
Responses from tomcarr

Shipping speakers from West Coast to East Coast
Hopefully they will arrive in perfect condition!  
And the biggest influence on sound quality is...
@mapman Excellent point about synergy with matching components. I'm acutely aware of its value that can make or break a system but failed to mention it. Thank you for bringing it up. Very important point.  
How to find local audiophiles
Yeah, lonely hobby we pursue. I only have one friend who is an audiophile, the other friends just aren't interested. No audio clubs here in a city of 200k+. Like I said, lonely hobby.  
And the biggest influence on sound quality is...
@audiorusty Hello. By setup I meant the position of the speakers and the listening seat.  
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms?
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead
+1 for all of the above who voted for monoblocks. I love mine.  
Class A, A/B vs Class D amp Soundstage
Hope you get things sorted out. I have been very happy with my class D PS Audio M1200 monoblocks. No complaints about soundstage.   
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Pure 80s  
A life sentence!!!
I can't pick just one coz I love my current main system. McIntosh SACD/CD pre PS Audio Stellar M1200 monoblocks B&W 803 D3 Anticables interconnects and speaker cables  Artisanal hand built custom rack Primacoustic acoustic panels  
Help needed to make system better, please
65 dB isn't very loud. My system sounds bleached and anemic at 65 dB. At 85 it sounds magnificent, glorious, powerful, wonderful!  
AC Power
I had a dedicated line installed. Better sound, less noise. Very happy.  
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
Peaks of 80-88 dB if my wife is in the shower, or not home. C weighted.  Fast response. Measured at the listening seat, 8' from plane of speakers. One time, listening briefly at really loud levels (about 94), I got curious. Got up and measure... 
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
+1 @bojack Hopefully step 1 works for the OP. That is exactly what I did and it worked for me (my post above, step 1 only).  
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
You might play around with toe-in. My B&W 803D sounded too bright when positioned toed-in to face the listening seat as per the manufacturer's recommendation, but I was able to tame that down significantly by re-positioning the speakers so the... 
Eyes closed, in the sweet spot, dedicated room for the main system. Two other systems are used for background music when desired.