity, pace and details while not sounding digital. If you purchase it make sure to also order the Recovery and DC blocker units (thanks @jsalerno277).

I’m curious about the Gustard X30 and HoloAudio Cyan. If Denafrips ups the game on the Pontus or Venus that would interest me. 

@fanofmsu Yes I use the ISO and DC Recovery.  They elevate the performance notably with a blacker background, better detail retrieval and imaging/staging.  Replacing the Wyred supplied USB and wall wart LPS with higher quality products is mandatory to achieve the performance I speak of.  However, for transparency, even though I believe the 10th Anniversary one of the best under $5k DACs and competitive with DACs many times its price in the areas I mentioned in my previous post, I am making my final improvement for my retirement system and picking up a Mola Mola Tambaqui from GTT Audio tomorrow.  The 10th Anniversary will be on the market soon.  I am going for that extra level of detail retrieval, extra level of analog/tube-like sweetness, liquidity, imaging/staging the Tambaqui provides.  It comes at a cost but I will not be making any more changes in retirement. 


@sls883 @fanofmsu I'm curious myself, particularly about how the Cyan 2 stacks up against the X30. Given the big price disparity, I would assume the X30 could easily outclass the Cyan 2. However, if the sound quality improvement isn't significant, the Cyan 2 might still be a solid choice.