Why People Like Tekton

I saw this You Tube clip yesterday and I really think this guy gave one of the most well-reasoned explanations of why some people gave up their hyper-detailed "audiophile" speakers for Tekton.  I've never heard them myself, but I think the same reasoning applies to many other brands like Harbeth, Spendor, Wharfdale, etc.  I personally feel the way he does, but I think he expressed it better than I would have.  Eventually, at some point in the journey, you may get tired of listening to the singer's saliva and chairs creaking and just want to relax and hear music in a more natural manner.and not with your ear 6" from the singer's mouth.  Or maybe you do.  Anyway - take a watch if you have the time.  And I'm guessing most of you do. 



Showing 1 response by larryi

I don’t know if there is some kind of concerted effort to push this brand on this site, but if that is the case, the shills are doing the brand a disservice.  I have heard two models—the Double Impact and the MOAB—and both sounded quite good to me, particularly given the price.  The sound is more akin to old, high efficiency designs than the thinner, more tipped up in frequency response designs that are common these days.  Both were quite lively sounding.  To compare with modern extremes, they are closer to Audio Note than to Magico.  While they may not be everyone’s favorite, I find it hard to believe anyone who heard it would actually hate the sound—it has no extreme flaws or weaknesses and it is tonally reasonably balanced.

I also like that these are reasonably efficient speakers that can work with my favorite kind of amps, which are, low-powered tube amps.