Why People Like Tekton

I saw this You Tube clip yesterday and I really think this guy gave one of the most well-reasoned explanations of why some people gave up their hyper-detailed "audiophile" speakers for Tekton.  I've never heard them myself, but I think the same reasoning applies to many other brands like Harbeth, Spendor, Wharfdale, etc.  I personally feel the way he does, but I think he expressed it better than I would have.  Eventually, at some point in the journey, you may get tired of listening to the singer's saliva and chairs creaking and just want to relax and hear music in a more natural manner.and not with your ear 6" from the singer's mouth.  Or maybe you do.  Anyway - take a watch if you have the time.  And I'm guessing most of you do. 



Answered easily - they offer good value for the money (at least the pair I heard at AXPONA a few years back).

Are they the last word in fidelity? No, but they certainly weren't bad. 

Do they have a family 'sound' characteristic? I don't know since they seem to have way too many models and I've not heard them. But, it does look like many share the same drivers so I imagine there is some common sound element.

Would I buy them? Nope. I found the sound to be somewhat 'generic'.

So one may Upgrade from a cheap Ghetto Blaster to one with multiple tweeters  that sound all over the place … Cool   


<I'm told there's a fly in the studio on the Beatles recording of Because on the Abby Road Album.  Anybody heard it? >

That fly he's got three legs...

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Speaking of MC, looks like he is selling his Raven Blackhawk and moving to solid state, Pass Labs.

Raven Blackhawk


Some funny comments here! What I don’t understand & hopefully someone can help is how many speakers have only one tweeter & sound relatively balanced w/ nice extended high end & others like Tektons , McIntosh etc have many tweeters & also sound more or less balanced too??

@jonwatches - Funny you brought up the SHL5s, because back when I had my big Naim rig years ago, the SHL5s were fully capable of delivering every nuance of Nora Jones' saliva and lips, so it's really about what they're connected to.  Probably the same with Tekton.  That was a great system.  But I think one has to come to the point to where they are honest with themselves about what they like to listen to and not what the audiophile magazines tell them is good.  Some people never get there. 


I love my archaic Harbeth Super HL5+ (resonant panels! inneficient! mundane tweeter materials! a fxcking port!) They are just a joy for listening; I don’t think about them when I am using them

Beautiful sound, and wonderful levels of detail, but not in your face; if you want to listen deeper, more is always there (Stevie talking to his horn players at beginning of Superstition; the beautiful work by Brian Jones on Beggars Banquet)

Not a fan of lip-smacking or guitars made to sound like harpsichords.  Diana Krall and Nils Lofgren recordings *not* on my speaker audition list - too manufactured (I respect the artists, it’s the recordings that aren’t to my taste)

“Mining for Gold” by the Cowboy Junkies is my idea of a speaker audition song. Just Margot, that pure, pure voice, and the clunky church HVAC system in the background

Yes, I’m from the Dionysian school of audio, though I respect the Apollonian approach

Have a great day!

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I think this thread, like many others, demonstrates the difficulty of expressing one's ideas in writing so clearly that everyone comprehends what you were trying to say.  I'm sure many of you have experienced the same thing.  This was not meant to be a pro-Tekton thread. I never even saw one.  It was meant to be an explanation of their popularity because they are technically "inferior" to the top-rated audiophile speakers some people value so much.  I've written before how people enjoyed music more on jukeboxes and car radios because they were not overly analytical and allowed the listener to just melt into the music without being distracted by little extraneous sounds.  This analysis applies not only to Tekton, but to many other brands as well. So my point- what Thomas explained so well, I thought, is that when some listeners get tired of listening to saliva, they gravitate towards speakers like Tekton, but there are many other speakers he could have mentioned that are in this category.  So it's not about the speaker, it's about the listener.  As stated above, the best speaker is the one you like best.  Absolutely. 

I'd have difficulty enjoying a speaker that looks like the outcome of an unholy tryst between a spider and a coffin...

I have Tekton speakers. Specifically the troubadour. 
they basically shine with any electronics. 
they are the perfect blend of detail, balance and liveliness.

they punch way way way above their weight class. 
im certain in blind listening tests even the most tuned ears would 

assume these speakers are deep into the thousands.


@tomic601  Jim, I'm sure it sounds amazing! Agree with the general consensus that you can have lots of detail, as long as it's not ear-searingly bright.

i don’t think my reference system gives up much detail in service of the music

I have not had a chance to hear tekton in person. I most likely won't be giving up my Rockport Atria II to get a pair but yoy never know. 

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Brian, remember i had stacked ESL w Decca ribbons for years….. ;-) i don’t think my reference system gives up much detail in service of the music, but who knows…maybe that chick with the Stradivarius..is deaf… ?


I'm told there's a fly in the studio on the Beatles recording of Because on the Abby Road Album.  Anybody heard it? 

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Quested Studio Range Speakers to my ears sound well balanced warm, musical yet they can deliver all the details in a relaxed manner i find them ultra low fatique for a Studio Speaker and can outclass many high end audio speakers for the same money.

The same cant be said about other Studio speakers which i would never use for music listening. It really comes down to how the speaker is voiced.

Low fatique is an important factor in my book.

Do we have to have another thread on Tekton?  Enough already and I own a whole theater room set.

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I own a pair of Tektons. Enzo XL's

What they're good at, well, they do well......

I would say their sound is anything but analytical. 

That being said, this whole $3K vs $30k "giant killer" thing is straight up bullshit.

Mine are loud, forward, not relaxed in their presentation and absolutely perfect if I want to play AC/DC or Ozzy loudly after a six pack.

Unfortunately, I don't really listen like that anymore.

I've outgrown them and moved on to a decent pair of OB speakers. 

I don't care how good Tektons sound, I'm just not there anymore in my listening journey. They do something really well that I've kind of lost interest in. I could see where they would be perfect for someone, I'm just not that guy anymore.

As a Tekton owner, thought I'd chime in and give M2CW.


No need to hate, Tekton markets their hype. I would too, that's how you make money......

No need to over-hype, either.

You like what you like. If they work for you, great.

If you hear something else you like, well......you pays your money, and you takes your choice. ;)




I don’t know if there is some kind of concerted effort to push this brand on this site, but if that is the case, the shills are doing the brand a disservice.  I have heard two models—the Double Impact and the MOAB—and both sounded quite good to me, particularly given the price.  The sound is more akin to old, high efficiency designs than the thinner, more tipped up in frequency response designs that are common these days.  Both were quite lively sounding.  To compare with modern extremes, they are closer to Audio Note than to Magico.  While they may not be everyone’s favorite, I find it hard to believe anyone who heard it would actually hate the sound—it has no extreme flaws or weaknesses and it is tonally reasonably balanced.

I also like that these are reasonably efficient speakers that can work with my favorite kind of amps, which are, low-powered tube amps.

I have certainly been turned off by many hyper detailed systems… ear bleeding, no musicality. 

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I agree with bigkidz and my D2s are superbly detailed but totally natural and musical, listenable to for hours with a tweeter that will stun you with detail and never hurt your ears with 'too much detail'. Ha.

If it's too much detail, and glaring and bright, and not-so-listenable, I don't think you're hearing detail, perhaps distortion, or diamond tweeters (ouch).

Somehow that combo of detail and musicality, not murky and musicality seems to cost more.

It is all system dependent.  Detail does not mean bright to me but I can see where some people may feel that way.  You have to adjust your system to each component as most are not just plug and play.  Why not have both detail and musicality? 


Happy Listening.  

You might be surprised. Fast attack time of Decca and Quad ESL57s is not cloth eared mellow! 😉

;-) Brian…i don’t think anything in your system falls into the hyper detailed camp…

@tomic601 Respectfully, I disagree that "hyper detail" is distortion. Low noise floor,  responsive electronics, and light diaphragms help. 

none hyper detailed as that leading edge exaggeration is distortion…

Here is a quote from Thomas & Stereo (the guy in the video) from the youtube page for this video:

"For those people who prefer musical speakers over analytical speakers, these should be consider. Do keep in mind that they are VERY big and you need to space to let it shine."

Yes you have to be careful not to make your system sound analytical as you move up the audio ladder, but not all expensive systems or speakers sound analytical. I don’t think it’s anywhere near accurate to say that you have two types of speakers, Tekton and analytical (I know that's not what he's saying.  I'm exaggerating to make a point.)

I’ve never heard Tektons so I can’t comment on their sound, but it’s nice when a less expensive speaker has the sound that you’re looking for. Tekton has a lot of fans and I say good for them!


To my ears, hyper detail means very bright.  No thank you.  I don't want to hear someone coughing or farting during a concert.

I think they have a place in the market. I never comment on gear I have not heard. I now have about 8 hours listening to various models in solid rooms and systems. Not my cup of tea, but I understand why some like them. Carry on. Note a careful look at my 3 systems pages will reveal 8 or so pairs of speakers, none hyper detailed as that leading edge exaggeration is distortion….


Now I am rather concerned for the health of certain visitor known

to be on the Tekton bench.

Hyper-detail alone is just one part of the whole. Acoustics have a lot to do with that like most things along with the gear. We want it all and we want it now!

To me hyper detail is not desirable. I attend lots of live music events and hyper detail never hits my ears. However, some folks have taste that enjoy having equipment That can bring the tiniest recording details to the listener. I have never heard a tekton speaker but from comments I have read one thing that consistently stands out is the level of performance and perceived value.