Responses from tomcarr
Shipping speakers from West Coast to East Coast Hopefully they will arrive in perfect condition! | |
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... @mapman Excellent point about synergy with matching components. I'm acutely aware of its value that can make or break a system but failed to mention it. Thank you for bringing it up. Very important point. | |
How to find local audiophiles Yeah, lonely hobby we pursue. I only have one friend who is an audiophile, the other friends just aren't interested. No audio clubs here in a city of 200k+. Like I said, lonely hobby. | |
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... @audiorusty Hello. By setup I meant the position of the speakers and the listening seat. | |
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms? Yes | |
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead +1 for all of the above who voted for monoblocks. I love mine. | |
Class A, A/B vs Class D amp Soundstage Hope you get things sorted out. I have been very happy with my class D PS Audio M1200 monoblocks. No complaints about soundstage. | |
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report Pure 80s | |
A life sentence!!! I can't pick just one coz I love my current main system. McIntosh SACD/CD pre PS Audio Stellar M1200 monoblocks B&W 803 D3 Anticables interconnects and speaker cables Artisanal hand built custom rack Primacoustic acoustic panels | |
Help needed to make system better, please 65 dB isn't very loud. My system sounds bleached and anemic at 65 dB. At 85 it sounds magnificent, glorious, powerful, wonderful! | |
AC Power I had a dedicated line installed. Better sound, less noise. Very happy. | |
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? Peaks of 80-88 dB if my wife is in the shower, or not home. C weighted. Fast response. Measured at the listening seat, 8' from plane of speakers. One time, listening briefly at really loud levels (about 94), I got curious. Got up and measure... | |
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question +1 @bojack Hopefully step 1 works for the OP. That is exactly what I did and it worked for me (my post above, step 1 only). | |
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question You might play around with toe-in. My B&W 803D sounded too bright when positioned toed-in to face the listening seat as per the manufacturer's recommendation, but I was able to tame that down significantly by re-positioning the speakers so the... | |
Listening Eyes closed, in the sweet spot, dedicated room for the main system. Two other systems are used for background music when desired. |