Responses from fsonicsmith
Need to learn about Audio Research I'd use a used Ref 5 or 6 preamp as they are arguably "straight wire with gain" and don't color tamper with the input signal. I don't quite agree with this, fwiw. The Ref 6 when running balanced does something to the input to make it more spati... | |
Need to learn about Audio Research If you do a search you can find Mike Fremer's video tour of the ARC factory. With the recent acquisition by Acora little if anything has changed. Dave Gordon can be seen in Fremer's video doing listening-tests of each and every Ref Series amp that... | |
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor @jetter What was actually accomplished? Not a thing, and for that, I do apologize. I am sincerely not proud of just trashing someone else for little reason other than a flowery review of a product that I would never buy. | |
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor @jetter I was over the line, accepted my post being deleted with an apology, and then unfortunately felt the need to make my point. Funny thing though-thinking about this thread made me do a search for Stereotimes and another "flavor of the mo... | |
Devore O/96 with high powered amplifiers The DeVore can do bass nicely but its important to keep in mind the speaker is not designed for a tube amp with a higher damping factor. At shows DeVore is often seen using an SET with no feedback which has a lower damping factor. He is relying o... | |
Devore O/96 with high powered amplifiers I was expecting strong bass, especially with the high powered amps; however, this is not the case. Looking at your virtual system it is curious that you went from Wilsons to the Orangutan 96 if strong bass was your priority. There are always t... | |
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor @teajay We are in times when it is critical to find commonality and goodwill in others. I understand you are a fine person and I will try my best to show you a bit more respect. I should have simply ignored the entire thread rather than publish ... | |
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor You take this much to too seriously! Fixed. To be quite frank, in my opinion, many of the print magazine reviewers use some of the stupidest analogies , metaphors and abstruse/esoteric language in their reviews. Irony, I imagine. I'm just a Ho... | |
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor Please step back and think about the concept of being a reviewer. The reason for the word "reviewer" rather than "tester" or "researcher" is that subjectivity is involved. Food is a good example of subjective taste (pun intended). If looking for a... | |
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor I accept as valid my post-deletion. Apologies! But what if we were on a wine forum and one poster repeatedly posted links to his wine publication in which he onlya touted the wines of a single producer who happened to be a good friend of his? | |
Devore O/96 with high powered amplifiers I have powered my Devore O/93's with an ARC Ref 150 SE and it sounds better than with my ARC Ref 80S. They simply come alive to a greater degree with the higher power. High powered amps with high efficiency speakers are fine so long as hum is not... | |
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles Has Mr. Alexander ever put together a concoction and then thought to himself, "This is a bad idea"? Even the most revered masters of fine painting were known to have painted over their work such that one canvas worth millions is known to have ano... | |
Stereophile review of the new Wilson Watt/Puppy I've said it before; most of us buy with our eyes and not with our hearts. You would think we were Hollywood celebs at the Academy Awards complete with tuxes/gowns and repeat plastic surgery. The Jamie Curtises of the world are few and far between... | |
Audio Research GS 150 or REF 75SE? @ghdprentice "Characteristics: The REF 75SE is often described as having a warm and inviting sound with excellent dynamicsand soundstaging. It’s also noted for its auto bias feature and pentode/triode mode switch." I own the Ref 75SE it does ... | |
Audio Research GS 150 or REF 75SE? Get the best of both with an ARC REF150 or REF150SE :) To the best of my knowledge the GS-which stood for a rather short-lived "Galileo Series"-150 IS a Ref 150SE with different casework and meters but no functional difference. The new Ref se... |